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August 06 1915/2015

New Milford – Manager DeWitt C. Vail, of the Family Theatre, will give a benefit show for the New Milford Band next Thursday night. The band will furnish music. ALSO New Milford Borough voted almost unanimously for paved streets at the special election. But seven votes were registered against the improvement.

South Montrose – A serious automobile accident was narrowly averted, Monday afternoon, when F. A. Davies, Esq., of Montrose, and County Surveyor, Morris Tingley, of Hop Bottom, were returning from Kasson’s Corners, where they had attended a bridge view. They were on the road leading from South Montrose to Montrose and when near James Daugherty’s they overtook Ernest Lott, of Springville, in an automobile. Coming in the opposite direction was a man with a team of horses, hitched to a wagon, and when he and Mr. Lott met they both stopped to talk, neither noticing Mr. Davies’ car, thus completely blocking the road. Mr. Davies was going with some speed, and when he suddenly found the roadway completely blocked, immediately in front of him, he swung to the right to avoid a collision and his automobile slid off the high and very steep embankment, but did not turn over. Judge Little’s team, which happened to be near, assisted in getting the machine back into the road and the journey to town was resumed, none the worse for their exciting experience.

Clifford – The Clifford and Lenoxville boys went up to Dundaff on Saturday and played the Dundaff boys a game of baseball, winning by a score of 4 to 0. ALSO Judson Tripp has the finest lawn in town and he knows just how to keep it so.  Sheep shears and a good lawn mower do the business.

South Ararat – A load from Carbondale drove up on Sunday to spend the day at Fiddle Lake and report it as an ideal place. Most every cottage at Fiddle Lake is occupied. Surely those who have every camped there are very desirous of coming again.

Friendsville – Concerning a native of this place: It is 26 years since the ordination into the priesthood of Rev. Dr. P. C. Winters, rector of St. Paul’s Catholic church, Green Ridge. To be exact, the anniversary date was July 25.  Dr. Winters is one of the most popular and best beloved priests of the Scranton diocese and during his 26 years in the priesthood has accomplished much good. He has been at St. Paul’ for five and one half years and during that time has made hundreds of friends.

Montrose – No, Len Slaughter is not languishing in the county jail.  But the fault is all Slaughter’s, for all the necessary legal rigmarole was completed preceding a sojourn at “Hotel Crowbar!!”  Slaughter has been making his home lately at Charles VanRansaller’s, rather forcing himself on the family, it is said. Slaughter became over nice about things, and was hard to get along with. He quarreled with Mr. VanRansaller’s daughter, Saturday last, and threatened to shoot her, or do her other bodily harm.  Slaughter was arrested and taken before Justice VanScoten for a hearing. He was held under $300 bail, which he was unable to produce and upon being ordered to jail, threatened the Constable also.  Constable Chapman thought he had better have a pair of “bracelets” for his prisoner, and went out after them, and locked the door. It occurred to the prisoner about this time that he would prefer the open air to the hospitality of the jail and made a dash for liberty.  He forced the door and before the half dozen in the room at the time could realize what was taking place he had made a get-away.  He is said to have reached Binghamton. As long as he stays away from Montrose all will be well. ALSO Rev. Dawson Edwards is now pastor of the A. M. E. Zion church. He is very anxious to complete kalsomining the church and would be pleased to have the assistance of any friends in the way of donations.

East Rush – T. R. Chase and family, who have been spending the past week with his parents, C. F. Chase and wife, have returned to their home in Factoryville. Although “Tommie” has a good position with the D.L.&W. Co. he says he had rather be on the farm.

Lynn – Walter Hartman is the most popular young man in this section since he is taking the young ladies out in his Studebaker car, each waiting their turn as it happens.

Starrucca – A rattlesnake, 4 ½ ft. long and having 11 rattles, was recently killed by Edward Condon of this place.

Springville – The Merchants Telephone Co. now have an exchange here at the residence of Mrs. Edwards, some 50 patrons being on the company’s list and more to be connected. The exchange takes in the neighboring towns of Lynn, Auburn Corners, Strickland Hill, Vose and Lymanville.

Auburn Twp. – John Roche, aged 23 years, died Tuesday night as a result of drinking wood alcohol, and Frank ford, aged 27, is in a serious condition, but yesterday was reported better and likely to recover. The young men are said to have pilfered the alcohol from the photograph gallery of Lewis Lott, at Auburn. Both were orphans, originally under the care of the Children’s Aid Society and worked on the farms in that vicinity.  Roche’s funeral was held yesterday morning, burial also being made in the local cemetery.

Harford – Contractors from Carbondale are busy moving the old school building back and preparing to begin the new building.

Brooklyn – M. D. Sterling is having a windmill erected on his farm to supply water to his house and barn.

Flynn – Our road engine has balked lately, and if there is anyone who has a remedy for a balky gasoline engine, Middletown would be pleased to have him present himself.

Rushboro – While Will Devine, overseer of the poor farm, was coming to the creamery Saturday morning, one of his bay team horses dropped dead. ALSO Dogs were after U. W. LaRue’s Angora goats and killed and bit 22 of them.

Death of a Noble Woman: Mrs. Anna Maria Cox, one of the most beloved and oldest residents of Montrose, died at her home on Cherry Street, Aug. 3, 1915. No resident of the town was regarded with more genuine and unaffected esteem than was she, and although not entirely unexpected, the announcement of her death came as a sorrowful shock to all who knew and loved her. Born in Montrose, 79 years ago the 5th of last May, her entire life was spent in her native town. She was a daughter of Hon. Davis Dimock, who was a congressman from this district, being elected on the Democratic ticket.  His death occurred while he was filling his term of office.  Her grandfather was Elder Davis Dimock, the first Baptist minister in Susquehanna County. She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Presbyterian Church and the Susquehanna County Historical Society.

Forest City – The fight for improved passenger service on the Jefferson division of the Erie is again on.  At the recent hearing before the Pennsylvania Public Service Commission a tentative agreement was made by the Erie representatives that a morning train service would be arranged. The hearing was adjourned without evidence being submitted by the railroad and it was hoped that before this time the train would be on the road. The Erie has, however, turned down the proposition. The hearing will be resumed in the Superior court room, at Scranton, tomorrow at 10:30.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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