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August 11 1922/2022

Dimock – The forty-ninth annual session of the Dimock camp meeting will begin Aug. 17, and close August 27. All expense of keeping the grounds and buildings in repair, lighting and cleaning up are paid by the Association. In order to meet this expense the management have decided to raise the admission fee to 25 cents for all tickets. One ticket admits bearer to any session during the entire ten days. All money made in the grocery and boarding hall goes toward expenses.

Montrose – W. A. Harrington, chairman of the Street and Sidewalk Committee, presented John A. Giles, of Hoadley & Giles Co., civil engineers, of Binghamton, who presented plans and estimated prices for paving Public avenue. On motion duly seconded the Council approved and adopted plan No. 1, as submitted, which calls for a 30 foot center of concrete with a 20 foot brick on each side. The President appointed a committee to wait upon the property owners on Public avenue for the purpose of ascertaining their feeling in the matter, and get them to sign, if willing to co-operate, with the Borough and pay their proportion according to frontage for the paving. Should the project meet the approval of the property owners the work will be started at once and completed this fall, if possible.

Hop Bottom – Canfield Stone, for many years one of the most popular and widely known hotel keepers of the county, passed away at his home, Friday morning, Aug. 4th, 1922. He was identified with the business interests of Hop Bottom for many years, engaging in the feed business after leaving the hotel. He was a director of the First National Bank, Nicholson, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. Although Hop Bottom is a small borough, it was known for many years as one of the very best places “to stop” between New York and Buffalo. So famous was his hotel that traveling men and agents would arrange trips to be a guest of mine host Stone.

East Rush – Our base ball boys are feeling rather blue over their defeat by Harford. They claim the Harford team tried in every way to cripple them, which indeed they did, to an extent by hitting Mr. Curran three times with a pitched ball and also by striking pitcher Pierson on the hand.

Dimock – The Dimock Free Library is closed until further notice as the librarian, Miss Isa Mills, is spending a few days in Philadelphia and Plymouth.

Susquehanna and Great Bend – A band of gypsies traveling in automobiles robbed an aged man of $100 in Windsor shortly before visiting Susquehanna and Great Bend, and had trouble in Binghamton on Monday. The gypsies were made to give up the hundred they took from the Windsor man, at Susquehanna, Saturday evening. Near Newberry crossing, on Monday, they robbed a roadside lunch room of $50. The Binghamton police dept. was notified, and one of the gypsies was arrested and later identified as the one in the lunch room. After being in jail for a few hours he decided to settle, and was allowed to go. The police officers in searching his auto, found $2,000 in currency hidden in a secret compartment in the car. It is believed a number of robberies between Binghamton and Great Bend were committed.

Springville – Mrs. Ella Meserole, after a long visit to her brother’s and other relatives in Montana, returned home on Sunday last. She left Springville for the west in May, 192l. ALSO The fresh air children from New York, having spent two weeks here, returned home Thursday last.

Ararat/Forest City – What was supposed to have been a business man’s base ball club that came to Ararat from Forest City, Saturday, and beat Ararat to the tune of 30 to 8 and if that was a business man’s club then the business of Forest City is being conducted by members of the Inner State League, for at least five members of the Forest City club were I. S. League players. The members of the Ararat club are simply boys of this town and vicinity and do not pretend to play I. S. League teams. They played a good, up-hill game with but few exceptions. It is small credit to the Forest City Business Men’s club to have won the game with the line-up they had.

South Harford – Several from here took in the ball game at South Gibson, Saturday. The Harford boys did not have much time to admire the girl ball players as they were very busy with bats, etc., and the girls came out ahead.

Jackson – No teachers have been hired for the Jackson graded school. Wendell Phillips, who was principal here last year, and Miss Lily Park, Primary teacher here last year, will teach at South Gibson.

Thompson – The ball game between Thompson and Starrucca, played at Starrucca last Saturday, resulted in a score of 10-4in favor of Thompson. Next Saturday they will play at Thompson. Both sides expect to win.

Forest City – New Hupmobile Prices; Touring Car, $1150; Sedan, $1785; Roadster, $1150; Coupe, $1635; Roaster-Coupe, $1335, from Hornbeck Bros.

Uniondale – A ladies’ handmade, brown linen handkerchief, was lost on Monday evening between the bridge and Cable’s store. Will finder kindly leave at the postoffice?

Fiddle Lake – Ira Curtis, of Herrick, with his force of men have started work on the state road from here to Gelatt, were it was washed out by the big storms some time ago.

East Bridgewater – Morris Tingley, surveyor, met with a serious accident Monday morning. He started about four o’clock in the morning to drive from Summersville to his home in Lenox township, being in a hurry to reach home to set up a harvester. When he was near the East Bridgewater church his harness broke, the neckyoke falling to the ground, frightening the horses. Near the home of N. O. Roach he was thrown from the wagon and sustained a fractured hip. Dr. W. W. Preston was called and attended him, but owning to the fact that he lives alone it was thought best to take him to a hospital. He is at Moses Taylor hospital, Scranton.

News Brief: This daylight saving business gets the good wife to work an hour earlier every morning and gives her husband an hour every afternoon to get into mischief, says the Louisville Courier Journal

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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