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August 13 1920/2020

Montrose - A summer hotel, supported by the Montrose Bible Conference association, seems assured. On the last Saturday of the Conference, the matter was discussed thoroughly by the directors, and the advisability of purchasing the Dr. Torrey property was considered. Dr. Torrey offered the handsome brick mansion, the fine buildings, and four acres of land for practically the price he paid for it over ten years ago. He also offered to make a gift of $5,000 on the purchase price. The sale price of $17,000, which the $5,000 offer of Dr. Torrey is to be deducted, leaving $12,000 to be raised and at last report over $8,000 had been pledged.

Lawton – The opening of the new Devine Garage at Lawton will take place on the evening of Aug. 18th. Ice cream, cake and soft drinks will be served. Proceeds for the benefit of the Cemetery Association. Music will be furnished.

Nicholson – Rev. E. Horace Brown, pastor of the A. M. E. Zion church in Montrose, was here on Saturday. Mr. Brown is agitating the project of building a new church for his denomination in Nicholson.

Springville – The men made a bee for Burt Thomas last Tuesday and succeeded in finishing his haying. Nearly forty were present. Mr. Thomas had a large barn, together with four horses, a large amount of machinery and 16 tons of new hay, destroyed by lightning several weeks ago.

Franklin Twp. – Rev. Tracy Webster, of Maine, NY, with his wife and family, is spending a vacation at his old home here. He preached in the Presbyterian church on August 1st. ALSO A very pleasant gathering was enjoyed at Salt Springs—the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wheaton—when the annual “Home Coming Picnic” was held. There were about 125 in attendance. ALSO George Peck, of Franklin forks, leaves today for an extended visit with his brothers Guy Peck, in Ohio, and James, in Indiana. He will go with his automobile.

Bridgewater Twp. – Stanley Roach and family have moved from East Bridgewater to Newburgh, NY. Mr. Roach has accepted a position with the Holden Paper Mill. He has had considerable experience in paper manufacture, having been employed for some time in the large mill at Austin, Pa. Friends deeply regret their removal.

Little Meadows – Our annual picnic, to be held Aug. 16, is expected to be the largest picnic ever held in Little Meadows. Everybody welcome. ALSO Several aeroplanes were seen passing over this vicinity recently.

Forest Lake – Some fishermen have the all too common propensity of letting all the big ones get away or, at least, do not seem to be able to get them home to show to their admiring friends. But this is not the case with Morris Baker, who a few days ago took a three-pound pickerel from Forest Lake and brought it in where all could see it. It was a beauty.

Gelatt – Harold Daniels discovered a deer Sunday night, while doing chores, about five rods from the house. Upon calling to his folks, the deer took fright and went across the lots into F. H. Holmes’ woods. [Deer were very scarce in Northeastern Pennsylvania in the early 1900’s.] ALSO The 32nd annual reunion of the descendants of Captain Joseph and Lois Guernsey Potter will be held in the Gelatt Grange Hall, Thursday, August 19. [Mrs. Julia A. Potter, Sec’y.]

Susquehanna – The Erie Band gave a fine open air concert last Friday evening, which was enjoyed by the many who listened to their fine program.

New Milford – Plans are being perfected to place a memorial drinking fountain in front of the park.

Kingsley – Fred Tyler, the very successful proprietor of the Kingsley Garage, recently accepted the agency for the Western Electric Lighting Co.’s farm lighting plants. As an opening in a campaign to introduce the plants to the public, a demonstration was given at Kingsley, Friday evening, Aug. 6th, at the home of Mrs. Chris. Tiffany, when the grounds were illuminated and a four-reel motion picture, entitled, the “Go-Getter,” was shown to a large audience. This picture, made by the Western Electric Co., shows in reality the advantages of electricity on a farm.

Harford – Ray Allen is one of our progressive farmers and is building a very large barn. Fred Collings and Mr. Johnson are the carpenters and are being assisted by several other men as Mr. Allen wants to get the building finished so he can put in his hay. The barn is 36 x 72 feet, with stable room to accommodate 36 head of cattle and several horses. A “raising” was held last Thursday and a number of men attended and Mrs. Allen served a splendid supper for them, which they did justice to, after which they returned home, all feeling they had spent a pleasant afternoon and were glad they helped Mr. Allen out with his new building.

Great Bend – Lot owners and people interested in the Newman cemetery are invited to meet at the cemetery Friday morning for work in cleaning the cemetery. A picnic dinner will be held in the Grange Hall. [Records show that Jason Treadwell, first man hung in Susquehanna County for the murder of Oliver Harper, is buried in the cemetery, although the grave is unmarked.]

Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - Mr. and Mrs. S. Jagger and grandson, Herbert Tyler, were over to Kenneth Hollister’s to see Mrs. Jagger’s mother, Mrs. M. O. Evans. She is 96 years old and retains all her faculties of hearing, sight and mind. We think she is the oldest person in the county.

To All Old Veterans, Soldiers and Friends – It is hereby announced that the 52ndannual encampment of the Veterans Organization of Susquehanna County will be held Aug. 20, 1920 on the Fair Grounds, Montrose. In its early days these encampments were from 2 to 3 days duration and were attended by multitudes from all parts of this locality, bringing with them knapsacks containing full rations for the occasion; also all implements of warfare and accoutrements of army life. Camps were planned, tents pitched, guards posted, guard-houses established, sham battles fought, soldiers wounded and taken to the hospital, the enemy taken prisoner and put in the lockup, and military maneuvering was the order of the day. Now they are modified to the extent that they are confined to but one day, and that the time is occupied in greeting old comrades, soldiers and friends, relating stories of army life, singing, impromptu speaking, shaking hands and having a royal, good time generally. It is the one gala day for the now remaining boys who wore the blue. All soldiers and the widows of such soldiers are most cordially invited. If old soldiers or widows cannot walk to grounds or are without transportation, it will be provided.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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