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August 14 1891/1991

Great Bend - The people of Great Bend congratulate the people of Montrose on the advent of the opening of the new railroad.

Clifford - A troupe of Indians are expected to camp in this place for a couple of weeks, in the near future, with medicines, which they have to sell. AND Quite an accident happened here last week. As Mrs. Roberts, from near Lenoxville, and a lady that was visiting her, were driving through this place, the wagon became uncoupled by the king boll breaking, throwing them out and breaking the arm of Mrs. Roberts' guest, and otherwise injuring the ladies. Drs. Smith and Gardner attended them.

Lenoxville - Our stage driver, Dannie Robinson, met with a painful accident recently, received by a kick from a horse.

Harford - The death of Mrs. Almeda M. Vadakin removes another of the very few whose life runs back to Harford's early days. She was the daughter of Capt Asahel and Nancy Tiffany Sweet, daughter of Hosea Tiffany, the leader of the Nine Partners Her recollections of him were very distinct. Her life, till marriage, was spent mainly in Harford. In her girlhood Rev Ebenezer Kingsbury Father Kingsbury," often placed his hand on her, calling her "my little curl head " We purpose a more extended notice hereafter.

Silver Lake - The box festival held at the house of E.K. Hill was well attended and much enjoyed. Thirty-five boxes were sold and $35 added to the fun for church purposes

Herrick - Ira Dunn, of Herrick, has a dozen half-breed Shropshire lambs, males, that he will sell to any one wishing to invest in that kind of sheep. Those owning sheep will probably find it to their interest to call at Phillip Dunn’s and inspect them.

Montrose - At the wilderness this evening there will be a debate between Messrs. Battles and Chappel. Subject: “The Drowned Lady, she is rescued." Who has the most right to marry her?

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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