Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 16 1907/2007
Heart Lake - Albert Bronson, of Montrose, very unexpectedly had the opportunity presented, in which he sacrificed his own life in order to save a young lad from a watery grave. Mr. Bronson went out to the ice house docks, in the early evening hours, to take a plunge before the train homeward came along. When he reached the docks he met young Wood of Heart Lake, who said he thought he would go in too. Albert was not long in discovering that the boy knew but little about the art of swimming and decided to keep an eye on him. When out in the rippling waves about 20 ft. from the dock, the boy evidently grew nervous and his antics attracted Albert's attention. He quickly swam out to the drowning lad and none too soon. Wood had gone down and when he reached him, was in a second struggle. Albert grasped his hand and the boy gave a grip like death but also grabbed Albert around the neck and in an instant both were under the water. Being cool-headed, Albert was guided by the best impulses and treaded water until he struck bottom. Young Wood was safely back on the dock and after awhile had fully recovered from the shock and Albert came home none the worse for the thrilling experience.
Lenox - The annual reunion of the Tower family was held at the home of C. L. Carey, in West Lenox, July 27, and fifty-two responded to the call. Relatives were present from North Dakota (E.J. Moore, of Fargo), Wisconsin, Vermont, New York and nearby towns. Prayer was offered by Rev. C. M. Tower, of Oneida, NY; "America" was sung; followed by reminiscences of grandpa and grandma by several in attendance.
Forest City - "Camp Happy" installed on the eastern shore of Newton Lake by a party of Forest City boys has well earned the name adopted. The campers are having the "Time of their lives" and are showing the good results of Messrs. Dunniers' cooking. The camp is daily visited by many friends from town who are always welcome. Some of the members found it necessary to return home Saturday as their vacation period had expired. The roll call of the camp was answered by the following: James Meehan, Edward & Arthur Dunnier, Charles Scubic, Elmer Knapp, Joe Sears and Will Rowe, of Carbondale.
Oakland - One of the most terrible and thrilling auto accidents ever recorded in this State occurred Sunday afternoon on the Windsor road, not far form the Lanesboro Dam. Harry G. Brush, of the firm of Brush & Touhey, of Susquehanna, accompanied by his daughter, Helen, aged six; Frances Griffin, aged five, and John Boylan, started out after dinner for a ride in Mr. Brush's auto touring car. In attempting to turn around near the Lanesboro dam, where there is a steep embankment of nearly 40 ft., leading to the river's edge, Mr. Brush in some unaccountable manner, lost control of the car. It made a fierce plunge down the embankment and into the river. The car was a complete wreck. Dr. Clayton Washburn was summoned and administered to the medical needs of the injured children. Mr. Brush was at once removed to the Beach Sanitarium, where it was found he had sustained a compound fracture of the left leg. Little Helen Brush never rallied from the shock resulting from her injuries and death relieved her of all suffering at 9:30 on Sunday evening. Little Frances Griffin, who was badly bruised and perhaps internally injured, rallied some Monday afternoon and appeared slightly improved. Mr. Boylan, by making a jump for life, fortunately escaped injury, but the accident has produced quite a nervous shock to him.
Dimock - All arrangements have been made for holding the camp meeting at Dimock next week. A tank holding 25 barrels of pure, clean, spring water, with ice, will be placed within 50 feet of the auditorium. The old springs have been cleaned out and pipes run from them to the watering troughs for horses.
Thompson - The death of George Wallace, an old veteran of the Civil War, occurred at the home of his youngest daughter, Mrs. Ira Latham, on August 2nd. Deceased was born in the township of Minnisink, Orange Co., N.Y., July 22, 1822 and in 1842 he was united in marriage to Bethia Johnson at a Universalist Association at Gibson. In belief he was a Spiritualist. Of the seven children born to his home, only four remain to mourn his death-Mrs. Ira Ward, of Springville; Mrs. T. J. Lewis, of Montdale; G. M. Lewis of Ararat, and Mrs. Ira Latham, of Thompson.
Montrose - Carl R. Camp, who for some time has been in charge of the erection of the large steel pier now being built at Atlantic City, arrived last evening for a brief visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. B. O. Camp. Mr. Camp is recognized as one of the best of the younger mechanical engineers and has been employed to superintend several large contracts where mental grasp and skill are required. AND A noticeable and appreciated improvement is the tearing up of the old wooden sidewalk on the Stamp property on Jackson street to give place to the putting down of a stone walk. We hope the day of the plank sidewalk in Montrose will soon be past.
Lynn, Springville Twp. - Dr. A. D. Tewksbury, of Tunkhannock, relates that while traveling out in the direction of Lynn, three or four days ago with his automobile, he noticed an obstruction in the road. His machine swerved around it, and an examination showed it to be the heel of a scythe blade perhaps a foot and a half long, set with the edge upward. It was blocked with stones to hold it in that position, leaving no doubt that it was placed there intentionally to ruin auto tires.
Susquehanna - The marriage of Howard Thomas Collins, of Susquehanna, and Miss Lillian Dalley, of Malden, occurred at Providence, August 7th. The bride is a chorus girl in the "Piff, Paff, Pouff" company, of which Mr. Collins is the musical director.
Rush - Israel Sivers and Marian Jagger were married on Wednesday, Aug. 7, at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. Mead, of the M. E. church. Only the immediate relatives were present. The following evening a reception was given them, at which a host of friends gathered to offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Sivers were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts. Dainty refreshments were served and a general good time was had. They have rented the Wright Bedell property and will begin housekeeping.
Brooklyn - Next Sunday morning Rev. Drury will preach to the Order of American Boys, in the Universalist church, on the subject, "The Boys We Need."
News Brief: A locomotive has just been turned out of the American Locomotive shops at Schenectady that is the largest engine in the world. It weighs 510,000 pounds and can haul 210 loaded freight cars, making a train 1 1/2 miles long. The fire box alone, of this mammoth locomotive, is as large as a living room and has a grate area of 100 sq. ft. It is designed for the Erie railroad to push heavy trains up the grade between Susquehanna and Gulf Summit.
Compiled By: Betty Smith