Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 17 1917/2017
Montrose – Does Montrose want a factory that will provide a pay-roll of from $25,000 to $30,000 yearly? Such a proposition is now advanced to the people of the town by a silk mill owner, now established in the city, who wishes to increase his output by erecting a branch factory in Montrose that will employ at least 50 persons at the outset. The proprietor was in town and impressed his audience with his thorough knowledge of the business, having started in a small way and now is operating a plant with 72 looms. He outlined the building’s needs which would cost about $10,000 and it would manufacture two kinds of silk, which in commercial use would be used to line caskets, jewelry boxes, etc. Beginners are paid $5 per week while learning and experienced girls can earn $2 and upwards per day. A committee was selected to visit the mill owner’s plant and investigate the proposition. ALSO Don’t throw away your magazines when you have finished reading them. Send them to the free library, to be forwarded to army camps, the front and hospitals.
Lymanville – James H Bagley, another one of the Civil War veterans has fallen. He was a member of Co. H, 141st P.V. in which he enlisted in 1862, and from which he was honorably discharged on June 30, 1865. He was born in Dimock, Jan. 20, 1826 and answered the last roll call at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S.J. Hitchcock, near this place, July 29, 1917. He was the son of Thomas and Abbia Bagley, who moved to Auburn township shortly after the birth of James.
Susquehanna – Dr. H.W. Brandt has received his commission as first lieutenant in the Dental reserve corps of the U. S. Army.
Elk Lake – E.E. Stevens and Bert Carlton, of Kasson Corners, made a trip to the huckleberry mountains last week. They report a large crop of berries but a scarcity of pickers. They kindly shared their pickings with their neighbors. The wholesome blueberry is selling at “two for a quarter” in the Electric City.
Silver Lake – S.S. Raynor was greeting friends and acquaintances in town on Saturday. Mr. Raynor, who has charge of the gardens and grounds at Sheldoncroft, says the work has been much delayed by the rainy season. The great lawns, which have usually been cut with the horse drawn mower, have been cut by hand mowers instead, to avoid defacing their smooth surface.
County Jail – Sheriff H.E. Taylor and six deputies went to Huntingdon Mills reformatory yesterday morning with six young men sentenced during the week to that institution. The deputies were: Bruce B. Lott, Lewis Hart, Edson Barnes, E.G. Foote, Otis R. Cook and R.H. Donlin. The boys who they accompanied were: William Paugh, Harry Louden, Amasa Lee, Daniel Craft, Alfred Lynch and Howard Pettis. The youths were “some bunch” at raising a racket, and made the nights hideous with their noise at the jail, and other inmates were glad to see them depart.
Harford – Some of the city dailies have been printing pictures of the famous Lafayette Escadrille, which is doing such effective service in France against the Germans. There are about a score of members in this noted aviation squadron and it seems quite singular that both Susquehanna county and Wayne county, neighbors in the “old Keystone state,” should both be represented. Henry Jones, son of Hon. E.E. Jones, of Harford, and David M. Peterson, of Honesdale, Wayne county, are both aviators in this squadron.
New Milford – O.C. Whitney loaded two cars with crates here the first of the week. These crates are to be used in the South American trade, and Mr. Whitney says there is a big demand for these crates at this time.
Tunkhannock – Thomas Morris, although 33 years of age, registered under the draft on June 5 and was the first to be called for examination. Morris wasn’t sure how old he was, so decided to register and be on the safe side. Now he has obtained positive evidence that he is 33 years of age. His number, 258, was the first drawn.
Thompson – Mrs. J.W. VanHorn has just purchased a new washing machine of D.D. Moore, the Maytag Multi-Motor, which she thinks is very fine. She has a good Majestic machine with wringer and folding bench, which anyone desiring something in that line might strike a bargain with her. ALSO J.S. Mulvey installed a Comfort Chemical closet in the M.E. church at North Jackson.
Herrick Center – John J. Campbell was in Forest City yesterday. Mr. Campbell is a veteran of the Civil War and is past 82 years of age, but is still active.
Forest City – Martin Gerchman will attend the sessions of the examination board at Montrose to act as an interpreter. ALSO John Churney has opened a cigar and confectionary store in the Muchitz building. ALSO The Y.M.I. team went to Olyphant and defeated the Leaders of that town. Score 15-2. Koplova pitched for Forest City.
Uniondale – Miss Jennie Rounds has returned to her home here after operating the N.E.P. Telephone company’s exchange at Jackson.
200 Years Ago from the Centinel, Montrose, Pa, August 16, 1817.
*GREAT FRESHET. On Saturday, last, the rain began to fall about 6 o’clock A.M. and continued until about sunset. A more stormy day we do not recollect to have ever seen. The quantity of water that fell in twelve successive hours was by far the greatest ever experienced by the oldest inhabitants. The creeks, as far [as] our knowledge extends, appeared like mighty rivers, carrying destruction in every direction—Mills were started and much damaged—dams swept away--hay and grain situated on fields adjacent to the streams was greatly damaged. The bridges in all directions are carried away and the roads greatly damaged. The weather since that time has been continually wet, and fears are entertained that the grain will receive serious injury unless there is a change of weather immediately.
*MARRIED. In this township on Sunday last, by the Rev. Davis Dimock, Mr. Mathew Baldwin to Miss Betsey Vaughn.
*OBITUARY.On the night of the 9th inst. David Harris aged 56 years, was drowned in the Wyalusing creek. The circumstances are as follows: The creek having been raised by a heavy rain was flowing in every direction across the meadows, wheat fields, &c. of the deceased. He arose about midnight, with the avowed intention of going to a neighbors, on the opposite side of the creek, with a full knowledge that the bridge had been carried away—He was found on the morning of the tenth at 9 o’clock, under water, thirty rods below the road; and it is somewhat singular, that having been kept 30 hours after taken from the water, there was no other appearance in the body that that of a man in sleep.
Compiled By: Betty Smith