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August 2 1895/1995

Susquehanna – The Erie care repair shops are rushed with work, equipping freight cars with safety appliances, to conform to the Interstate Commerce Law. There will be fewer dead and crippled brakemen as the years roll by.

Rush – Isaac Haire, of Rush, has improved the appearance of his premises by placing a new fence around his lawn. He has also added ringlets, the new popular game of the season, for the amusement of his friends and guests.

Harford – The Executive Committee of the Harford Fair have had the old dining hall removed, and are preparing to build a new and more commodious one in its place. AND Grasshoppers have caused much damage to oats and buckwheat. Some fields of oats have lost nearly all the grain. Buckwheat in blossom has been spared, but some pieces have lost everything save the stubs of the stalks. Oats are being cut before ripe, to save as much as possible. It is feared that the hoppers will eat off the silk from the growing corn. Crops in valleys are less damaged than on the hills. Potatoes are likely to prove a small crop. The long continued drought is the undoubted cause.

Alford – Miss Alma Ellsworth, living near Alford, is suffering the rigors of a misfortune that may cost her life. While carrying a lighted kerosene lamp one evening last week, the same fell from her hand, igniting the oil, and setting her clothing on fire, burning her face and body severely before her mother could smother the flames. The mother’s hand was badly burned also. The doctor now thinks there is a fair chance for recovery.

East Rush – Fred Hardy says if the person who took that tub of butter out of his cellar one night recently will return it he will give them the case and cover belonging to the tub, as they are no good to him.

Elk Lake – We are all expecting to go to the picnic at Elk Lake, Aug. 14. The Rev. A.W. Phillips announces his intention of not speaking; says he believes in having a good social time, rather than speech-making on such occasions. We heartily agree with him.

Brookdale – There was a ball game at Conklin Saturday, several wagons loads from Laceyville and Franklin Forks attended. We hope when young men from Brookdale go through Lawsville, as Franklin Forks did, they will not scream like wild Indians and call people names.

Montrose – Any one wishing a copy of Blackman’s history of Susquehanna County can purchasr the same of the clerks at the commissioners’ office. In the years to come this book will doubtless be of great historical value.

News Brief – Ladies, it grieves us to say it, but the balloon sleeves must go. The Princess of Wales and her daughter won’t wear them any more, and that settles it.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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