Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 18 1922/2022
West Auburn – The class in home hygiene and care of the sick, under the instruction of Miss Platt, is progressing nicely and much interest is manifested. The class is held on Friday afternoons in Grange Hall.
Pleasant Valley – Perry Schoonover has sold his tame fox to a party in Sidney, NY.
Bear Swamp – Reading the account of the terrible thing that happened at Bear Swamp brought to mind that my boyhood home was near that swamp. At that time there was a hotel there called the Bear Swamp House. It was a pretty rough sort of place. The old stage line on the Owego and Milford turnpike passed through this place. I remember seeing the old stage coaches, with their four horses and driver sitting up high, with his long whip. They changed horses every ten miles. I enlisted in Capt. John C. Morris’ company at Friendsville. We were attached to the 143rd PA Regt. after the battle of Antietam. I was a prisoner of war at Andersonville and Florence for several months. I have lived in Southern California for nearly 7 years. I hope someday to see dear old Montrose again. Frank E. Foster, Long Beach, Cal.
Forest City – One dead and two seriously injured represented the toll of an automobile accident on the road to Crystal Lake, one mile from here, yesterday afternoon, when a five-passenger touring car, carrying nine persons, overturned as a result of the snapping of the rear axle and the loss of a wheel. Lawrence Gardine, aged 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gardine, of Hudson street, died shortly after the accident from a fractured skull. According to the survivors, the car, driven by the dead boy’s father, was not traveling at an excessive rate of speed. The snapping of the axle occurred along a level stretch of road and was followed by quick skidding as the car turned turtle. The passengers were pinned beneath the machine.
Brooklyn – The Ladies’ Musical club was pleasantly entertained at the home of the Misses Gere on Friday afternoon. The story of the opera “Tannhauser” was given by Mrs. Fitch and musical selections from the opera were rendered by Mesdames Wilmarth, Griswold, Smith and Terry. A sketch of the life of Wagner was given by Mrs. W. S. Tiffany and a whistling solo by Mrs. S. B. Stephens. A most pleasant afternoon was enjoyed.
Montrose – Some new books at the library include: Furniture of the Olden Times, by Morse; Daughter of the Middle Border, by Hamlin Garland (this book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize of $1000 for the best biography teaching patriotic and unselfish service to the people); On the Rim of the World, by Smith J. Patterson; Silver Box, by Galsworthy; and Breaking Point, by Rinehart. ALSO An interesting picture at the Ideal Theatre, Saturday evening, will demonstrate the working of the new burglar alarm at the Farmers National Bank.
Heart Lake – The Troubadours are scheduled to play at Heart Lake Resort again on the 23rd of August. The Wednesday night dances, which are held every other week, are special and do not interfere with the regular Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night dances, for which the “Arlington Jazz” furnishes the music. The auto ride to Heart Lake over the fine roads, attracts young people from long distances.
Transue – F. L. Peet has the water pumped from the well into his house.
Friendsville – A very sad funeral took place here on August 8th, when Miss Anna Foran was laid to rest, with memories that were dear to all who knew her. The corpse was followed to the church with a host of friends. After the Mass, Father Ruddy spoke of this girl’s beautiful character, saying Miss Foran should be an example for those still living. The beautiful singing by Prof. Warner and Mrs. Helen Bolan was very much appreciated.
Springville – Mrs. Mary Stone, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Tuttle, celebrated her 90th birthday on Tuesday. Though quite lame from rheumatism, Mrs. Stone occasionally walks down town and back.
Great Bend – What might have been a serious accident was narrowly averted at the Keystone Farm. Eugene Carl, who was cutting brush with a brush scythe, had been accompanied to the field by his little son, James, who was standing near by. One brush was particularly hard to cut and Mr. Carl swung his entire weight on the scythe. The brush was swept away and as the father swung around he was horrified to see that the boy had moved nearer to him and was in direct range of the sharp scythe. He partially succeeded in stopping the movement but the sharp point struck the boy over the ear and forehead cutting a deep gash. Mr. Carl rendered first aid and Dr. Merrill was summoned. It required several stitches to close the wound but it is thought that the lad’s forehead will not be disfigured to any extent. It was a close call from being a very serious accident.
West Lenox – The Tingley reunion was held last Thursday at the log cabin on M. R. Tingley’s farm.
Nicholson – Editor H. T. Birchard (Henry) has a wide circle of friends here who always greet him cordially. He is the dean of newspaper men of northeastern Pennsylvania and his pen retains the old-time punch.
Franklin Forks – We can think of no one who would do more to make his fellow man comfortable and happy than our good friend, Will Bailey, of this place. And he has now entered upon an enterprise which should bring real pleasure to many here—that of furnishing “real,” Jersey cream, which is on sale at Estus & Tiffany’s Meat Market. The ladies say this cream “whips” splendidly. Anything coming from W. B. can be depended upon as okeh.
County Veterans Association: The 54th annual encampment of the Susquehanna County Veterans’ Association, which was held Aug. 11thon the Montrose Fair grounds, proved to be another entirely successful and enjoyable occasion. Fifty-one veterans of the Civil War, 17 widows, 10 sons, 43 daughters, 13 D.A.R’s and 160 guests were present. The camp-fire was most enjoyable and satisfactory, replete with impromptu speeches and camp and army songs. Fifty-one old veterans, between the ages of 76 and 87, with their wives and seventeen soldiers’ widows, seated at one table, is a rare and pleasing sight for these times. May they all attend the next encampment.
Compiled By: Betty Smith