Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 12 1892/1992
Montrose - The hail storm last Wednesday afternoon broke 64 panes of glass in the farm house of D. Brewster, a short distance below town His buckwheat was also considerably damaged. AND a trio of tourists, two men and a bear passed through this place on Friday. The bear was probably the most intelligent looking of the three.
Binghamton - The Binghamton Herald of Friday, August 12, says that a party of three surveyors in the employ of the Binghamton and State Line Railway Company, have been at work in the vicinity of Hawleyton for over a week and now claim to have found a southern route out of Binghamton superior to all others. The route selected is deemed entirely practicable, the grade at no point exceeding 80 feet to the mile. People who live along the route are quite enthusiastic, and there does not seem to be any disposition to drive the enterprise away by enormous prices for right of way. Furthermore the promoters say they have an agreement for an extension of the line on to the southwest, and that the road will certainly go through within six or eight months.
Heart Lake - Heart Lake is booming, and it would be hard to find a more pleasant place to spend a few days or for picnics or excursions of any kind. Harvey Grilling is prepared to give good accommodations and the grounds are supplied with swings, dancing pavilion, and an abundance of rowboats. The new steamboat lately launched also adds to the many enjoyments of the place. The park is very handy to the Lackawanna & Montrose R.R. station. AND One of the new and pleasing features at Heart Lake this year is the rustic hotel, known as the Spring House, U.E. Crofut, prop. Work was commenced on this house May 1st and it was so rustled by a corps of Binghamton carpenters that the house was opened May 30th. The house accommodates some 30 people and it is crowded every day. It will be neatly enlarged for next year and the grounds improved. First class food and splendor; beds are leading features of the establishment, with rates reasonable. $1 a day, or $5 a week.
Clifford - A thief has been visiting the premises of a number of families of late, and a quantity of chickens and eggs have disappeared. On Sunday night last he made his first visit and ate too much seasoned eggs, and refused to go a short distance from the coops. It proved to be a large coon. The burial was private.
Susquehanna County - Court News: Com’th vs. Eli B. Smith: Selling liquors illegally. Constable's return: Defendant conducts a store in Franklin Forks. Briefly, prosecution alleged that Mr. Smith had been selling liquors, alcohol, etc., without a license. Defense claimed that no liquor was sold except for medical purposes, and that for this purpose, as the law stood, the defendant had a right to sell. Most of the witnesses, who had purchased liquor alcohol, testified that they purchased for medical purposes, though one person testified that he bought it for no such purpose. Verdict not guilty: county to pay costs. AND Veterans' Encampment [Civil War] The headquarters of the Veterans Association will be established on the Fair Ground, on Tuesday, Aug 16th at 10 o'clock AM The camp will be designated "Camp Four Brothers," in honor of the Lyons brothers, who died from wounds received in the service. All invited guests are requested to register at Adj’t General's office immediately upon arriving, that they may be assigned quarters. The citizens of Montrose are requested to decorate their residence and business places during the encampment. By order of James West, Gen’l Comd’g. C.H. Jessup. Adj't General.
Compiled By: Betty Smith