Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
August 05 1910/2010
Heart Lake - Among the highly esteemed residents of many, many years, of the Williams Pond neighborhood near Heart Lake, were Mr. and Mrs. James Calph. Mrs. Calph's death occurred July 17, and her funeral was held Tuesday, July 19, and on Tuesday of this week, being just two weeks later, the funeral of Mr. Calph took place. He was 88 years of age and his grandsons and great grandsons, James Williams, Clarence Williams, L. Williams and Harry Hawley acted as pall bearers. Rev. Shaw, of Heart Lake, officiated at both funerals of Mr. and Mrs. Calph.
Forest City - St. Anthony's Lithuanian church, on Lackawanna street, is being given a new coat of paint. It will be done in grey, the national color of Lithuania. This church property, during the summer months, is the finest beauty spot. The trees and shrubs, many of them planted during the early years of Rev. John Kuras' pastorate, have now attained a considerable growth, and the present pastor, Rev. M. A. Pankovski, has followed out the good work, grading, planting and improving, until the buildings and their spacious lawns are a church property of which the congregation can well afford to be proud.
Springville - "Dad" Whitney has the best field of corn to be found in this "neck o' timber."
Thompson - The 22nd annual reunion of the descendants of Capt. Joseph and Lois (Guernsey) Potter will be held at the home of Ernest S. Potter, Thompson, Aug. 18, 1910. As this is but a few minutes walk from the railroad station, it can easily be reached by all relatives from down the valley who wish to attend. Please report all births, deaths and marriages since last meeting to the secretary before that date. Julia A. Potter, Sec'ty.
Harford - The descendants and relatives of John Brundage, Sr., and Polly Wayman, his wife, will hold their 18th annual reunion on the fair ground, Saturday, Aug. 20, 1910. Dinner will be served for 35 cents each, also accommodations for horses will be furnished.
Montrose - When we met George Felker the other morning with a large load of his famous soft drinks, our inquisitorial proclivities got the best of us and we asked him where he was bound for and he told us the load was going to Vestal Center. The demand for Mr. Felker's goods, which are of excellent quality, is constantly growing and it keeps him busy this time of the year keeping his customers supplied.
New Milford/North Jackson - During the electric storm last week the barn belonging to Isaac Shimer, east of here, was burned with its contents, the new crop of hay and farm tools. A large barn belonging to William Whitney, of North Jackson, which had also just been filled with hay, was also completely destroyed. The residence of Mrs. F. W. Boyle, of New Milford, was also struck, damaging the roof, but did not set the building on fire, and it was not discovered until the next morning.
Brooklyn - The danger of playing base ball, even in fun, where people are within reach and in a public street or a public place, was well ill-ustrated Tuesday morning at the L & M station, while the people were gathered to take the train to the Baptist Sunday School picnic. Two young men were playing catch with a hard ball, which got away from one of them and struck Miss Mollie Strous near the temple, making a very painful wound, which bled profusely. It was certainly no place to be pitching a ball in a crowded place like that and unfortunately an in-nocent bystander who was hurrying to take her train for a trip to Binghamton, received the punishment, instead of the parties who threw it.
North Bridgewater - George Winfield feels very grateful to his neighbors, who in view of Mr. Winfield's poor health very generously came to his farm one day last week and gave him a big boost with his haying, in the day cutting and putting into the barn 19 big loads. Mr. Winfield's neighbors giving their assistance were: Charles Fancher, John Parks, Charles Holbrook, Glen Taylor, Jack Furey, Mr. Wademan, John Murray, Ed Tyler, George Holbrook, M. McMahon, E. Pickering and Mr. Clink sent Mr. Winfield a nice remembrance on that day and Mrs. H. N. Gunn gave valuable assistance in the house, when a sumptuous dinner and supper were served. The possession of such friends as these is an asset more valuable than any measured by worldly effects.
Uniondale - Report says 38 cases of hooping cough here in the boro. The music is served night and day. It is claimed that it beats the band by at least two points. ALSO Lake Idlewild is getting the people from the city these hot days. And why shouldn't they go there? It is a lovely place to go and they get good accommodations and the right change back, and a fine breeze from the lake thrown in.
South Harford - L. L. Conrad went to Binghamton, Thursday, to have a piece of steel removed from his eye.
East Rush - We understand that Fred Pierson will teach the Prospect Hill school; Clark James the Fargo school, and Harold Pierson the East Rush school the coming winter. ALSO As the result of the ball game between the East Rush Giants and Fairdale Tigers at East Rush, July 30th, Fairdale still holds the championship of the county by a small margin.
East Kingsley - Harry Smith lost a valuable colt, last week, by falling from a bridge driveway into the barn. They heard it walking on the bridge and thought it was stamping flies, but when they went to it, it was dead.
Dundaff - Our school vacation will soon be over, perhaps not--as our School board has not hired any teacher yet. Applications from first-class teachers would receive prompt attention from the Secretary.
Dimock - The address on "Hygiene in the Home and School," by Dr. George Norris, at the Baptist church, last Friday evening, was interesting and instructive and highly appreciated by the audience. Lectures of this kind are of great value to any community.
News Briefs - Young men should be careful when talking with their best girl over the telephone. [Remember party lines?] ALSO A young lady is in the county this week giving a demonstration of the famous Heinz goods, pickles, etc., largely and popularly known as the "57 varieties." These goods have become famous through their excellent qualities, rigidly maintained through many years. It will be worth one's while to go in and see the display and sample some of the various products.
Compiled By: Betty Smith