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August 14 1914/2014

Montrose – The Binghamton Paper Box Manufacturing Co., which is busily engaged in installing machinery in the building lately vacated by the shirt factory, is getting order out of chaos and many of the machines are now in position and the line shafts adjusted. The company manufactures large quantities of pasteboard boxes for commercial use, supplying clothiers, milliners, stationers and wholesale and retail manufacturing concerns. The majority of the electric motor machines are to be operated by young women, the work being easy to learn and not a laborious nature. It is estimated about 30 persons will be employed and the plant will be ready to start in a couple of weeks. ALSO  The day service will be turned on by the electric light company next Sunday and from then on Montrose will enjoy a continuous electric service, both for light and power. The company advertises to wire homes at cost and accept payment in twelve monthly install-ments. ALSO Miss Anna Warriner is advertising private lessons or private classes, by appointment, for Modern Dancing: One-step, Hesitation, Maxxie, etc. Telephone Bell, 65-3.

Susquehanna – Failure of the air brakes to work on a switch engine here caused the engine to crash into the rear of an Erie dining car on Saturday evening, injuring several passengers and the chef.  One man had his shoulder dislocated and two ladies were cut and bruised. The chef who was using the cook stove was badly scalded about the face in the crash.

Forest City – Aviator O. E. Williams, of Scranton, is giving a series of aeroplane flights at Forest City this week. Mr. Williams is greatly improving his aeroplanes, which he constructs himself, and last week, at Canandaigua, NY, reached a high altitude and surprised the thousands of onlookers by his fine control of the machine. Mrs. Williams was formerly Miss Inez Blessing, a resident of Montrose and Lanesboro. [The book, Men, Wind and Courage: A Pioneer Aviation Story of O. E. Williams and His Associates, was written by Nancy Lynn Mess, in 2009, and is available at our historical society.]

Little Meadows – Merchant and Mrs. John J. Bergin and little son, John Paul Bergin, of Little Meadows, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Griffin, at Forest Lake. Master “Jack” seemed to enjoy his first trip to his grandparents’ very much. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Bergin of Little Meadows, and their daughter, Miss Lyda Bergin, of Montrose, joined them for the day.

Alford – One of the new tracks is being laid for east bound trains from this place to Alford on the cut-off.

Clifford – Peter Rivenburg has joined the list of motorists. He has purchased Levi Patterson’s Speedwell runabout.

Fairdale – Fairdale Grange will hold its annual picnic on Bolles’ flat, Friday, Aug. 21. A cordial invitation is extended to all to join with us. There will be a ball game at 2:30 p.m., the “Fats” vs. the “Leans,” Mike Hill to umpire.

Harford – Miss Julia Booth will teach the Harding school, Bernice Forsythe the Reed school, and Gertrude Tingley at Richardson’s Mills. ALSO Mrs. Mary Adeline Osman Tingley was born in New Milford Township, May 26, 1839.  When a small girl her parents, Andrew and Abagail Tennant Osman moved to Harford on the farm now owned by Geo. W. Osman. Here she lived until she was united in marriage to Geo. I. Tingley in 1858 when they moved on the Edwin Tingley farm in N. Harford.  Here she lived the remaining years of her life with the exception of one year when they lived in Harford village. In Sept. 1888 she was left a widow with eight children, three of whom were dependent upon her for care and support.  By hard work and self-sacrifice she was able to keep the little place and make a dear home for her children as long as they needed it. She had a quiet, modest disposition, devoting her whole life to her family and ever ready to lend a helping hand to her friends and neighbors in time of sickness or trouble. On a quiet Sabbath morning, July 5th, 1914, she passed away very suddenly in her little home without a struggle. She went to sleep on earth to wake in Heaven.

West Auburn – There is much complaint among the dairymen and milk producers at the advance in the price of feeds.  When it is admitted that there is plenty of all kinds of feed in this country, and in view of the fact that we have no ships to transport grain and feed to other countries, one would think the feed merchants would be glad to sell to customers in the United States at a moderate price.

Bridgewater Twp. – One of the runaways from the Binghamton Orphans’ Home, found in Montrose and returned to that institution last week, was Leslie Haswell, who used to live near R. [Randall] L. Bush’s. Mr. Bush had been kind to the boy and the little chap thought he would pay Mr. Bush a visit—but “forgetting” to tell the authorities of  his intended journey.  Mr. Bush told him he could not stay, coming in this way, but gave him a good supper and a bed for the night. He walked from Binghamton following the railroad tracks, via Alford, with nothing to eat till he reached Mr. Bush’s.

Nicholson – The construction tower near the center of the bridge on the cut-off, at Nicholson, is said to be the highest in the world, reaching 300 feet from the ground.

South Montrose – The South Montrose Mill Co. feels the pinch of the European war, the customary bunch of orders for trunk slats, coming in daily, dropping off very perceptibly. They have been closed down a few days, but expect to resume work Monday, we understand. This factory employs 30 hands.

Stevens Point – Stephen Cooperthwait, when getting on the 9:11 evening train, caught his foot under the wheel and got part of it taken off. He is now in the Susquehanna Hospital.

So. Ararat – The descendants of Ezra and Wareham Walker will hold their annual reunion at the home of Jones Walker, of Ararat Summit, Saturday, August 15, 1914. A cordial invitation to all relatives to be present.

Uniondale – Clair, the five year old son of Wallie Watkins, met with a painful accident recently. While they were unloading hay with the horse fork, in some way he caught his thumb in the pulley. Amputation was necessary.

Dimock – At a regular meeting of the Dimock school board the following teachers were hired for the coming year: Albert O’Brien, Principal; Hazel Billings, primary; James Rogers, Smith School; Hester Vreeland, Elk Lake school; Loanna Cronk, Main school; Elizabaeth Donough, Taylor school; Jessie Dershimer, Conklin school; Josephine Carney, Pleasant Grove school; and Miss Browning, Creek school.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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