Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
August 01 1901/2001
St. Joseph - Not far from the quiet valley of St. Josephs, in the neighborhood of Father Lally's residence, and just over the line in Silver Lake township, is a famous Indian spring over a century old. Mr. Sweeney now owns the farm and supplies Binghamton people with water from this spring. In a recent communication to the Binghamton Leader by a resident of that city, he relates at length about the history of the spring, from which we make a brief extract: The old Indian spring is located on what was in part the old Bend road, built by Dr. Rose about 1805, when he first moved to Silver Lake. Nearly sixty years ago when the writer first saw the well it was stoned up on three sides with stones that were probably carried from a neighboring ravine by the Indians more than 100 years before, as evidenced by the surroundings. An immense birch tree stood close to the spring and just back of the spring was a partially cleared piece of ground on which were a few old apple trees that likely grew from seeds carried there by the Indians from the present site of Windsor and Great Bend. Those three places were the only ones where apple trees were found by the first white settlers, some of whom were old men when the writer was a child, and they often spoke of a few stray Indians returning and camping by the old spring and then going away. The Indians knew the specific good qualities of this water, and the first settlers also knew of its medicinal qualities and used it for drinking purposes when not too far away from the spring. It is thought that this unique fount of water is the oldest in this county.
Hallstead - Misses Sarah and Jennie Watkins closed their select school Friday. They were giving their school a picnic in DuBois' grove on Saturday and they were all having a good time until two fellows came along drunk and behaved so badly that the picnickers were obliged to leave and go home. Such a thing is a disgrace to our pretty town and should not be tolerated.
Susquehanna - The Erie wreckers were called to Thompson on Thursday night by a freight wreck and they were at Great Bend on Friday, clearing up a big freight wreck. AND The local strike has been of benefit in one respect-it has frightened the tramps away. There are too many special officers in the railroad yard for their comfort and for the first time in the history of the borough, a tramp is almost a curiosity. There is no great loss without some small gain.
Franklin Forks - The picnic of the "Boys and Girls of "76", held at Salt Springs, was a large gathering. Few young boys and girls. People are called old now at that age.
Forest City - At the Sunday morning service in the Forest City Methodist church, two weeks ago, while the congregation sang the "Doxology," Rev. R. L. Clark burned the mortgage against the church, the debt having been recently entirely wiped out.
Jackson Valley - A merry party of fishermen from Ford street passed through this place Saturday on their way to Lake-of-Meadows.
Lawton - The boys of Lawton wish to have the statement corrected, made by a Lawton correspondent, in regard to a game of ball with Friendsville, which is an error and furthermore, the boys do not play ball on Sunday. AND About 40 guests for dinner at Haire's new hotel last Sunday and his house is full of summer boarders the most of the time.
Tripp Lake - The school here, which has been closed for a few years, will be reopened this fall with Miss Kelly of Brookdale as teacher.
Tunkhannock - The A.M.E. Zion churches of Montrose, Wilkesbarre and Towanda, pastorated by Rev. I. B. Walters, J. H. Anderson and George C. Smith, respectively, are conducting a camp meeting at the fairgrounds. About 1500 people, white and black, were in attendance last Sunday. The meetings will continue over next Sabbath when, if the weather is fair, it is thought 2000 people will be upon the grounds. The services last Sunday were conducted intelligently and orderly and very good sermons were preached. The singing was much enjoyed by the audience.
Harford - It is hinted that a popular petition will be prepared which will deprecate the action of the Commission of Soldiers' Orphan schools and urge its reconsideration as regards the school at Harford. No one doubts the truly conscientious motives of the commission in recommending the abandonment of this site and the consolidation of the schools with others far removed. This historic institution, sheltered amid the beautiful hills of Susquehanna county, is dear to the citizens of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It is a historic spot made a part of the classic records of the state by reason of its brilliant pages in the annals of educational progress in America. It will be against the intense protest of a vast number of people throughout the state if the peaceful, happy little community, dwelling so contentedly in the richest environment of nature must be thrust out like the Acadians from the safe shelter where many inmates have lived since early childhood to go forth into a crowd of strangers far away. Let the Soldiers' Orphan school remain until the last girl and boy of the dead heroes go out into the world as men and women better and nobler for having lived in such a charming spot.
Forest Lake - The reunion of Co. H., 143d Regiment [Civil War], will be held at Robert Booth's on Friday, Aug. 23.
Montrose - A delightful social event occurred on Tuesday at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Finn, on Depot street, when a number of the young friends of Miss Mary E. Finn were entertained at a party given in honor of that young lady's 14th birthday. From two until eight p.m., mirth and pleasure were supreme, and then the happy young folks dispersed for their homes, wishing Miss Finn many happy returns of the day and leaving many pretty tokens of the esteem in which they held their young hostess. Those present were Misses Ruth Safford, Grace Cornell, Clara Tower, Mabel Payne, Pearl Strouse, Louise Griffis, Augusta Smith, Claire Baker, Emily Taylor, Harriet Lyons, Fannie Foster.
Springville - We venture the assertion that last Saturday afternoon saw more drunken men here than any other day in some time. Two were stretched out on the ball grounds and one packed away in a horse stall.
Compiled By: Betty Smith