Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 07 1914/2014
Gibson – Stephen Carpenter, the stage driver, has purchased an auto truck to use between South Gibson and Susquehanna.
Heart Lake – Boyd Breese, of Heart Lake, had an exciting experience which he will probably never forget. He was bathing in the lake when another bather, Miss Grace Dwyer, was suddenly taken with cramps and sank in deep water. Young Breese, who is a good swimmer, went to her assistance, but the frightened girl grappled him in such a way as to render him helpless, and both sank for the second time, when dragged from the water by Fred Bullard, of Binghamton, who was nearby. When they came up the last time they were under a boat, all that was visible of them being one of Breese’s arms, which providentially, was seen, and by which they were saved from a watery grave.
Alford – Passengers on the L & M, yesterday afternoon, on the trip from Alford to Montrose, were given several distinct shudders. As the train was passing over the trestle at Alford a coal car became derailed, apparently, but owing to the inner rails, stayed on the trestle till the west bank of Martin Creek was reached when it left the road bed and rolled down the steep embankment, landing up-side down near the water’s edge. A box car also left the rails, but did not overturn. There were many passengers aboard, who were left out on the trestle in a perilous position, and consternation reigned until an engine from the main line came and took the passenger coaches back to Alford. The train was an hour and a half late in reaching Montrose.
Hop Bottom – Mr. Squires, of LaGrange, Ill, an old gentleman eighty years of age, who has been visiting relatives here, left for Chicago, Sunday evening, owing to ill health. He was accompanied by Dr. A. J. Taylor.
Fairdale – W. J. Rhinevault, who has most faithfully looked after the interests of the many patrons of the wagon and blacksmith shop here, for nearly 20 years, feels he would like to shift the responsibilities to younger shoulders and offers the business for sale, we are informed.
Forest Lake – Lafayette Shelp was in Montrose yesterday, the first time for nearly a year. Mr. Shelp is in usually good health, although 74 years of age, and attends to his usual duties. To all appearances has not a grey hair in his head. Mr. Shelp has a fine place, built and used by his father, 90 years ago; also a table made by his father, both of which are very highly prized.
South Montrose – While Mrs. Percy Ballantine was driving her automobile from her home to Montrose, yesterday afternoon, she had trouble in shifting the gears while ascending the hill just below South Montrose, near A. Nichols’. The car started to back down the hill and before it could be stopped, overturned, pinning her little daughter underneath and severely injuring her arm. The child was rushed to the Moses Tylor Hospital at Scranton for X-Ray examination and treatment. Mrs. Ballantine’s son was also in the car at the time of the accident, but neither was injured.
Lawton – Joseph, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Curley, had a miraculous escape from death a few days ago, when he suffered a fall of about 12 feet, striking on the cement floor in the basement of Mr. Curley’s barn. A physician was called, but no injuries could be found—and the bright little fellow plays about as happy as ever.
Auburn Four Corners – Frank H. Bunnell, of Tunkhannock, has purchased the Perry Bushnell store here and will stock it with goods and open for business within the next two or three weeks. An excellent mercantile business has been done for years there, but on account of age and infirmity Mr. Bushnell closed out his stock a year or two ago and retired. Mr. Bunnell is a young man and will likely soon build up a good business.
Forest City – The committee in charge of the Old Home Week celebration to be held here the week of August 10 to 15 are busy getting the details perfected for what they hope will be the greatest event in the history of the town. There will be four aeroplane flights, one of which is scheduled for Thursday, the other three will be held on days to be decided later. The New England Amusement Co. will furnish a merry-go-round, an ocean wave and a ferris wheel.
Susquehanna – The Erie shops in this place are closed for the week and we are wondering if it is the war scare or the refusal of increased freight rates. It is hoped that the layoff will be short and that business will soon pick up so that the enforced idleness will not materially affect the employees to any great extent. The huge shoe factory at Endicott, which has been hopeful of not being influenced by dull times, has been forced to work but 5 days a week. Along with the dull times comes the prospect of increased prices, caused largely by the demands from foreign war-ridden countries being short of food supplies and it behooves the careful housekeeper to stock up on necessities before the prices advance.
Uniondale – Quite an excitement here a few days ago. The wrecker, returning from unwrecking a wreck, wrecked itself upon rounding a curve and had to send for another wrecker to unwreck the wrecker that wrecked itself while returning from a wreck. Yes sir!
Montrose – “Dick,” Florist W. W. Nash’s faithful family horse for the past 18 years, was painlessly put to death on Monday, having been suffering for a short time from an apparently incurable sickness. Few horses attain his advanced years, he having been 31 years old. Kind and true, his owner had formed a strong attachment for him and feels the loss of his faithful animal friend. ALSO Att. J. M. Kelly has recently purchased the Blakeslee law building on Public avenue, in which his law office has been located for the past 15 years. This building is one of the best known law buildings in the county, having been occupied for many years by Dr. E. L. Blakeslee, and later by the late George P. Little.
News Brief: England has declared war on Germany. The warlike attitude taken by Great Britain was followed by the refusal of the Kaiser to yield to the demand that she withdraw her troops from Belgium and respect that country’s neutrality. The government of England sent her demand in the form of an ultimatum and gave the Germans twelve hours in which to answer. The Kaiser sent his reply within that time, but its contents did not please Great Britain and war was immediately declared. ALSO Col. Theodore Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive party and former president of the United States, is booked to speak at the Bradford county fair, in Towanda, September 8th. ALSO Miss Helen Lynch, of Philadelphia, representing the Pennsylvania Women’s Suffrage Association, is here this week, in the interest of the suffrage movement. She is getting the expression of the prominent people, in regard to their sentiments on this question.
Compiled By: Betty Smith