Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 10 1900/2000
South Gibson - Mrs. Rose Davis, who has received a patent upon an improved dress cutting chart, has disposed of the same to a prominent manufacturing firm in Binghamton, who will manufacture and sell it, paying her a handsome royalty for the privilege.
Montrose - Festivals nightly, at the A.M.E. Zion Church, this week, have attracted large crowds. AND: It is the general opinion that owing to the prolonged drought, potatoes will not be the abundant crop that was promised earlier in the season. Some of the early varieties, however, are showing up finely, among them being the "Montrose Wonder," originated by L. B. Pickett, of this place. Some of this variety were of good size, fair and handsome tubers, and when cooked were white, mealy and of excellent flavor.
Thompson - W. W. Simrell, for 20 years Master Mechanic of the DL&W Railroad, at Hallstead, and later Prothonotary of this county, is spending the summer months at the Angora goat farm of his sons, in Thompson township, near Starrucca, where he is superintending the erection of a commodious barn.
Susquehanna - The new telephone line will be extended to Hickory Grove at once. The new lines between Forest City and Susquehanna and between Susquehanna and Bainbridge, NY, are gradually nearing completion. AND: The Commissioners appointed to consider the matter of the division of the wards of this borough will again meet here Sept. 11th.
Brookdale - The Helping Hand Society of this place met on Thursday, Aug. 9, with Mrs. A. B. Mitchell and did a lot of sewing and tied off a quilt.
Silver Lake - A party of 30 visited Salt springs on Thursday and although the creek was dry and the falls had vanished a pleasant time was reported and the ride home by moonlight was much enjoyed.
Lynn - Risley & Silkman, our popular merchants, have opened a branch grocery at the Lathrop creamery and are well patronized by the people who deliver milk there.
Harford - A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Forsyth, east of the village, on Wednesday afternoon, August 15th, when their lovely and accomplished daughter, Naomi, was united in marriage to Lee W. McLaud, an estimable young man of Harford. The parlor was beautifully decorated with house plants. Pearl Tingley, a cousin of the groom, played the wedding march. Lee Forsyth, a brother of the bride was best man and Abbie Allen was bridesmaid. The bride wore a traveling dress of dark blue, trimmed with white satin. After the wedding a bountiful repast was served. At a convenient hour, amongst a gentle shower of rice, the happy couple left for the evening train. They will spend several days in Scranton and vicinity before returning to Harford.
Rush - On Saturday last the horse of Mrs. L. Very, and one belonging to Miss Blanche Hill, whilst tied at S. B. McCain's store, were frightened by the whistle of the steam engine of Jerome Kinney, who was threshing near by. The horses broke loose and ran away and Mrs. Very's ran afoul of a telephone pole which turned the buggy upside down, broke a wheel and tore the harness to pieces. Fortunately no one was in the wagon.
Lawton - James Flynn and James Curley are putting a pair of scales in I. Haire's barn for the purpose of weighing heavy commodities. The scales belong to Kahler, Terry and Haire. Lawton is quite a business place and the scales will be very handy. AND: The Lawton ball team went down to Rushville recently and did that team to the extent of 43 to 7.
Great Bend - J. N. Sackett, aged 72, a few days ago rode a wheel from Great Bend to five miles west of Owego, NY.
Forest City - Forest City is to have a $50,000 brewery. AND: A surprise that was as complete as it was pleasant was given Rev. J. E. Broadhead, Monday. It was the gift of a new carriage and harness from a number of friends. Woodbury Coil, who was the prime mover in the scheme, quietly circulated a paper for several days last week and quickly realized a goodly sum of money. Saturday the new equipment arrived and Monday morning Mr. Coil borrowed the clergyman's horse for 20 minutes. He took it to Johns' barn, where the animal was hooked to a new rig, complete even to a beribboned whip, and then returned to Pentecost's store where Mr. Broadhead was invited to jump in. It is hard to say who got the most pleasure out of the presentation--the popular "dominie" or Mr. Coil.
Flynn (Middletown Twp.) - For the last four weeks there has been one continual round of pleasure here. Beginning with a dance which was held in Mr. J. McManus' new barn. Though the night was hot there was plenty of fresh air and the boys and the girls tripped the light fantastic toe until the wee hours of the morning. Next came an excursion to Kinney's Pond with the Haires as a rendezvous; fishing, dancing boating, with an occasional fall in the pond, was the order of the day. Then a ride to West Auburn in which Mr. C. Murray let his arm go to waist. Rob McCormick and the girl that was with him kept their eyes on the cows in the wheat. As for Maggie Golden we don't know what became of her as she was in a closed buggy. Perhaps Patrick Fitzpatrick can tell. Anyway, Miss Armson still continued to cake walk and Miss Asher tried to keep quiet. Captain Tom Golden thought best to leave his wife at home and was eagerly sought after by all the girls. Miss Jeanette Golden had a mania for fishing and what we would have done without Charley Golden and his fiddle we do not know. Anyway, harrah for Kinney's pond.
Uniondale - The best preserved man in our town is Jas Bennett, who now has his home with his daughter, Mrs. Elvira Davis. Mr. Bennett is in his 90th year, but still has the use of all his faculties.
Glenwood - Sunday, Aug. 12, Mrs. J. B. Swartz opened a can of pickles, which were put up just 9 years ago, and they were elegant.
Compiled By: Betty Smith