Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 09 1912/2012
Four Tragic Accidents Involving Children - ARARAT: Fred Howell, 8--year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Howell, was found in a pasture Thursday morning with a gash six inches long across his forehead, where a horse had kicked him. The outer table of the skull was crushed in, exposing the brain. Dr. Craft, of Herrick, and Dr. Garrison, of Jackson, attended him. The boy had been sent to the pasture to bring in the horse and was absent about two hours before an older brother, Russell, aged 15, found him sitting near a fence holding his head. The little fellow was able to say that he had been there “about half an hour” but that was all before he lapsed into unconsciousness. Several messages were sent to doctors and Harkness Cochrane drove over to Herrick, four miles, and got Dr. Craft, who was out working in his hayfield and could not be reached by phone. Death ended Fred’s sufferings Saturday night. He did not regain consciousness. AUBURN: The entire community was saddened when hearing the news that Lee Grant Benscoter, age 4, fell from a wagon with fatal results. The happy little fellow was riding on a load of manure which was being drawn on a heavy wagon, and in passing over a rough place the wagon jolted and the boy fell to the ground. The wagon passed over him and he died in a short time from internal injuries. ELK LAKE: Just as we were writing a few lines last evening, speaking of the many fatalities in which young boys have lost their lives came the distressing information that Bruce Harrington, age 14, son of Capt. J. C. Harrington, of Montrose, had accidentally shot himself while camping at the lake with a number of his young friends. Leon Chesley and Bruce had been using a small rifle in target work just a few moments before the accident. Mr. Chesley, having to leave for a short time, admonished the young man not to touch the rifle until he came back, but it seems that he, Bruce, took up the arm and went through some maneuvers; bringing the butt of the gun to the ground, it exploded and as the rifle was a small one, it brought the muzzle in line with his right side. He simply exclaimed, “I am shot,” and expired in a few moments. The news was wired to Montrose and his father, while rushing to the scene at high speed, overturned his automobile and it was only by the sheerest good fortune that he was not severely injured. The boys went into camp last Friday, and their outing had been particularly pleasant, without an accident to mar the pleasure, till this awful accident. FOREST CITY: Bruce, the 7--year old son of Contractor E. A. Bloxham, had his life crushed out beneath a pile of lumber last week while watching a game of ball near his father’s lumber yards. He with another boy, John Zaller, who also sustained a broken leg, was sitting beside a pile of timber on top of which several children were playing. It is supposed the running of the children on the pile, which was 6 x 4 plank, toppled it over. One of the heavy timbers fractured the boy’s skull, killing him instantly.
Birchardville - Rev. Dr. Chas. Tracey, President of Anatolia College, at Marsovan, Turkey, who has been visiting relatives at Athens and Birchardville, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Brewster while enroute. It was at this college, where the Rev. Riggs Brewster, formerly of Montrose, was a teacher during his three years in Turkey.
Susquehanna - Frank Granger, who killed John Pulaski on the night of July 3rd, was captured in that place on Saturday and the same evening was brought to Montrose and placed in jail. Both men were members of the Canavan Island gang, which is made up of roughs and hoboes that occupy this island near Susquehanna, and they were celebrating together the night before the Fourth. Granger claimed he had no intention of killing his friend and his story is generally believed. He first drew a toy pistol, which he pointed at his friend as they stood with others before the bar of a Susquehanna hotel. “I’m not afraid of that,” remarked Pulaski. “Well, maybe you are of this,” answered Granger with drunken bravado as he pulled forth a revolver. Supposing it was unloaded he pulled the trigger, there was a report, and Pulaski dropped to the floor. Granger assisted him to his feet, and after doing what he could for him, later disappeared. Returning to Susquehanna he was arrested and the last grand jury indicted him for involuntary manslaughter.
Silver Lake - Miss Mary Hawley, who resided in Montrose for several years, has been received into the Order of the Immaculate Heart, at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, in Scranton. She was accompanied by Mrs. T. L. Dolan, of Montrose, and Mrs. Dr. Dolan of Scranton, who witnessed the profession.
Montrose - D. V. Gardiner has had a fine electric sign placed in front of is cigar store and pool room.
This is the first sign of its kind to be erected in Montrose, “Dave’s” accustomed enterprise in inaugurating the use of this popular city form of advertising, causing considerable favorable comment.
Great Bend - John Cameron Smith and Genevieve Spaulding leave this week for Memphis, Tenn. to join their parents, where they will make their future home.
Heart Lake - Misses Blanche Smith and Helen Bayless and Guy Bayless are camping with a party from New Milford at VanCott’s cottage at Upper Lake. The party is chaperoned by Miss Frances Carter.
Springville - Next Sunday morning a representative of the Anti-Saloon League will hold the service in the M. E. church, and will be at Lynn in the afternoon and Dimock in the evening.
West Auburn - Messrs Lay and Walpole, of Owego, are hard at work repairing the county bridge at this place. They are replacing the plank flooring with concrete, which will make a great deal less noise when teams pass over. They are also adding a fine foot bridge for pedestrians.
News Briefs - James A. Hubbard, of Factoryville, through his attorney, Geo. W. Maxey, has begun suit to revolver $15,000 damages from the Tobyhanna Creek Ice Co. He alleges that while he was loading ice into the ice house a trestle gave way precipitating him and a heavy cake of ice to the ground. His right leg was badly broken and crushed. It is now two inches shorter than the left, he says, and is shaped like a rainbow. If it hadn’t been for the accident, he opines, it is possible that he might have married a woman with a world of money, but the rainbow leg puts that prospect out of business. ALSO: The State automobile division, which is in charge of the registration of automobiles, will order 75,000 license tags for the year 1913, an increase of $15,000 over the present year. The color adopted for 1913 is olive green with white letters and figures.
Compiled By: Betty Smith