Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 15 1919/2019
New Milford –Although New Milford has always been one of the finest towns on the map and her people courteous in the extreme, travelers have avoided New Milford as much as possible, owing to the terrible condition of her main street, but now a fine cement pavement spans the principal thorough-fare, and it is a genuine pleasure to either visit or pass through this pretty, progressive town. The future of New Milford never looked brighter. The paving has been opened for use as far as the viaduct over the D. L. & W. tracks on Montrose street. The laying of the concrete pavement for one mile west of the viaduct, toward Montrose, was complete Saturday night, necessitating the use of the detour for a couple of weeks yet. When this section is opened up the disagreeable features incident to a trip from Montrose to New Milford will have been eliminated. ALSO On Thursday Will Ellsworth had a lot of heavy hay that needed shaking up, so he hitched his Elizabeth Ford to the tedder and went at it. Oh, my, how the hay did fly. Try it you.
Liberty Twp.– The Lawsville Grange will have a picnic Aug. 15th, on the church lawn. All come with well-filled baskets and don’t forget to bring meat. ALSO Isaac Comstock recently purchased the Lindsley property and has moved from his farm to the village. Although 83 years of age he lives alone, keeping his own house, nearly all the members of his family having been summoned by death. He is very active for a man of his years and of a cheerful, optimistic temperament, notwithstanding the great sorrows that have come into his life.
Montrose – “Delco-Light,” the slogan of which is “Electricity for Every Farm,” is an honest, tried-out electric lighting and power plant for farms, etc. and Ward Breese, the county dealer, is a good salesman, too, judging from the orders for these plants he is booking. Glen Voss has contracted for a special Delco plant to furnish both lights and power for his handsome garage, now in construction. Other late buyers of Delco plants are Glen Mead, of Heart Lake, and Merle Tingley, of Alford, both successful, progressive farmers. ALSO Dance to the four-piece Harmonious Clef Club jazz orchestra from Binghamton, Saturday night, at Colonial Hall. Music will start promptly at 8:30 o’clock.
Little Meadows – William F. McCormick died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James P. Bole, in Bozeman, Montana, July 24, 1919, from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. McCormick was born near Little Meadows, May 10th, 1842 and made his home there for many years taking over and operating the old homestead. He made his home in Bozeman for the past 12 years and for a number of years before his death was connected with the Montana Experiment Station.
West Harford – Supervisor E. O. Howell and his efficient force of men are improving the road between here and Harford. We understand plans are being made for a state road between Harford and Kingsley in the near future.
Auburn Twp. – The business of the Auburn Corners Creamery company after running successfully for 26 years apparently is disintegrating, according to an Auburn correspondent. A part of the former patrons still deliver their milk there, others take their product to Springville, while still others are hauling to the station at Dimock.
Susquehanna – The Oakland Hotel building in this place is being remodeled for an apartment house, stores and offices. The first floor will be used for business places, the second floor for offices and the other floors will be made into apartments. John J. McGinty, owner of the building, has a force of men at work remodeling the interior. It will require several weeks to complete the alterations. ALSO Mrs. Inez Blessing Williams and daughter, of Mobile, Ala., are visiting Mrs. Williams’ sister, Mrs. Herman Mess, of Oak Hill, near Susquehanna. ALSO Sister Casimir, Mother Superior of the convent here, has been honored by being chosen as Mother Superior of the Order of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for the diocese of Scranton, and she will be located at Marywood College, Scranton.
South Ararat –We hear that Hurley Entrot has sold seven lots around Fiddle Lake and the parties expect to erect cottages soon. We are glad to hear the good news. Wish more would be built—the more the merrier and all seem to like the pure waters of Fiddle Lake. ALSO L. B. Brooks and friends, Mr. Beams, of New Haven, Conn., are visiting relatives on the Hill for a few days. The trip was made by motorcycle and they report very pleasant and sightly scenes as they came through the Catskill mountains.
Brooklyn – While driving across the S.&B. trolley tracks, at Mead’s Crossing, about two miles south of Brooklyn, one of E. D. Snyder’s horses was struck by the passenger car, which left Montrose at 9:40 Thursday morning, and died soon afterward. Mr. Snyder was taking the milk to the station. He looked in both directions, but did not see the approaching car and being somewhat deaf, did not hear the whistle. The horse was valued at $200.
Middletown – A closely contested game of base ball was played here by the Laurel Lake and Middletown teams. The excitement was more tense as this was the third game played this season between these teams, each having won one previously. We are glad to say that our boys carried off the laurels.
Springville – The other day, while replacing some clothing that had fallen to the floor in Lee Bros. Store, W. E. Spencer found a scorpion that had evidently been brought into the store with a bunch of bananas. It was quickly dispatched and has been viewed by many who never saw one of the animals before. ALSO The farmers in Ainey are all nearly through haying and grasshoppers are doing the oats.
Lehigh Valley Railroad – Excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwood, Ocean City and Sea Isle City can be booked on two Fridays, August 22nd and August 29th. Stop-over allowed at Philadelphia on return. Special reduced fares with a 15-day return limit. For folder listing hotels at these resorts, with rates and for fares and tickets, see Lehigh Valley Ticket Agent.
Table Manners in 1855. Some people think that nice table manners are of recent invention and that our grandfathers were unacquainted with dainty conduct. Published in 1855 are the following facts for the people: “If possible the knife should never be put in the mouth at all but if it necessary let the edge be turned outward.” “The teeth should be picked as little as possible and never with the fork.” “Carefully abstain from rinsing the mouth or spitting while at table.” “When napkins are provided, they are to be unfolded and laid on the knees. Use the napkin to wipe the mouth or the fingers; never as a handkerchief, or to mop the brow.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith