Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 18 1916/2016
Apolacon – Apolacon township is one of the most sparsely settled sections of this county. A purely farming section, and not far from the Binghamton industrial plants, the young men are attracted by the weekly pay envelope, and leave good farms with quite frequently only the old folks to look after their up-keep. Lusty men are at a premium and some farms are “abandoned.” By a will just filed in the register’s office, Philema Kile, of Apolacon, evidently seeks to increase the inhabitants of that region. She wills 30 acres of her farm to a relative, and the remainder in two-acre plots to any “self-supporting, law-abiding, adult, man or woman” who will build a home thereon.” It is stipulated that improvements on the land may be sold, but the land cannot be transferred. Also, the homes must be kept orderly and no intoxicating liquors sold.
Hallstead – Mowing machines are causing very distressing accidents this season, one occurring about two miles from this place. Arthur Green owns a farm on the Lawsville road, and he has four children, George, aged 15, May, aged 12, and two younger. Monday afternoon George was cutting hay with the machine and his sister, May, was touching up one of the horses for him with a whip so that it would pull even with the other animal. In some manner she slipped in front of the cutting bar and before the horses could be stopped the left leg was cut entirely off between the ankle and knee. May was carried to the house and Drs. Merrill and Blair amputated the limb a little closer to the knee. The accident is a most unfortunate one, as Mrs. Green is in poor health and May was the mother’s main help.
Montrose – Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cox returned from Atlantic City, where they had spent the past ten days. Will reports a “magnolious” time, and says the bathing costumes were never prettier than this year. We’ll bet there was a big swell in the ocean when Will took his “dip.” ALSO Families wishing school girls, who will work for their board, or a portion of it, should correspond with Miss Martha Davey, head of the Domestic Science Department, Montrose High School. [Children who lived outside Montrose, who wanted to continue their education in high school, had to board with a family in town].
Springville – W. E. Stevens, foreman of State road section No. 12, has just received a letter from Harrisburg, instructing him to go the entire length, removing all advertising signs along the highway within the road limits—that he must give his attention to it at once.
Rush – Rush has always been exceptionally fortunate in having good men to look after the stage line between that place and Montrose. Even the younger generation can recall Reynolds Bros., and Light Bros., who faithfully and conscientiously carried on the route for many years each. Owen Bros., the present stage drivers, are keeping up with the times in every respect and giving fine service. The young men have just purchased a Pullman touring car, which they will use in their passenger and mail service.
Fleetville/Harford – J. Wallace Tiffany, one of Lackawanna county’s grand old men, who has lived more than 60 years in Fleetville, has gone to Topeka, Kansas to reside for the future. Mr. Tiffany was born in Harford, 83 years ago, and has always been an ardent Republican. He will accompany his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Seely, to Kansas, where Mr. Seeley has taken a position with the Wells-Fargo Express company.
Friendsville – Mother Mary Veronica, of the Franciscan Order at Kingston, Jamaica, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Maurice Fitzgerald. Mother Veronica has been in the order many years and is a devoted missionary to the cause of Christ. She was in Kingston during the terrible earthquake.
West Auburn – A new use for the automobile has been found. Claude Swisher hitched his new Ford on to the hay fork and unloaded a large load of hay in his barn in four minutes. ALSO We learn that Arthur Lacey, a former West Auburn boy and graduate of Yale, has gone to the Mexican border with his company.
Susquehanna – Since G. D. Dephew has been appointed shop superintendent of the local Erie shops many changes have been made which greatly benefit our local workmen. A large number of men who have been employed elsewhere have been given their old positions here, and this is all due through the efforts of Mr. Dephew. Several of our townspeople have been appointed foremen, and everything done for their men by the new shop superintendent shows that he is a man of great ability, sound judgment and is capable of handling men.
Franklin Forks – Franklin Forks and Salt Springs schools will commence September 4, with Miss Mae Smith and Miss Sara Bailey as teachers.
Uniondale – The store of J. N. Cable was burglarized Monday night. Several dollars’ worth of cutlery, shoes, etc., were taken.
Uniondale/Forest City – A resident of Uniondale [who will go unnamed] was charged with assault and battery and wantonly pointing fire arms, was brought before Judge Denny and laid the whole blamed business on his wife. He declared he never had trouble with anyone but her, and he never would have drank had she not nagged him. He is a tall, large man, and it was ludicrous to say the least, to have him lay all the blame on a frail little woman. Upon his promise to cut out the booze, get rid of his guns and keep sober, the Judge dealt gently with him, sentencing him to pay the costs, a fine of $5 and 15 days in the county jail. When he said he lived at Uniondale, Judge Denny asked him how he could get drunk in that place, and where he got the whiskey. He said, “Oh I get it most anywhere, I went to Forest City, and I had a pint bottle.”
Middletown – The base ball game between Brogan Hill and Middletown, held on the Coleman diamond, was a decided victory for our boys, the score being 11-16. T. Golden pitched fine ball and F. Guiton hasn’t lost his eye for batting yet. Curley’s fast fielding and Watson’s work on first won much credit for the team.
News Briefs: More hay has been cut in Susquehanna county this year, in all probability, than ever before within the memory of the “oldest inhabitant.” The barns have proven inadequate to hold the enormous crop, and huge stacks of hay may be seen in almost every farm barnyard. ALSO Gasoline has dropped a cent a gallon, and a drop of another cent is predicted. About the time it gets low enough so the average man can buy a Ford, it will go up again. ALSO One of our valued subscribers, C. S. Gates, of Gordon, Neb., writes us: “In the notice of the death of James P. Gay, the writer states that Calvin C. Gay and M. H. VanScoten are the only survivors of the company. I had the honor of belonging to that company and feel very alive yet.”
200 Years Ago, The Centinel, Montrose, PA, August 20, 1816. MARRIED – At Plymouth (PA) on the 13th inst., by Noah Wadhams, Esq., Mr. Charles C. Curtis, of Kingston (PA), to the amiable Miss Olive Ransom, daughter of Col. George P. Ransom of the former place. Who wants to buy a good FARM? The subscriber will sell his Farm, situated one mile and a half from Montrose, very cheap, to any one that will purchase. The said farm contains ninety five acres, twenty five acres of which are under improvement, with 25 bearing apple trees and a nursery of about 300 trees, principally large enough to set, and a considerable number of peach trees. The farm is well watered and timbered. The terms of sale will be easy and a liberal credit given. For further particulars call on the subscriber who lives on the premises. SIMEON COOK. Bridgewater, August 20, 1816
Compiled By: Betty Smith