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August 05 1904/2004

Oakley - Notice has been received from the government that after August 1st the Post Office at this place will be discontinued.

Great Bend-Hallstead - Fifteen new stables are being built at the Horse Breeders' Association track to accommodate the large number of horses being entered for the approaching races.

Silver Lake - St. Augustine's congregation of Silver Lake intend holding a picnic for the benefit of the church, August 15th, in the beautiful grove adjacent to the church. All are cordially invited. A pleasant afternoon's outing is assured and the very best of music has been engaged.

Susquehanna - The cornet band gave a delightful concert in the Main Street pagoda, Saturday evening. AND A shooting gallery is to be opened in the Birdsall block by W. Hogancamp, and a good patronage is assured. AND Work, which will terminate in a much needed system of sewerage, has been commenced.

Montrose - Welcome Clemons, of Helmetta, N.J., in town for a couple of weeks, stopped at Albert Miller's and [is] viewing the scenes of his boyhood. His brother, Wm. H., who usually comes here each summer, goes to Massachusetts this year on an automobile trip. The Messrs. Clemmons are engaged in the manufacture of snuff, on a large scale, at Helmetta. They are sons of the late Henry Clemmons [of Montrose]. There are 17,000,000 lbs of snuff manufactured annually in the United States, of which this factory produces 7,000,000 lbs.

Elk Lake - Madame Arthur, having most successfully graduated her dancing class, has now given her attention to diving, at which delightful pastime she has become most expert; her instruction to a notice, that "the bottom of the lake would push her up again if she struck it hard enough" is worth remembering. AND Will Powell and his sister, Helen, gave a swell dance at the Fuller cottage, which was elaborately decorated with Chinese lanterns.

Kingsley - The Gibson cornet band will give an open-air concert here, Saturday evening, Aug. 6. and the Kingsley cornet band will hold a lawn social on the same evening; ice cream and cake will be served.

South Gibson - Fred McNamara lost, July 31st, between Gibson and this place, a cornet and case; finder please notify the owner or leave it at G. G. McNamara's store; a suitable reward.

New Milford - A number of years ago ten young ladies organized what they were pleased to term the Sense and Nonsense Club. Several times the members have met in annual greeting and on Friday of last week nine of the original number of ten made their pilgrimage to New Milford, the scene of their earliest social gatherings, and reunited for a day in one of the most pleasurable of all their gatherings. Those present were: Mrs. R. D. Bailey; Miss Nina Moore, Seattle, Wash; Mrs. George Leonard, Kansas City; Mrs. Louis Donnelly, Miss Inez Shelp, Binghamton; Mrs. E. B. Moss, Meriden, Conn.; Mrs. Wm. Patterson and Miss Elizabeth Shelp, New Milford. AND John Jackson, who some 30 years ago left New Milford and had not until last week been heard from by any of his family, was a visitor, accompanied by his wife, to the scenes of his early youth. Miss Belle Jackson, of Binghamton, a daughter of Jefferson Jackson, recently visited the St. Louis Exposition. On her way home she stopped at Chicago and at the request of her father she began a search for her long lost uncle. It was not in vain for among the western city's numerous Jackson's she succeeded in locating her uncle John, and so delighted was he that he made immediate preparations to accompany her home.

Upsonville, Franklin Twp. - Someone has been breaking open the Presbyterian sheds again; there seems to be trouble in the wind.

Hopbottom - Guy Davies is the proud possessor of a new bicycle and a handsome little Scotch Collie, enough to make any boy smile.

Clifford - Winnie Tenant, of Clarks Summit, is visiting friends in town and vicinity. She drives her own rubber-tired carriage and pony. AND William Lott, our blacksmith, drives the fastest horse in town.

Birchardville - Frank Turrell is the boss butter-maker, having made 100 lbs. per cow since April. He has one of the famous separators that D. W. Terry sells. Mr. Turrell says it pays far better to keep the milk at home; you have more clear profit besides the calves and hogs. It would be hard to find a finer lot of calves than Mr. Turrell has. It would be much better if all farmers would think the way Mr. Turrell does, for it is death to horses, besides the time it takes to go to the creamery 4 or 5 miles away in haying time, when wages are $2 a day.

Fairdale - Will Rhinevault met with an accident on Friday last, while going to Montrose. Near A. Robinson's the horse caught his check in the thill and it threw him to the ground. Mr. R. sprang out of the wagon and tried to control the horse, which in its struggle to get up struck him on the foot, breaking one of the bones. Zenas Smith, who is over 80 years of age, was also in the wagon, and fearing an overturn jumped and fell, shaking him up some, but doing him no other injury.

Jackson - An auctioneer has been at the Central Hotel for the past week and has been selling goods to the public. Many availed themselves of the opportunity to buy at reasonable rates.

News Briefs - While a circus parade was in progress at Harvey's Lake, one day during the past week, a huge, black bear in the line, wheeled suddenly throwing the keeper to the ground. The animal then made a dash for the crowd, dragging its two keepers, who were unable to check its made rush. Among the large body of spectators, and in close proximity to the enraged brute, who was a Montrose young man, Lewis Loomis, who had in his charge a child in a go-cart, and it was toward him the bear directed his attention. Mr. Loomis "made tracks" with as much speed as he could shoving the slow-moving go-cart, with the bear closely following and at times almost within the reach of his teeth or claws, while the panic-stricken crowd screamed, ran or stood rooted with horror to the spot. Seeing his intended victim was escaping the bear turned on a young lady and succeeded in tearing off her skirt before the keepers had subdued him by the vigorous wielding of heavy clubs. The crowd seemed powerless to render any assistance and but for the bravery of the keepers serious injury and possibly death might have resulted, as the animal was unmuzzled. The excessive heat probably caused temporary madness. Anyway, it was a narrower escape than most of us care to go through and "Lew" knows what it is to experience a "real scare."

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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