Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 18 1893/1993
Jackson - Harvey Lamb and wife, of Port Jervis, are spending a few days visiting relatives in town. Mr. Lamb is the oldest conductor on the Erie railroad.
West Brooklyn - The picnic on the hill passed off well, but the little ones thought it was rather tough to see the older ones eat the candy.
Brandt - A team belonging to Chas. Boyden ran away at the brickyard, and one of the horses was quite badly injured.
Rush - Snow is reported to have fallen in small quantity on Monday of last week, at Rush. The air was very chilly.
Thompson - W.H. Daval's barn in Thompson Township was destroyed by fire. In the ruins were found the remains of a man supposed to be a tramp.
Harford - The Gibson Band, in full uniform, passed through town Tuesday. AND As we are writing [Thursday morning] a gentle rain is making the sweetest of music on the roof. AND John Hill's barn is nearly done. It has ample space while the basement will furnish a warm, commodious stable. Recently, while Dewitt Shepardson was at work below, one horse on [the] second floor wandered upon a part unsustained temporarily by props, came through, landing on a tool chest with feet in the air. Mr. S. was but 10 feet from the break and had been under that part but a few moments before. The horse sustained no particular injury.
Lynn - Mrs. Bruce is using Wood's Cold process for preserving all kinds of fruit, vegetables, eggs, cider &c., in barrels, tubs, crocks, jars, or whatever vessel you may wish to use, without heat or scalding. AND Hiram Fish is getting his steam cider mill ready to grind your apples and make cider, so that people living at a distance can get their cider and return home the same day.
Lawsville - A statement is going the rounds of the papers to the effect that Harry Tompkins, of Lawsville Centre, had been dragged to death by a runaway team while reaping on the Kenyon place. I do not know who woke up this sensation, but they did not have even the "bumblebees nest" to make it out of.
Montrose - The "Delaware," in charge of Engineer Welden, has been drawing the trains on the L&M this week. AND W.S. Maxey and H.A. Denny have been admitted to practice law in the several courts of Susquehanna County. AND W.C. Cox has accepted the agency for the Wisconsin Light Roadster. One of these wheels may be seen at the Post Office. Be sure and examine this A No. 1 Bicycle before purchasing.
Lenox - Four weeks ago last Tuesday a horse belonging to Wm. Hartley, near Lenox, was struck by lightning. Since then the animal has been paralyzed so he cannot control his limbs, although he has a good appetite and seems perfectly healthy in every other way. If any person knows anything that will help the animal, please notify Mr. Hartley. Other papers please copy.
Forest City - Henry O'Neill of Forest City, was among our callers Tuesday. He says there is a big building boom in his town--some 50 or 60 houses are in course of construction, also two churches and several stores. He says the coal companies paid out $75,000 there last month, the biggest pay in the history of the town; some of the miners drawing as high as $83 each. Another coal company, the Richmond, is also building a breaker, preparatory to mining their coal, which will increase the output largely, when completed, and the monthly pay to go up to a hundred thousand or more monthly.
Susquehanna County - All kinds of canned food have a more delicious flavor if they are turned out upon a platter or other flat dish an hour or two to regain the oxygen that was used when they were sealed hot. AND S.H. Sayre, of the Orange County [NY] Farmer, in his rambling notes has the following: "Mr. B. Sabin, of the Cascade House, Susquehanna, who besides being a genial mine host, is a farmer and cranberry grower. He has a 150-acre farm three miles from Susquehanna near the romantic cascade of the Starrucca Creek where he has started a five-acre cranberry patch, which is now yielding ample returns. Last year he gathered off the five acres over 1,000 bushels of cranberries which brought him $2.50 per bushel cash."
Compiled By: Betty Smith