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April 8 1892/1992

Franklin Forks - Dr. Caterson has returned from Wayne County, and taken up his residence at the Forks, where he is prepared to attend all calls with which he may be favored.

Hallstead - On Friday as train 11, on the Erie, was nearing Great Bend station, the engineer saw an old woman on the track. He whistled and put on air to stop, but as he got very near her another old woman rushed out of a house to save the other. Just as she reached her and put out her hand to grasp and pull her from the track the engine struck them, throwing them on the bank, killing both instantly. One was Mrs. Quick, sister of Oliver and Philo McDonald, of this place; the other was Mrs. Decker, of Great Bend. Mrs. Decker was buried on Sunday and Mrs. Quick on Monday. ALSO: All good people who want to help a good cause must come to the Fireman's Fair in May, for they are in need of more hose, and every dollar spent for them may return a hundred fold in case of fire. Everybody who comes is assured a good time and civil treatment by the fire ladies. Let everybody come from far and near. You will see as fine a fire engine or steamer as you may wish to see.

New Milford - Charles Ainey of New Milford has purchased a $150 Victor Pneumatic Bicycle of Augustus H. Knoll. While in Montrose, Dr. Frink has purchased a bicycle and takes tumbling exercises daily. Among the new recruits in the bicycle ranks this year will be Rev. A.T. Hughes, who, like many other preachers throughout the country, will ride for his health. He purchased of A.H. Knoll. F.D. Melhuish is also out with a new safety this year. Wheelmen in this town will be interested in the fact that the state meet of bicycle men will be held at Scranton, June 22. They propose to hold a three days meet and will have an excellent program of races during the time. About 1000 wheelmen are expected, among them some of the champions of the country.

Forest City - The Forest City News says during 1891, the D&H Co. mined, at their Clinton colliery, 122,832 tons and shipped 117,737 tons. Two hundred and twenty-one days were worked. During the same time Hillside Company mined, at its Clifford colliery, 229,043 tons, shipped 125,513 and worked 208 days. At the Forest City shaft and slope were mined 109,564 tons, 203,022 tons were shipped and the men worked 244 days. [It seems that the Forest City shaft shipped more tons than mined]

Montrose - A general order from the Department of Pennsylvania G.A.R., stating that the steamship Conemaugh will sail from Philadelphia, April 13th, with a cargo of food for the relief of the starving Russian peasants, and requesting each post to donate one or more barrels of flour, was read at Four Brothers Post on Friday evening, and it was at once voted to comply with the request, the money to go on Saturday. The G.A.R. having started this good work, the citizens of this place should take it up at once and hand in their contributions to Mr. Gilbert, Treasurer of the Board, at the First National Bank.

Susquehanna County - The trout season opens on Friday, April 15. As Friday is counted an unlucky day, we presume there will not be many of the speckled beauties hooked on that day. AND Queen Victoria and the Duchess of Somerset are said to pour their tea into their saucers rather than swallow it while it is too hot. So much common sense in high life is remarkable, and it will astonish many haughty American aristocrats. AND The Long Snow Storm: The longest snowstorm that ever was known in England, took place in the year 1614. It is recorded in the register of the parish of Wotton Gilbert, that it began on the 15th day of January and continued to snow every day until the 12th of March. The loss of human life and cattle was immense. From the Spectator and Freeman's Journal, Montrose, March 9, 1837.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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