Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 06 1909/2009
Franklin Twp. - When Bert Osborne, of Upsonville, started for his cows Monday morning at about 5 o'clock, he was somewhat surprised to see a large buck deer, with four prongs, standing within about ten rods of his barn, contentedly grazing, at ease with the whole world. The noble fellow seemed to apprehend no danger, remaining around the building some time and later roamed off towards the woods. The same night a doe was seen at F. M. Wilson's, near Mr. Osborne's. The buck deer, when confronted with wire fences, instead of taking any chances in trying to leap over them, just laid down on the ground and slipped under the strands. It is supposed that they slipped away from some of the parks at Binghamton.
New Milford - Borough Ordinance: Be it ordained that no person or persons shall be permitted or allowed to ride upon bicycles, velocipedes, hand sleds, or any other conveyance, on the sidewalks of this Borough, under penalty of a fine of nor less than fifty cents for the first offense nor exceeding $5 for each subsequent offense. Provided that this ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the drawing or pushing by hand, sleds, carriages and other vehicles for the conveyance of invalids, infants or children.
Lynn - Lynn is a quiet little town half way between Tunkhannock and Montrose. Why can't some good doctor, milliner, dressmaker or even a sewing machine agent locate here? We have two blacksmith shops, two stores, but we need more of the aforesaid. Come on, Doctor, a house awaits you.
Herrick Center - Last Friday, as John Williams was driving a colt down the hill near the railroad, the breaching broke, and the colt ran away, throwing him out and bruising him badly.
Heart Lake - Heart Lake ball club played Montrose at the Lake. The score was 8 to 7 in favor of Heart Lake. The battery for the lake was Dann and Beckley and the feature of the game was the hitting and fielding of Herbert Beckley.
Clifford - Miss Grace Millard was quite severely injured by being thrown from a wagon as her horse was running away.
Fair Hill - The neighbors met at Mrs. J. N. Andre's last Wednesday and did the haying. About 20 were present with teams and mowing machines, making short work of the job, which was much appreciated by the family.
Little Meadows - Edw. Shaughnessy left for Buffalo where he intends to work for a while.
Lindaville - Undertaker A. L. Mack has purchased a new up-to-date hearse.
Montrose - Through the agency of Atty. Safford, the Cordelia Lathrop residence on Ridge St., becomes the property of Rev. H. B. Benedict. From the recent sales in this part of town, Ridge street is rapidly coming into favor as a residence section.
Hopbottom - The centennial of the coming of Anthony Wright and wife, Sally Sweatland, from Somers, Conn., to Susq'a Co., in 1809, and locating on a tract of land one mile north of Hopbottom on Martin Creek, on which the Wright cemetery is located (now owned by Frank Squires), will be held on the said Anthony Wright homestead on Aug. 19, by the old elm tree. All descendants and their families are most cordially invited. Six generations will be present. Carriages will meet all trains at Hopbottom.
Auburn Four Corners - Webb Bunnell narrowly escaped serious injury on Saturday last. When returning from the creamery the king bolt broke, frightening the horse, which ran away. Webb was thrown under the wagon and his load of milk scattered along the road. He received some severe bruises, but was very fortunate in escaping so well.
Forest City - The marathon, over a 4 1/2 mile course, with 27 runners staring and 13 finishing, produced the following winners: W. P. Murnin, Vandling, time 28 3/4 min.; George Llewellyn, Vandling, time 29 1/2 min.; Wm. Bell, Forest City, time 30 min.; Stanley Coveleskie, Forest City, time 31 1/2 min.; Edwin Stanton, Forest City, time 31 1/2 min.; Charles Mowers, Forest City, time 32 min.; James Murnin, Vandling, time 34 1/2 min. Others who finished were W. E. Jones, Martin Mannion, William Connelly, Winfield Simons, Bert Woods and Andrew Berish.
Laurel Lake - Alvah Foster, the stage driver, lost one of his horses recently. ALSO Don't forget the public dance in the hall at Laurel Lake, Friday night, Aug. 13th.
Silver Lake - Postmaster Simrell, of Hallstead, while a guest of Hon. H. J. Rose, was pulled into the water from a boat in which he was fishing by the sudden tug of a large pickerel. William Kenney, of Hallstead, was his companion in the boat and while Mr. Kenney held on to Simrell the plucky postmaster held on to the line. By pulling in the line hand over hand Mr. Simrell was soon enabled to hand the pickerel over the side of the boat and Mr. Kenney pulled his water-logged friend in after. Mr. Simrell says he is always willing to go into the water for a pickerel that weighs 7 1/2 pounds, but isn't stuck on this kind of "deep water" fishing.
Susquehanna - John Callaran has gone to Norwich where he has accepted a position. He will also play with the Norwich base ball team.
Thompson - A. R. Collyer is doing a sweeping business down on Water street. He has sold one of his houses--the one above the road--and all his land above the road to Edw. Carpenter, of Brooklyn, N.Y. He is finishing his new house below the road, and Harry Whitney and his bride will take possession of that, for a time, and he will move the house he lives in below the road and continue to show us how a man without a wife can keep house in an up to date fashion.
Dimock - Milton Harris is now driving the stage from East Rush to Dimock. ALSO C. W. Barnes has a new blacksmith from Jersey helping him in his shop during the rush of work.
News Brief: Orville Wright tacked a world record to his long string of aerial performances when he came to earth at Fort Myer, Va., in his aeroplane after flying with Lt. Frank P. Lahm, of the signal corps as a passenger, for 1 hr., 25 min., 40 sec., at a speed of close to 42 mph. The best previous record was made by Wilbur Wright, last year at Le Mans, France, when he carried a passenger for 1 hr., 9 min., and 31 sec. He met the government requirements that he remain aloft, for one hour, with another besides himself in the machine.
Compiled By: Betty Smith