Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 11 1911/2011
South Gibson - A destructive fire visited here Monday night, eight buildings, including a majority of the business places, being destroyed. The fire was discovered in the hardware of Chamberlin & Davis, of which W. A. Chamberliln and C. W. Davis are proprietors, and there being no fire protection except a bucket brigade (the women united with the men in forming a bucket line to the nearest water), the flames rapidly spread to adjoining buildings. In less than an hour the buildings were burned to the ground. Scores of men from all over the surrounding country, summoned by telephone, were doing what they could to remove the contents. With the exception of the contents of the barns burned, nearly all the movable goods in the other buildings were removed. The structures burned were the hardware store of Chamberlin & Davis and the general store of G. G. McNamara. In the McNamara building was also the postoffice and the millinery store of Mrs. Hattie Morgan. Davis and McNamara both lost their dwelling and barn and the R. Carpenter barn, owned by the Timothy Carpenter estate, was also destroyed. In this barn B. D. Reynolds had stored his household goods, on which there was no insurance. The fire originated, it is believed, from a lantern in the Chamberlin & Davis store.
Rush - A piece of a needle, measuring half an inch long, worked up in the arm of Leon Granger one evening this week, so that it was quite easily drawn out by Dr. Hickok with the aid of a pair of nippers. This broken needle entered his breast when a babe. It was very rusty when taken out.
Forest Lake - C. A. Hine, of Binghamton, has been spending a few days at the home of Miss Edith Horton for the purpose of continuing her study of the Leschetitzky method of piano playing. Mr. Hine has studied in both America and abroad with some of the best teachers of the day, and under his instruction Miss Horton bids fair to become one of our best local teachers.
Lynn - Workmen are busy on the new coal chutes being erected by Brown and Fassett in connection with their feed mill at Springville, which will be much appreciated by people in this place.
Hop Bottom - Our minister in the Universalist church has his vacation this month. Hard to tell when the church bells ring or when it is Sunday. The milk wagons run all the forenoon and then there is the noise of the heavy trains by day and night, and Sunday visitors going to and fro. What a change from fifty years ago!
Little Meadows - Four little boys from New York city are boarding with Mrs. Lillian Hall and enjoying the delights of the farm.
South Harford - E. W. Harding had a nice pig killed by an automobile Thursday.
Montrose - Clarence McKeeby, the handsome "Devil" of the Democrat office, was over to Binghamton Monday to see the elephants in Barnum & Bailey's circus eat hay with their tails. Clarence says that there are buildings in Binghamton that are four stories high. ALSO Sheriff and Mrs. H. S. Conklin have set a pattern in the way of setting flowers, shrubs and vines, about the jail, for all future sheriffs to follow, of they will, and it will keep them busy. The jail's somber look is taken away by them and a scene of rare beauty exhibited instead.
Elk Lake - Dr. W. E. Kelly and family, who have been spending their vacation at their cottage here, returned to their home in Susquehanna on Monday
Forest City - The Wayne and Susquehanna county commissioners will meet here today to arrange for the building of the long-discussed bridge. The commissioners have been waiting two years for the Erie company, and the railroad has announced that it is willing to take action. The bridge is to cross the river here and connect in Clinton township in Wayne.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - John Rafferty, a highly respected citizen of this place, died July 31. He had been in very poor health for many months and was recently taken worse with kidney trouble, from which he suffered intensely until the end came. He leaves five grown-up children.
Dimock - All Women's Christian Temperance Union members and all who are interested in the cause of temperance are urged to be present at the Dimock Camp Meeting, Tuesday, the 15th. ALSO Some of the finest huckleberries are raised by J. F. Warnock, on his farm here. This huckleberry patch seems to be truly an exotic, for there is not another huckleberry grown within perhaps 25 or 35 miles of Mr. Warnock's, excepting a few at North Pond, on Breton Lindsey's farm, near the shore of the lake.
Lenox - The estate of C. D. Manning, deceased, was sold Thursday, the 27th, at public sale. Consideration $3,500 and was purchased by his brother, Atty. J. J. Manning and nephew, Cornelius Manning, of Scranton.
Springville - Mrs. Nick Titman has been sick for a few days with tonsillitis. Mr. Titman has recently purchased a Reo auto. Our little village can boast of having more automobiles than many places a good deal larger.
Uniondale - The Uniondale cornet band was at Lewis Lake, half a day, and rendered excellent music. They speak many nice things about our boys and they well deserve it.
Glenwood - The Grangers held their picnic on Potter's Island, last Saturday. A large crowd was in attendance.
Fairdale/Springville - The baseball game between Springville and Fairdale was one of the best games of the season and was chuck full of exciting situations. Ray Chase pitched a rattling good game for Springville, but his support was not good, which was reflected in the score. Blaine Sterling, as pitcher, also did great work for the Fairdale boys, and he had good support all around. The score was 13 to 8 in favor of Fairdale. The feature of the game was a home run by Christie Curran, who batted out a fly into deep center.
News Brief - Claiming she is the widow of five husbands, all of whom fought in the Civil War, a woman of Walton county, Georgia, has applied to the pension department for five pensions amounting to $60 a month.
Compiled By: Betty Smith