Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 08 1902/2002
New Milford - Walter L. Main's railroad circus will be at New Milford on the 20th of August. AND Forty-two city children from the tenements arrived in New Milford on Thursday of last week for a short outing.
Vestal, New York - While tearing down an old homestead near Vestal, workmen found the skeleton of a human being between the partition walls. The skeleton was face down. The bones were in a fair state of preservation, and near them were found a soldier's canteen, a bayonet, and New York papers bearing date June, 1865.
Hallstead - Homer Ca?well (Caswell, Capwell ?) living near Hallstead, was out on the mountain picking berries, when a rattlesnake bit his thumb. He pulled out his revolver and shot the snake's head off; then turning the weapon toward his hand he blew the end of his thumb off, thus preventing the poison being carried through his system. The thumb was amputated and no serious results are likely to follow.
Forest City - While workmen were excavating for blue stone near Forest City recently, they unearthed the petrified bones of an animal estimated to have been 16 ft. long. The body lay head downward on a shelf under a projecting rock. The left foreleg was missing. A hind leg had been broken off at the knee, but the foot was found under the root of a tree near by. Lime water falling on the bones had turned them into stone, but the outlines were perfect. Footprints as large around as a half-bushel measure were found. The farmers of the neighborhood believe the bones to be those of a monster species of the horse, but a Scranton geologist is sure they are those of a mastodon.
Springville/Lathrop Twp. - Several cases of small-pox in West Nicholson and near Springville and Lathrop have excited the gravest apprehension of the people. The School Directors of Springville have appointed J. O. Lyman sanitary officer and his appointment has been confirmed by Judge Searle. Every precaution will be taken to prevent the spread of the disease and thorough quarantine established. Greenwood & Lyman have closed their branch store at Lathrop.
Towanda, Bradford Co. - Bent with the weight of 103 years, but still vigorous and clear-minded, Richard Vanderpool has declared that he does not care particularly to live any longer. He lives at Towanda, with a daughter. He was born in Frenchtown, Asylum township, April 11, 1799, the place being historic as the home of many nobles who fled from France. He remembers his parents telling of the visit of Louis Philippe, afterward King of France, Talleyrand, LaRochefoucauld, and other noted Frenchmen. The centenarian is the father of twenty children, seven of whom are living. His first wife died 70 years ago and his second wife 30 years ago.
Auburn Twp. - Dr. Henry Austin Adams, a former Episcopal clergyman of Buffalo, but now the editor of Donahoe's Magazine, published in Boston, Mass., will give his famous lecture: "The Twentieth Century," at St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church, Friday evening, August 15, under the auspices of the St. Aloysius T. A. B. Society of that parish.
Montrose - Work is now under way on the Montrose branch of the Lehigh Valley, which is perhaps better known as the Narrow Gauge, and in a few weeks it will be of standard width, while being jolted and jarred until you feel like a shipwrecked sailor, as has been the experience of nearly all when riding on the Narrow Gauge, will have drifted into oblivion. They are now at a point about eight miles this side of Tunkhannock, where a long, deep cut through rock will take a fortnight or more to complete, but from there on the work will be comparatively easy. A broad gauge engine is now running on the part completed.
Susquehanna - In St. Rose Convent, Carbondale, on Thursday, Miss Nellie McCarthy, of this place, took the vow of a novice and, in religion, became Sister Mary Winfield.
Howard Hill, Liberty Twp. - During the thunderstorm Sunday evening, Elmer Bailey hurried his cows in the barn, which was almost immediately struck by lightning. He succeeded in getting the cows out again, but the barn and its contents were burned to the ground. No insurance. AND C. D. Berg lost a valuable cow last week. It caught its foot over its horn, which caused its death.
Thomson - Harry Bloxham met with quite a loss, Tuesday. While drawing a quarry stone near here, and going down a hill, the reach broke letting the forward part of the load slide off one of the horses, breaking the leg of one, and injuring the other quite badly.
Lawton, Rush Twp. - George Graham, Jr., violinist, was professionally engaged at Meshoppen, Wednesday.
Herrick Centre - Rumor says that our popular blacksmith, W. Scott Ogden, is soon to take a partner.
Hallstead - C. H. Green, of Hallstead, while working on a trestle, at Elmdale, Monday, fell from it and received injuries, which resulted in his being taken to the Lackawanna hospital, at Scranton, where his left arm was amputated. He also sustained a fracture of the skull. While Green was at work he was struck by the big-boom and knocked off the bridge. He is about 35 years of age and married.
Ararat - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shelly will go to house keeping in the upper rooms of the old Potter building.
Hopbottom - Can Stone, the popular host of the Foster House, while trolling for pickerel in Loomis Lake, caught a six pound fish. This was probably the largest pickerel ever taken from the waters in this section of the State. When dressed and ready for the oven the fish weighed over 4 1/2 lbs. Can is a boss fisherman.
Glenwood - Someone who had on a jag driving through this place on Saturday, came near running down a party of children. AND Sterling Maxson was overcome by the heat and is now suffering with summer complaint; he is 82 years of age and the drain on his constitution is telling on him.
Compiled By: Betty Smith