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August 02 1918/2018

Three Civil War Veterans Answer Final Summons – Charles Uptegrove, of Brooklyn, died at the National Soldiers’ Home, Hampton, VA, on Sunday July 28, 1918. He was a corporal in Co. D, 35th Pennsylvania Militia. William H. Stark, of Bridgewater Twp., died Aug. 1, 1918. He was a corporal in Co. C, 151st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Walter Simpson, of Great Bend, died at the National Soldiers’ Home on July 24, 1918. He was a member of Co. A, 57th Regiment. He was captured at Fredericksburg; exchanged; was wounded at Kelly’s Ford and later re-enlisted.

Susquehanna – The repairing of the Susquehanna-Oakland bridge, to be done at once, fills a much needed want. A constant stream of traffic between the two boroughs is passing across the bridge and for some time its condition has been dangerous. ALSO Thirty-six sailors were in town between trains on Monday last. They were enroute to a camp in New Jersey and were from Nebraska. ALSO Our local daily paper, the Evening Transcript, has been selected as one of the papers to publish the proposed Amendment of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, to be voted upon at the election in November.

Alford – Archie Carpenter is working the second trick in the Alford tower and Charles Decker is working the third trick at Kingsley, while Mr. Betts is experimenting with a new job at Ithaca, NY.  ALSO Swimming in the Alford pond is the sport of the day.

Brooklyn – Clarence Tiffany, of Scranton, spent a few days at the home of his mother, in this place. He has been called “to the colors.” Thus Brooklyn adds her twentieth star to the service flag in honor of our boys who are serving their country. ALSO When Mrs. Emma Lathrop returned from Binghamton she found her house had been broken in to and about $50 worth of property stolen, consisting of hand saws, tools of every description; also had broken in the barn and sole harness, pitchforks, scythe, snath [scythe handle] and other things and a plush lap robe.

Forest City – Norman English’s father received a telegram from the U.S. Army headquarters that read “Corporal Norman English captures Hun trench single-handed.” Nothing more was elaborated in the telegram and it may be some time before full particulars are learned. He landed in France several months ago and has seen active service at the front continually. His bravery was highly complimented on the first offensive on March 21, his company and regiment receiving plaudits of General Pershing and the French Commander. Corp. English is a veteran of the Spanish-American war and served in the Philippines. He returned to Forest City and remained here until reenlistment. He comes of good fighting stock.  His father is a veteran of the Civil War. Monday night the whistles of the town were blown in his honor.

Uniondale – Uniondale has one representative at the front in France in the person of Willard Gibson. He is a member of the 28th Division and has seen severe fighting. By the way, he comes of good fighting stock. His grandfather, W.E. Gibson, is a veteran of the Civil War. He had several brothers in the conflict and he is the only survivor.

Thompson – Miss Helen Clark has accepted the position as teacher of the school at Maple Ridge. Commencing Sept. 3rd she will board at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Blaisdell.

Montrose – The Montrose Bible Conference, in its 11th session, has been and is still, in progress and is growing in influence and power with each passing day. The attendance has been phenomenal and the interest has deepened from the first. ALSO Albert Slaughter leaves for Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich., tonight, over the Lehigh Valley railroad, to join a colored company, to go in training for military service. ALSO Thomas Owen, a 7 year-old boy, of Plymouth, who had been boarding at the Tarbell House, in hopes that his health would be improved here, died of consumption on Tuesday afternoon, at 5:30 o’clock. The remains were taken to Plymouth. The boy’s father died at the Donovan farm, near town, about a year ago, he also being here on account of poor health.  The Owen and Donovan families were old friends, becoming acquainted years ago, when both lived in the Valley.

Auburn – The son of Mr. and Mrs. S.W. Loomis is now serving in France, and with the shortage in farm labor, Mr. Loomis finds labor-saving machinery particularly helpful now. He has a hay-loader which eliminates the hard work of “pitching on” in the hay field, and this saving of hand labor is a big item when a hay crop of 100 acres has to be harvested.  Mr. Loomis is one of the best farmers in the county.

East Bridgewater – J.M. Baldwin is a good steady farmer and can build crooked rail fence as straight as anyone, but for many years he followed the trade of carpenter and has many monuments of skill scattered over the country. He still has many urgent requests that he resume his trade, but to all entreaties says, “never again.” The farmer is, certainly, a bulwark of the nation in feeding the boys in khaki, and our allies in war.

Harford – We all were surprised to hear of the very sad news of the death of Clayton Sweetser in France, one of our brave Harford boys, who has given his life for his country. He was very popular here and much respected by all who knew him and will be missed by all. “Gone at their country’s call, And yet we cannot forget, That many brave boys must fall.” ALSO W.S. Sophia, who has for many years been one of the leading gardeners of this place, is still on the job. He and his helpers, who are also farmerettes, are busy each day, gathering peas and beans for the market. Those employed by him are Misses Gertrude Tingley, Margaret Glassglow and Mildred Pickering; also Kenneth Darrow and Paul Stevens. All the farmers are busy raising bumper crops this year to help win the war. 

South Harford – This vicinity is quite notorious again. We have a rattle snake traveling about and a pair of deer.

Jackson – The steeple of the Lake View Baptist church was recently struck by lightning.

Lanesboro – Louis F. Price was killed by a train last Sunday. He was found near the iron bridge at Lanesboro and brought to the local hospital, but died at 4:30, without regaining consciousness. He worked in the new terminal and had been at work during the day and around town all the evening. At 2 a.m. Sunday morning he rode on a switch engine up to the iron bridge and it is thought he was struck by an east bound train, very soon after dropping off the switch engine. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Price and 26 years of age. The body was taken to Bloomsburg for burial.

More Men Leave to Serve Country: Four surveyors from Susquehanna, Maurice O’Connell, Robert J. Lynch, Henry James Lannon and Michael J.D. Kane left on the Lehigh Valley for Camp Forrest, Lytle, GA. They were supplied with lunch boxes and escorted to the train by the band. Six men entrained for Syracuse, NY. These men were called for limited service for guard and fire companies at ports of embarkation. They were: Henry Conklin, Great Bend; Joseph Mulqueen, Susquehanna; Lewis H. Marks, Forest City; Nelson J. McConnell, New Milford; Harry Phalen, Little Meadows; Joseph Roman, Forest City. One of these men received notice Sunday, and was unable to receive his pay from his employer, and lacking funds to ride on the train, walked, reaching here in time to report at the specified time.

News Brief– Pennsylvania automobile license tags for 1919 will be of black enamel with red figures. The general style will be similar to those now in use. They will also have a space for the manufacturer’s car number. In late years they have been furnished by the state prison labor commission, which has manufactured them at the shops of the Huntingdon Reformatory.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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