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August 19 1904/2004

South Gibson - Ninety-one persons were in attendance at the Brundage reunion held in Harford, August 10, despite the rainy morning. Those from a distance were Mrs. A.N. Brundage and Mrs. W.W. Michael of Syracuse; Freeling Brundage, Salem, Pa.; Ed Hight, wife and two daughters of Tunkhannock; A.W. Howard and wife and Mrs. Norman Howard and sons of Scranton; Mrs. Marion Betts of Binghamton; Mrs. Mabel Bell and son of Philadelphia, and Oliver Payne and wife of Poyntelle.

Susquehanna - One morning recently while Joseph O'Connor was walking near a clump of bushes in Drinker Creek, a large rattlesnake emerged from the bushes and was about to spring upon him. He picked up a large stone and killed it; the snake measured 4 1/2 ft, and had 12 rattles. It also had 36 young ones. AND In Hallstead, Mrs. Jacob J. Compton had an exciting experience with a rattlesnake near her home. She was returning through her garden when she was attacked by the snake. With her hand she tore the reptile loose from her garments and as she shook her clothing she was horrified to discover that it was a rattlesnake. Upon examining her clothing, Mrs. Compton found that the snake had bitten into her garments, its fangs having passed through three thick nesses of cloth, and upon this clothing the large green stains made by the poison were plainly visible.

Herrick Centre - The Baptist Sunday School will picnic at Crystal Lake, Friday. AND The East Ararat Ladies' Aid Society will meet at the home of Walter Hobbs, at Burnwood, Thursday.

Friendsville - The Juniors of Friendsville crossed bats with the Juniors at Camp Choconut, Monday, and resulted 11 to 8 in favor of Friendsville.

Silver Lake - The barn recently burned was that of Jerry Mahoney, not Donovan, as printed in the last issue.

St. Joseph - One day last week, Henry Jenner, a man nearly 80 years of age, went a-berrying on the farm near his home at St. Joseph. During the day he had a bad spell, and lay down. Being alone, he was not able to find his way out when he recovered; consequently he spent the night in the woods. His family sent out an alarm and were about to search for him, when he returned apparently none the worse for the experience. It had rained hard during the night.

Montrose - Harry G. Weeks, of Binghamton, Syracuse University, '03, has been chosen a coach for the football eleven of Beloit College of Beloit, Wisconsin. He is a son of E.L. Weeks, formerly of Montrose and has been prominent in athletics. AND On Sunday night, an employee in Becker & Wilson's cut glass factory, attempted to pawn a handsome gold watch for $2 and by other acts aroused suspicion against himself, so that an order was issued for his arrest. At about the same time [he] thought it wise to leave town and in company with a woman, who had become infatuated with him, they departed. Constable J.I. Chapman captured them at Alford and brought them to this place. In the suit case they had with them was a watch taken from John Corbett, a revolver from G. K. Stoddard and two cut glass bowls and a pitcher valued at $36 from the factory. He pled guilty to the charge of stealing the cut glass but claimed he bought the other two articles from another fellow. It is thought that the case will never be brought to trial as the articles taken have been returned and the plaintiffs are not particularly anxious to prosecute.

East Lenox - The large barn of George Ledyard was struck by lightning and totally destroyed by the fire that followed. Sixty tons of hay, a new reaper and binder and considerable other machinery was consumed in the flames. The barn was insured for $1000 and the loss was much greater. This is the second misfortune Mr. Ledyard has had from fire since purchasing the farm, which is the old Manzer homestead. Some years ago the large house, which was one of the finest in that section, was burned.

Harford - At the lumber camp of C. F. Curtis, in South Harford, at about 5 o'clock Friday, Aug. 12, the fourteen year old son of Mrs. Annis Frank was instantly killed while standing on the top of a lumber pile, by the discharge of his own gun. He was seen resting over the muzzle of his gun, and the supposition is that the butt slipped off the pile and the hammer, striking the top of the pile, discharged the gun. The entire contents took effect below the heart, ploughing a terrible furrow through his lungs, heart and neck, and lodging in his head, near the temple.

New Milford - James O. Wellman and Leroy Wellman, his son, lived alone on a small farm a short distance east of this place. Saturday night Leroy went home and engaged in a quarrel with his father, an aged and feeble man. The father went across the way to the home of D.W.Rice to remain during the night. Some time later cries were heard coming from the Wellman house and Mr. Rice, who hurried out, found the building in flames. The fire had gained such headway that there was no possible way of saving it. The next day it was learned that the son had $1000 in cash laid away in the building and that it had been destroyed. Later, when the fire cooled, about $300 of the amount in gold and silver was recovered.

Forest City - According the News, a crusade is to commence which will do away with slot machines, speak-easies, etc. In speaking of the matter that paper says: Until a few years ago, Forest City was one of the most law-abiding towns, in the matter of selling liquor, in the county, but of late there has been a growing disposition to run things in a free and easy manner and all citizens will now undoubtedly be compelled to hew back to the line. A leading hotel man said that he was perfectly willing to confine himself to the law if the other fellows do. That usually is the case.

Jackson - W. W. Resseguie will offer at public sale, on the late Guilford Tingley farm, on Monday next at ten o'clock, 13 choice cows, four brood sows, one boar, six pigs, cream separator, butter workers, barrel churn, crosscut saw, coal heater, carpet loom, spinning wheels and numerous other articles. All sums under ten dollars cash; over that amount nine months' credit. G. H. Stephens, auctioneer.

Fairdale - The ladies of Fairdale will have a Harvest Home festival, Thursday evening, Aug. 18, in the tent on the lawn in front of the church--if stormy, in the basement of the church. Ice cream will be served. All are cordially invited.

East Bridgewater - Our cemetery is in a deplorable state of weeds and briars. Some few clean up their lots; others are content to let their friends sleep in a briar patch.

Heart Lake - Annual Grange picnic, Wednesday, Aug. 24. Good music, good speakers and a good time for all. Everybody invited whether grangers or not. Come and see and hear.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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