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August 12 1904/2004

Springville - R. W. Kent, of Elk Lake, has been in this place the past week representing the Fyrecide Co., of New York. The company has a new idea in the way of a fire extinguisher. Mr. Kent built a fire on the street, which was burning furiously, and then to show what the apparatus would do with the contents of one tube, the fire almost was entirely extinguished. AND In Lynn, Welton Sheldon has opened a barber shop over F. S. Greenwood's store, where he will be glad to meet anyone in need of his services.

Upsonville - August 4th, 1904, Uncle Edward Curtis in his 87th year, with his daughter, Mrs. J. O. McKinney, came over to help celebrate the first year's birthday of his great-granddaughter, little Thelma Estelle McKinney; it was an enjoyable day; had the father been home to dinner, four generations would have met.

Susquehanna - Louis Fox and Robert Ticknor, two lads of this place, on Friday, killed a rattlesnake on the turnpike between the Lanesboro road and the Catholic convent. It measured 4 feet and 6 inches and had 8 rattles. AND A violent thunder shower passed over this place last Friday evening--and lots of folks were frightened into being good for a little while, as a result. AND Susquehanna has a new-born poet, and "right up to G" in rhythm. Listen to our latest, ground out in a recent issue of the Transcript: "There was a young man who worked on Canavan's farm/He sang in the Baptist church choir/His voice was pitched high/But along came a bull/And pitched it twenty feet higher."

Brooklyn - The Graded School will commence Monday, Sept'r 5, with Prof. Snyder, of Lancaster county, as principal' Miss Chamberlin, assistant; Miss Sterling, intermediate; and Miss Hearn, primary teacher.

Silver Lake - The bright light seen here Friday night was caused by the burning by lightning of Jerry Donovan's barn near Tripp Lake; none of the contents saved except the horses and harnesses.

St. Joseph - The marriage of Miss Minnie S. McCahill, of Choconut, and William Jospeh Rowan, of Brooklyn, NY, is announced to occur soon in the Catholic Church in this place.

Forest Lake - Our faithful and obliging stage driver, Moses Mott, has retired from the business and Jake Maynard succeeds him.

Harford Twp. - Arthur Maynard has put in a phone from his farm house to the mill. AND In Oakley, The little 4 yr. old twin son of John Bennett was terribly scalded on Saturday last by sitting down in a pail of boiling water, left standing on the floor; he is attended by Dr. Taylor and is doing nicely.

Lathrop Twp. - At the special meeting of the School board it was decided to close the Hillsdale school on account of small attendance. The two schools now closed are Hillsdale and Deckertown. AND One of our old soldiers, Parden Lindsley, is very low with typhoid fever.

Montrose - A dish-washing machine has just been installed in the Tarbell House. It is one of the best machines obtainable and when operated by two persons it does the work of six. AND Dropping in D. V. Gardiner's place of business the other evening, we found that many changes had taken place, giving this popular tobacco and cigar store an up-to-date finish in every particular. He has established a billiard and pool parlor in the rear of the store, which is attractive and very liberally patronized. Mr. Gardiner informs us that further improvements will be added in this department within a few days.

East Lenox - The neighbors of George Ledyard made a bee Monday to help harvest his oats. AND In Lenox, several Scranton people are camping at Loomis Lake. Among them is M. L. Smith, D.P.A. of the Lackawanna, who has placed a naphtha launch on the lake.

Thomson - The Thomson camp meeting grounds are well covered with tents, something over 100 tents being up. Large crowds of people will probably attend.

Hallstead/Great Bend - From the large number of entries in the different classes, the races here, Aug. 17, 18 and 19, will excel any event in the way of speed trials in this county. The Susquehanna Band has been engaged by the Association to furnish music on the first day (Wednesday, Aug. 17. To hear this excellent band is worth the price of admission. The Association has secured excursion rates on Railroads.

Ararat - Ira Tinklepaugh, of Ararat, and Mrs. Margaret E. Northup, of Stamfordsville, PA, were married at the manse in Conklin on July 25 by Rev. William J. Bridges. Mr. Tinklepaugh advertised exclusive in the Independent Republican for a wife a few weeks ago and--well you see the result. Marriageable men and women should take advantage of the wonderful opportunity offered along matrimonial lines through our columns. But then it is that way with all our ads--they bring quick results.

Forest City - The chief of police wishes us to announce that all slot machines of a gambling nature must be put out of business or he will confiscate them.

Tingley, New Milford Twp. - Mrs. Warner killed a large rattlesnake on the farm of Ed. Summers, a few days ago.

Lake View, Jackson Twp. - A. D. Corse, postmaster, has tendered his resignation and it is thought the office will be abandoned as the free delivery route serves nearly all the patrons of the office.

News Brief - An editor in Wisconsin says the Concordia Kansan has the advertising idea proper and draws the line nowhere. Here is his write-up of a wedding: --"Miss Jennie Jones and Bob Henry were married at the Jones mansion last night. The bride is a daughter of our constable Jones, [who] made a good officer and undoubtedly will be re-elected in the spring. He offers a fine horse for sale in another column. The groom runs a grocery store on Main St. and is a good patron of our ad. columns, and has got a new line of bargains this week. All summer he has paid two cents more for butter than any other store in town. The happy couple left on the ten o'clock train for Milwaukee to visit the bride's uncle, who is reported to have lots of money and Bright's disease. Bob certainly has an eye for business."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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