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August 16 1901/2001

Brooklyn - Seventeen of the New York Tribune fresh air children are here for two weeks. They are little bright folks, clean and neatly dressed, and their delight and surprise at the country sights are touching indeed.

Great Bend - Harry G. More has bought half interest in his father's paper, the Great Bend Plaindealer and the firm name will be S. P. More & Son. If Harry is (not the "old Harry") but a "chip off the old block" he'll do for newspaper work.

Montrose - We are informed by a lady, who made the count, that there are 119 widows in Montrose. AND Eli K. Tarbell and wife, of Winona, Minn., are visiting at the home of his father, Johon S. Tarbell. Eli is a former Montrose boy, who was for years connected with the Tarbell House, but who, a number of years ago, went west, where he has made fame and fortune as a hotel man and has taken a prominent part in the Republican politics of Winona, of which city he has been Mayor for several terms.

Dimock Twp. - Paul Billings' Sons, of Tunkhannock, have the contract for furnishing 130,000 brick for the $50,000 residence of Mr. Ballentine, of Newark, NJ, now being erected near the Hunter crossing on the Montrose railroad, about four miles south of Montrose.

Middletown Centre - The safe of merchant J. P. Gurley was broken open, Sunday night, and about $50 in change secured. The safe was a small one, the hinges being knocked off by sledges secured at a nearby blacksmith shop. The job was done by novices, evidently.

Silver Lake - E. Quinlivan and L. Gilbin have hired with Matt Lynch to ditch his swanp.

Herrick Twp. - Herrick township will not reopen its district schools this coming year. Conveyances are to be furnished and the children of the entire township will be taken to the new graded school at Herrick Centre. This is a novel plan and will be watched with interest by all interested in rural education. Following are the instructors in the new school: Principal, Prof. Manning of South Gibson; intermediate, Mrs. Jennings, Stevens Point; Primary, Miss Elizabeth Bowell, of Herrick Centre.

Hallstead - The borough lockup has been moved from the rear of Knoeller's shop to the lot recently purchased of Mrs. Hines on Pine street, near E. H. B. Roosa's.

New Milford - An aggregation of so-called ball players from Binghamton visited this place Saturday with the intention of giving the home team some lessons in the game. The score, 23 to 0, in favor of New Milford, tells the story. Comments are superfluous.

Harford - T. M. Maynard has returned from his trip to New York. He drove one horse out and changed with his son who is in the milk business there and drove a different one back.

Susquehanna - The Erie is having a large number of the Atlantic type of compound locomotives built at the Baldwin locomotive works in Philadelphia.

A TERRIFIC STORM: Within the past week Northeastern Pennsylvania has experienced more terrific storms, cloudbursts, and the like, than ever before transpired in a similar length of time. The damage done to railroads, wagon roads, bridges, buildings, live stock and crops, is inestimable: the half has not been told and it is doubtful if all ever will be told. In Rush the water came down from the broken mill dams up the Wyalusing in furious torrents carrying all before it. The crops on the flats were nearly ruined. The water reached the highest mark ever known at Rush. The State road was for some distance made impassable and the heavy iron bridge was somewhat damaged. At Shoemaker's mill the dam was destroyed and the mill badly damaged. The bridge near County Commissioner Haire's hotel is reported considerably damaged. The Mineral Springs bridge is gone. John Reynolds, former Rush stage driver, lost a span of fine horses, several cattle and pigs, by drowning. H.W. Terry is said to have lost a dozen cows in a similar manner. Andre's mill, above Fairdale, was washed out of existence. In Forest Lake the bridge near the farm of Jefferson Green went out and his mill dam and other property were carried away. At Snow's Mills the dam, 90x12ft. was totally destroyed, the mill itself is gone, the water wheel, weighing 500 lbs, carried fifteen rods down the stream with the large bridge located at that point. At Franklin Forks all the gardens lying near the creeks were washed out. Potatoes were picked up in quantities on the lot near the M.E. church. Thomas Scott's barber shop and Earle Tiffany's barn, and the lumber, logs and shingles at his shingle mill were all carried away. The foundation under Fred Knapp's barn was washed out. At Salt Springs the foundation of J. C. Wheaton's large wagon house was badly washed out; his granary was carried down stream a little way, and a barn was moved some. The bridge by the Presbyterian church and the one at John McLeod's are gone. At Hop Bottom, after about three hours of steady downpour of water, there was to be seen good sized creeks coming down every mountain side bringing with them huge rocks and a large amount of dirt. Main and Center streets were completely torn to pieces and filled in with stones. Cellars were flooded, some to the first floor; chickens and fish came floating down Main street in large numbers. The railroad company suffered more from the effects of the washout than did the townspeople, but they have plenty of money and men to soon put things to rights, which they did, as they had the road ready for travel again in about 18 hours. If every man in town and those that have an interest in the town would volunteer and give one day's work how easily the streets could be put in order again, but to hire the work all done is a great expense to the borough. Several hundred people were fed at the two hotels here Sunday and Monday. The railroad men and sightseers were numerous. In Bridgewater Twp. the bridge near C. D. Hawley's was washed away and the fine garden of Mr. Cruse near West Bridgewater creamery was entirely washed out which is a very heavy loss that the family are in poor shape to stand. Among the nearby bridges reported gone are those at the foot of Brewster hill near Thomas Houghton's and the one near R. L. Bush's, southwest of Montrose. Damage reported in Montrose was mostly done to the streets, many of which were badly washed, and to the gardens. On Chenango street the small creek which runs under the road overflowed its banks and a part of the stream was turned directly into the residence of Miss Bessie Gray. From out of town, especially from along the creeks, comes news of awful devastation. Of the wooden bridges scarcely one remains; saw and grist mills were damaged, and in some instances carried and the dams destroyed; the damage to crops cannot be estimated.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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