Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 05 1921/2021
Stillwater – Richard Price has been employed as watchman at this place. He has so far brought five cases before Squire L. L. Decker. The parties were charged with illegal fishing and the use of nets. He has arrested 15 for violations of the fish laws and 10 along the river for bathing without bathing suits.
Forest City – The silk mills of this vicinity are enjoying a veritable boom and are rapidly reaching pre-war conditions. Manager Smedly, of the Klots Throwing company informs us that 180 are now employed in their mill and that they could put on 50 more experienced workers.
Crystal Lake – Fire of unknown origin destroyed a barn owned by S. J. Whitmore Sunday evening. A large quantity of hay and farm implements were consumed. Cottagers formed a bucket brigade and succeeded in saving the farm house which stood close to the barn.
Susquehanna – About 100 men refused to work in the round houses and long shop of the Erie, Sunday, because no assurance was given that time and a half would be allowed for work on the Sabbath, and those refusing to work have been removed from the service of the company until an investigation is made.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – Evangelist L. C. Bennett, of Laceyville, will hold revival meetings at Jersey Hill, beginning Sunday evening, Aug. 7th, and continuing for two weeks. Everyone is most cordially invited to attend and help advance the good cause.
Montrose – The citizens of the eastern end of town, led by T. C. Boyce, are planning to ask for an injunction restraining the Lehigh Valley Railroad company from coaling the engines on the Montrose branch within the borough limits. The engines are coaled mostly at night, and the smoke, dust, gas and noise are alleged to be a public nuisance. A movement of that kind was started a few years ago, and an appeal made to the Public Service Commission, but that body claimed it had no jurisdiction in the matter.
Dimock – Preparations are being made for a Dimock Township Community Day to be held in this place on Labor Day. This is the first, as well as the biggest, event of the kind ever held in this place and is expected to become an annual affair hereafter. It will consist of an extensive exhibit of livestock and machinery, also home nursing, dairy and household equipment booths, stock judging contest for girls and boys, and many worth-while athletic events. The two Ladies’ Aid societies will cater. This Community Day is the result of the Farm Product Show held here last January, which was such a decided success.
Harford – The Boy Scouts are camping this week at Tingley Lake, under the care of their scoutmaster, Rev. A. L. Prynn.
East Kingsley – The Whitman brothers, Ren, of Detroit, Mich, and Ralph, of Scranton, were pleasant callers here recently, where their boyhood days were spent. Both are now successful young businessmen, Ren, being a draughtsman and Ralph a fireman on the D. L. & W. road.
Springville – A much needed rain visited our vicinity on Friday last, greatly to the relief of man and beast. For near six weeks, or about, the thermometer has registered 80 to 100 degrees in the shade. Potatoes are nearly all blighted and gardens are in a very bad shape.
Court Matters: A case of desertion was heard on Tuesday morning by Judge A. B. Smith. Mrs. C. Main, seeking to have her husband support her, claimed he called her names when under the influence of cider, and she left his home after sixteen days of wedded life. Mr. Main denies he drank cider and was unkind. The case was continued.
Franklin Twp. – Newton W. Emmons has reported very favorably in regard to the prospects for gas in the Franklin field, which he has been investigating for some time. While only the digging of wells will actually prove its presence, yet he thinks the outlook is very bright. The company for which Mr. Emmons is working, at a meeting held last Friday, instructed him to continue his work for the next two months, by which time it is expected the first well will be completed. [Ten photographs showing operations of the Montrose Gas, Oil & Coal Co., mostly on land leased from the Wheaton family from 1921 thru 1923, are in the collection of the Susquehanna County Historical Society.]
News Brief: “A Boyish Prank Cause Big Railroad Wreck.” Responsibility for the disastrous Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train wreck at Glenburn, 10 miles west of Scranton, on Friday, July 12, has been placed on John Arre [sp?], aged 14 years, of Glenburn, who has confessed his guilt. Charged with murder—the engineer and fireman on the passenger train having died as the result of injuries sustained in the wreck, the youngster was arraigned before a Scranton alderman and committed to the House of Detention, without bail, to await trial. The boy stated that he had placed pieces of iron on the tracks to have them flattened out. He never thought for a moment, he said, that the train would be wrecked. The boy does not appear to be of sound mind. ALSO “Wrong Man Hanged in Montrose.” The following from a Scranton newspaper: “Nearly a hundred years ago a man was hanged in Montrose for the murder of a lumberman, supposed to have money on his person. The evidence was circumstantial. Nearly 40 years later a criminal was hanged in New Orleans, who confessed that he had committed seven murders. The killing of the man at Montrose was one of them. The man hanged was equally guilty, as they had planned to kill the lumberman. One was to shoot first. If he missed, the other was to finish the job. They lay in wait for their victim and the man executed in New Orleans fired the shot that killed the lumberman. But the other man was arrested for the crime and was hanged while his accomplice got away. But he did not fire the fatal shot, though all thought him the murderer until the confession of the accomplice many years later. [This was the case of, Jason Treadwell, the first man hanged in Susquehanna County for the murder of Oliver Harper on May 11th 1824. It took place on the old Harmony road, a mile and a half below Lanesboro. You will find an account of the murder on page 582 of Emily C. Blackman’s, History of Susquehanna County.]
Compiled By: Betty Smith