Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 12 1910/2010
Franklin Forks - Max Tingley, a young man living below here, fell from a load of hay while driving to Hallstead on Friday, breaking his leg. He was alone, and although suffering from the pain, unhitched one of the horses and rode to Hallstead. Dr. Merrell, after setting the bone, took him home in his automobile.
Brooklyn - Ely's Lake has made a start; a cottage is being built. Who will be next?
Dimock - The Dimock Campmeeting commences next Wednesday evening, continuing until Aug. 25.
Auburn Four Corners - Owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. H. C. Downing, who is taking a vacation, there will be no services at the Baptist church during the month.
Towanda/Jessup Twp. - Levi Blaisdell, a prominent resident of Towanda, died on Wednesday evening, Aug. 3, after a long illness. He was a native of Jessup Township, being born Sept. 10, 1833. His parents were Timothy S. and Patience Dewers Blaisdell. He had a fine war record, enlisting in Co. D, 50th P.V.I., at Montrose on Sept. 1, 1861. He was honorably discharged, Nov. 30, 1865. Mr. Blaisdell was in many of the principal battles of the war and for nearly a year was a prisoner at Andersonville.
Forest Lake - The baseball nine of Forest Lake will hold an ice cream social at the creamery, Friday night, August 19. All are invited to come and have a good time.--Eugene Hollister, captain.
Great Bend - Dr. Frederic Brush, superintendent of the New York Post-Graduate Hospital, has been awarded first prize by Collier's Magazine in the vacation story contest. Dr. Brush was a Great Bend young man.
Thompson - There resides here a man who is fast rising to eminence in the world of letters. His pen name is Kirk Parson. His first story came from the press several years ago. It is a sparkling tale of railroad life, bearing the title: "On The Mountain Division." This week his publishers, the Roxburgh Co., of Boston, have put out a new novel from his pen: "A Fast Game." Kirk Parson is the Rev. Luman E. Sanford, pastor of the M. E. church at Thompson. He was born within the confines of his present parish, so that this section of the State may rightly claim him. He is a quiet, unpretentious man, who is in love with his work. His geniality and abounding humor has made for him a host of friends, most of whom will be greatly surprised to learn that Kirk Parson and Rev. Luman E. Sanford, are one.
Springville - Camp Wright, a colored man, for many years a resident of this village, was taken sick last week and, as he had no one to attend him, he was taken to the Auburn and Rush poor asylum on Friday. Word was received Monday that he was dead. His father, the late Samuel Wright, was a runaway slave, coming here before the Civil War.
Alford - J. M. Decker has broken ground for a new house near N. Wagner's. ALSO F. D. Houlihan lost a valuable horse recently. It was taken sick and died at South Gibson, where Mr. and Mrs. Houlihan were visiting.
South Harford - Price Harding, of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting his brother, Philander Harding. ALSO - Anna Adams has been hired to teach the Harding school the coming term, which begins August 29.
Jackson - Bissel Brown succeeded in getting his auto up the hill after several weeks rest.
Uniondale - Geo. Esmay and Dan Gibson are going to start with their stepper for the races at Dug Righter, York State, next week. Leon Sheibly and Oliver Richards are to go as caretakers. Dan and George say that the York State horses will move some or they will bring back the pot.
Silver Lake - The Richmond Hill "Sluggers" defeated the Montrose team last Friday at Montrose, in a hotly contested game. Score 15 to 18.
A trip to Brooklyn, related by Dr. C.C. Halsey, Montrose, to attend the Presbyterian Church Centennial - "I recall my first visit to Brooklyn. It was in the early summer of 1845 and on a Saturday, for we had no school in the academy of which I was then principal. There was but one way to get there, and that was by the Milford and Owego turnpike. I went on horseback and passed through several strips of woods where now there are well tilled fields and other tokens of agricultural thrift. Before crossing one of the branches of the Meshoppen creek I noticed two residences, places of pubic entertainment in the early settlement of the county. I seemed to be going up or down hill all the way, but the grade has since been improved in some places. I passed through one toll gate and contributed a little toward the maintenance of the road. The latter part of the way was along a creek and quite level. At a rather sharp turn, and slight ascent, the hamlet came suddenly into view. Conspicuous on the right was the stately mansion of the late Dr. Braton Richardson, which remains to this day, and close by is the office where the late Drs. W. L. Richardson, L. A. and E. N. Smith were medical students. There was an unpretentious hotel, a school house, a blacksmith shop, a few stores and some other buildings that were not residences. I saw but one church in the village, but high up on the hill beyond stood the Universalist church, which for many years was a landmark and beacon. [Dr. Halsey goes on to relate another trip to Brooklyn, but for this article we will conclude for want of space.]
News Brief - The high price of mules is giving Pennsylvania anthracite mining companies much trouble. They cannot be dispensed with, in spite of the introduction of power motors, and their price has gone up from $145 in 1901 to $219 in 1907, and now to $300. Only the strongest animals can be used. They are well cared for and every colliery has a veterinarian. Their feed costs 40 per cent more than in 1901. ALSO The latest invention to hang in the family dining room is the gum board, plain or decorated, fastened to the wall. The name of each of the family is painted on the circumference, and marks the spot where the gum is left until wanted. This saves carrying the gum to bed and getting it in ones hair or swallowing it in the night. It is obvious that the gum board supplies a long felt want, and he who invented the fad will have the best wishes of the young ladies.
Compiled By: Betty Smith