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August 07 1908/2008

Hallstead - As a heavily loaded wagon was being driven across the bridge spanning the Susquehanna river one of the heavy overhead timbers, known as a lateral brace, fell with a crash, carrying with it the electric light wires and barely missing the team and driver. For a time the tangled wires, some of which were charged, obstructed travel. This is a county bridge and many of the timbers are said to be in a decayed condition.

Montrose - The Cherokee Indians with "Maud Olsen" arrived safely from Tunkhannock Friday morning where the day before they had trimmed that team 5 to 0. The lady, whose name suggests the land of "Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates," or land adjacent thereto, simply had our stars guessing for the two innings in which she pitched. A bronze skilled lad named Leroy succeeded her and he was found for to singles at the start yet without a tally. Our only runs came in the fourth, Frank Shafer's hit was too oily for Leroy, then Strous sent a nice one between third and short and Birchard reached first on an error, filling the bases and only one down. Walton then sent a fly to left which Jacobs failed to gather and Shaver and Strous crossed the rubber; from this on it was almost one, two, three order. Whipple was in deep water but once, but he issued forth like a Matthewson. The evening game promised to be highly exciting and spectacular and in fact for the first two innings it was, but the rain came and the lights began to go out one by one until nothing could be seen. Had it only remained a nice, starry evening, there would have been lots of excitement, spectacular plays and fun galore.

Herrick Centre - There was general rejoicing over the breaking of the drought by the copious showers of Friday evening and continued rain during the night. It seems as though for the amount of moisture we have had this season, lightning has more than done its share of destruction. Two barns, one in the vicinity of Fiddle Lake and one for John Howell, of Smiley Hollow, were struck and burned. One of its most miraculous feats was at Nathan Aldrich's where lightning struck the house and ran down into a room where Mrs. Aldrich sat, singeing her hair, ran down her body, blistering her side and tearing her shoe from one of her feet. She was left alive to tell the story but is, however, confined to her bed suffering greatly.

Susquehanna - The funeral of Mrs. Daniel Murphy was attended from her late home, July 30. Mr. Murphy, her aged husband, through grief and excitement incident to her death, has become insane and was so violent that it was found necessary to confine him in the borough lockup until further provision can be made for his care.

Clifford - Last Saturday afternoon our men laid aside their work for the day and assembled at Spedding's field for an afternoon's sport. Baseball was the order of the day, and the men and boys were having some fine sport when an accident occurred which called a halt to the score making which was going on at a wholesale rate and caused the crowd to gather round the prostrate form of Brayton Gardner, who had been hit on the head by a "red hot" foul driven straight from the bat. He was soon revived but has suffered a great deal from the blow and thinks the hay field will have more attraction for him than the baseball ground hereafter.

Auburn - D. W. Stevens sold his farm and all personal property to D. C. Titman and he sold it to T. R. White. Mr. Stevens bought the Thomas R. White farm several years ago. It was considered one of the best in Auburn. Mr. Stevens was living in the west and moved here last spring but sold out on account of his wife being homesick. She was brought up in the west and could not be reconciled to the eastern hills and will go back to her former home this week to live.

Flynn - The stage driver from Flynn to Birchardville is contemplating the putting on of a two-horse rig to accommodate his increasing business in the way of freight and passenger traffic.

Forest City - An application has been made for permission to organize a second national bank in Forest City to be known as the Farmers' and Miners' National Bank, with a capital of $50,000. The applicants include some of the best-known businessmen. H. P. Johns, Martin Muchitz, T. J. Pentecost, H. W. Brown and E. A. Bloxham, of Forest City; G. H. Reynolds, of Tirzah; and W. F. Hill, of Huntington. Mrs. Hill is president of the Pennsylvania Grange.

Royal - Our little town is pretty lively just now. The landlord of the Royal Hotel is having his hands full in preparing and looking after his company guests and parties. Last week he had 14 boarders, surveyors and helpers in surveying the new branch of the D. L. & W. railroad. Friday evening he had an ice cream festival and dance, all well attended. Orchestra furnished by the violinist and wonderful dance timer, J. M. Brownell. The same music plays at the Crystal Lake Grove every Wednesday night.

Uniondale - A wagon with grocery supplies from the Union & Pacific Tea Co., of Carbondale, will pass through this place every month beginning with August.

Lynn, Springville Twp. - Marco Welch, our mail carrier, is driving the fast limited express along with the mail, which is also limited, especially when the train is late, which is often the case; but we are getting kind of used to it now, so we don't mind it so much.

Kingsley - Tunis Miller had the misfortune to lose one of his horses, and the neighbors turned out and cut his hay and put it in the barn for him.

Rush - W. H. Wheaton has a cane, presented to him by his son on his last birthday. The cane represents a great deal of careful labor with the knife and has a myriad of emblems upon it. A snake winds around its entire length, while an eagle and shield, flag, Knights of Pythias emblem, stars and numerous other symbols are upon it. An employee of the Hallstead roundhouse carved the stick during spare moments, and it is an object to be proud of and carefully guarded.

Choconut - While peeling bark in the woods on the K. Tierney place, near Choconut, W. H. Fairbrother and Ford Pierson ran across a large rattlesnake. It skidooed before they could kill it.

Flowery Valley, Liberty Twp. - Mr. Vandermark, of Hallstead, has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Shea. He brought three rattlesnakes with him, one of which had eight rattles.

New Milford - Ed Lindsey's horse was killed at the railroad crossing on Monday. Lindsey had left the horse and buggy in the shed at the Eagle hotel, and the horse backed out of the shed and instead of going in the opposite direction toward home, went on to the crossing and was killed. The buggy was completely demolished.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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