Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 17 1923/2023
Montrose – The Presbyterian church was crowded on Friday afternoon when a memorial service to the late President Harding was held. Rev. A. C. Gaebelein, of New York, delivered the address, and the ministers of the town were present and participated in the service. Seldom has there been so large a gathering inside this church, the seating capacity of which was taxed to care for the crowd, many of whom autoed from neighboring towns. An inspiring service was also held in the Chautauqua tent where the speaker, Henry A. Adrian, told of his personal acquaintance with the late president and paid him a glowing tribute. ALSO The White Bus Line, operating between Binghamton and Montrose, has been granted a two-year license by the Public Service Commission. Previously a license was granted for but one year. This will permit the proprietor, E. J. Dorsey, to run his line until June 1, 1925, before renewing. The Lackawanna railroad company opposed the granting of a license, claiming it injured their passenger traffic.
Bridgewater Twp – The home of John J. Manning, near Brewster’s Pond, about two miles southeast of Montrose, was burned Monday evening The fire was discovered by Homer L. Smith, of Dimock township, a candidate for county commissioner, as he was passing the house. He discovered there was no one at home and forced a door, attempting to put out the blaze, which had a vigorous start, Other neighbors soon arrived and they devoted their attention to saving what house hold goods as possible and succeeded in removing practically all on the ground floor, but not the second. The house was a large frame wooden building, built some years ago, and in good condition. Mr. and Mrs. Manning had been away from home only a short time. The loss is estimated at upwards of $4,000. Insurance for $1,000 was carried.
Franklin Forks – An ice cream social will be held Saturday evening at Alliance Hall.
Dimock – An unidentified autoist ran into a car driven by Smith LaRue, of Dimock, Saturday afternoon, as he was returning from Springville. Mr. LaRue turned out for the oncoming stranger, according to witnesses, but the unidentified party showed no disposition to do likewise. Mr. LaRue’s car had a wheel broken and the steering gear was damaged. He got the license number of the receding car as the driver put on the gas and disappeared without stopping or offering assistance.
Forest Lake – Mr. and Mrs. Leon Raynor and two children, Charles Sivers and son, Emerald, and Herman Seiber, visited the gas wells at Salt Springs, Sunday.
Fowler Hill, Rush Twp. – Mrs. H. S. Hickok attended the reunion of the Harford Soldiers’ Orphan School on Saturday. Mrs. Hickok was there six years. She said there was a very large crowd and all enjoyed themselves renewing old friendships, but admits that twenty-five years makes some changes. The Harford news reported that over 400 people were there.
Herrick Center – Thomas Hugaboom, of this place, was struck by a Delaware & Hudson locomotive on August 4, and fatally injured. His body was discovered lying near the tracks by a train crew and hurried to the Emergency Hospital, Carbondale, where his death occurred that evening. ALSO Was it not our late, lamented president, Warren G Harding, who emphasized the value of good neighbors? Lyon Street can boast of good neighbors--Aug. 3 one of the finest and most up to date barns belonging to Walter S. Lyon, in Harrick twp was struck by lightning and rapidly burned down destroying not only the barn but about 30 tons of Mr. Lyon’s best hay, a fine silo and some machinery. As soon as the fire was discovered a call on the phone was sent out and the good neighbors responded and succeeded in preventing other buildings from catching fire. Some young men remained all night, faithfully watching the dying fire and ready to prevent further damage. Aug. 14, owing to a call sent out by Friendship Grange, eighteen good neighbors turned out with teams and hay-makers’ implements and helped Mr. Lyon with his haying. The men worked well and the result at leaving time was a large stack of new-made hay. Mrs. Lyon set out the eatables in abundance at dinner, mid-afternoon lunch and supper to such as remained to partake of that meal. Other neighbors, unable to attend, signified their intention of coming later to help.
Susquehanna – Bishop Hoban laid the cornerstone for the new Catholic parochial school, corner of Broad avenue and Grand street, Susquehanna, Sunday afternoon. This is the finest parochial school in the Scranton Diocese and will cost about $200,000. Father Bustin, rector of St. John’s church, Susquehanna, was Master of Ceremonies. The principal speaker was Dr. Moran, of Philadelphia, a graduate of Laurel Hill Academy, which was the parent school of this new structure. Priests from Friendsville, Little Meadows and Great Bend were present.
Friendsville – The Grange will hold a picnic Saturday afternoon, Aug. 25th, at the hall in Friendsville. There will be a ball game and horse races, foot races, sack races and a tug of war, and other amusements on the spacious grounds adjoining the hall. There will be a speaker for the occasion, and also good music. All come and make the afternoon a pleasant one and please bring a well-filled basket. Ice cream will be served.
Fair Hill – M. J. Green, R. H. Raub and Claude Seeley went to the Pocono mountains after huckleberries the first of the week.
Hop Bottom – The M. E. Sunday school will hold its annual picnic at Heart Lake, Aug. 22. The Universalist Sunday school is invited to join and make this a community picnic.
Uniondale – Richard Davis, the oldest Civil War veteran in this vicinity, 84 years young, worked in the hay field last week and pitched with the best of them. The loader could not call for more while our old friends wielded the tines.
Forest City – Anthony Fario received a kick in the right side from a mule while working at No. 2 mine this morning. Fortunately he was not badly injured.
News Brief: A gasoline war has given to ten middle-western states, gas, at 16 cents a gallon. In Texas the prevailing price is now ten cents. Pennsylvania has come in for a reduction, the Atlantic & Pacific announcing a price of 24 cents, including the state tax of two cents per gallon.
Compiled By: Betty Smith