Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April of 1839
Due to our Historical Society’s move throughout the 18 Monument Street building, and briefly unable to access our microfilm machines, we chose to go to the original newspapers and thought you would like a glimpse into the year 1839, where local news columns were non-existent. Advertising, however, with the exception of a few editorials, was a means to communicate, even when there were marital disputes.
The following is taken from the Montrose Volunteer, April of 1839, 179 Years Ago.
April seems to be cutting off all manner of pranks. Last week the weather was so delightful we deemed it worthy of note. Since that time we have had almost a deluge of rain, and two famous snowstorms. The damage by the rise of the waters, has been great throughout the country so far as we have heard. Nearly all the Bridges across the small streams are carried away, Mill dams swept off, &c. The stage running south on Saturday morning last, was upset about a mile from the village [Montrose], in consequence of a small stream, ordinarily so, rising so high as to run around the Bridge and over the road, in which it had made a deep gully, the driver thrown in the current, which was running rapidly, and barely escaped drowning, by clinging to his horses. There were two lady passengers in the stage, who were helped from it and carried several rods to land, without other injury than a thorough drenching. The mails we understand, were much wet, and we fear injured in consequence. It has been seldom, indeed, that this region of country has suffered so much by a freshet as by that of the past week.
MARRIED – In Choconut, on the 9th *inst., by C. Wright, Esq., Mr. Elon J. Stanley to Miss Belinda Kittle.
MARRIED – In this Borough [Montrose], on the 2nd inst by Rev. H.A. Riley, Mr. George H. Williston, of Janesville, Rock Co., WI, to Miss Nancy H. Fordham of the former place.
DIED – At LeRaysville, Bradford Co., PA, on the 30th *ult., Mrs. Sophronia Bullock, wife of Jesse E. Bullock, Esq., aged 26 years.
TO THE PUBLIC – Whereas my wife Clarinda, through the officious meddling, as I have reason to believe, of certain individuals who aim to destroy my peace and comfort, has been induced to abandon my bed and board without just cause or provocation—I therefore hereby forbid all persons trusting her on my account, or paying her monies which are due to me, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, or allow any payments made to her on account of monies due me, after this date. DAVID WAKELEE, Springville, March 25, 1839.
DR. D. C. WARNER has located himself in Montrose and respectfully tenders his professional services to the public. All calls appertaining to the practice of Physic and Surgery, will be promptly and strictly attended to. He also gives notice that he is prepared with instruments, a very superior assortment of artificial Teeth, and other materials for performing all Dental operations. He may be consulted at his residence, opposite S.F. Keeler’s Hotel. Montrose, Oct. 23, 1838.
A correspondent suggests that the Whigs and Abolitionists of this county are making great efforts and arranging their plans in view of the next fall election—and wishes to be informed how much they calculate to gain in votes by the resolutions adopted at the late Abolition Convention, held in this place. But as we are not sufficiently versed in whig and abolition calculations to give the information desired, we will leave the subject for correspondents, if there are any who wish to notice it. Our opinion is that the democrats of Susquehanna will be ready to meet them under any circumstances, or arrangements they may choose to adopt. The invasion and “buck-shot war” of Ritner and Company, and the empty Treasury left by them, are matters not to be immediately overlooked by the every watchful and unflinching democrats of this county.
ATTENTION COMPANIES – Each and every Company belonging to my Regiment, are requested to appear on or before the first day of May, armed and equipped according to law. All who fail to attend to this call must not complain if I find them and give them each a separate notice. Training to be held at my Shop, one door east of the Baptist Meeting House. Call and see. ALBERT MERIMAN. Montrose, April 8, 1839.
GARDEN SEEDS. Fresh, Quaker, Garden Seeds, direct from the land of Shakers, for sale by M. C. TYLER. Montrose, April 10, 1839.
REVOLUTIONARY ARMY – We find the following in an old Vermont paper: The number of regulars furnished to the Revolutionary Army were, by New England, 147,441; by the Middle States, 56,571; by the Southern States, 56,997. It appears by the above, that New England, consisting of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut furnished more troops for the defense of the country, than the other nine States. The number of troops furnished by South Carolina was 6,447; Massachusetts 67,907; Georgia 2,697; Connecticut 31,939.
A FEE-LELER – A surgeon and a lawyer had very little good feeling for each other, and the following dialogue took place: -- “If,” asked the surgeon, “a neighbor’s dog destroy(s) my ducks, can I recover damages by law?” “Certainly,” replied the lawyer; “pray what are the circumstances? “Why sir, your dog last night destroyed two of my ducks.” “Indeed! Then you certainly can recover the damages; what is the amount? I’ll instantly discharge it.” “Four shillings and six-pence,” chuckled the surgeon. “And my fee for attending and advising you is six and eight-pence,” responded the attorney; & unless you immediately pay the same, my conduct will be suit-able.”
CONCERT – There will be a concert of Instrumental Music at the Presbyterian Meeting House, this evening, to commence at 7 o’clock. – The citizens of the village and vicinity generally are invited to attend. April 24, 1839.
TO THE PUBLIC – Whereas my wife Jane, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I therefore hereby forbid all persons trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. THOMAS OAKLEY, Brooklyn, April 30, 1839.
FARMERS please to pick your geese, AND bring the FEATHERS to the Cheap Cash Store, Nos. 2 and 3 Eagle Buildings, where the highest price will be paid by H. & A.J. EVANS, Binghamton.
*Inst. means this month; ult. is the month before.
Compiled By: Betty Smith