Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 7 1893/1993
Montrose - Some fifteen of the young people of the town were participants in a party at J.W. Moll's, North Bridgewater, on Friday evening. As is always the case at this hospitable residence, everybody enjoyed the occasion most heartily. Warm maple sugar was served and they "didn’t go home until morning,” but we are glad to report, that they all reached there safely with no runaways
Bridgewater Twp. - The following teachers have been selected for the schools in Bridgewater township: Mott school. Miss Mary Ranor; Heart Lake, Miss Ada Fancher; Babcock, Miss Lou Tiffany; North, Miss Ada Gunn; Sprout, Miss Jessie Vaughn; Butterfield, Miss Theresa Kelly; Wells, Miss Cora Stevens; Tewksbury, Miss Nellie Bunnell; Calph, Miss Mollie Smith; Watrous, Miss Jennie Stephens.
Clifford - The First Congregational church of Clifford has extended a call to Rev. J. Alexander Jenkins, a young man, recently graduated from Beloit Theological College. The church to which" this young man is called has been in charge of Rev. Daniel Daniels for more than half a century and the venerable clergyman is, pleased with the congregation's choice in selecting his successor. Mr. Jenkins is a brilliant talker, speaks the Welsh fluently and will conduct the church services in both Welsh and English. This installation of the new pastor will take place some time during the month of May, but Mr. Jenkins" will occupy the pulpit regularly after Sunday, April 16th
Susquehanna - The masked ball of the Susquehanna Mannaercher was held at Hogan Opera House Monday evening and the attendance was large. The costumes were new and elegant, the music most inviting, and everything presented a scene of most enjoyable pleasure.
Fairdale - John Bennett has sold his house and shop and moved to Little Meadows. This is a good place for a shop, and a good blacksmith is much needed.
Rush - Some evil disposed gossipers have been circulating a report about a couple of young people living in Rush township near the Auburn line which such report is an unmitigated falsehood, with not even a semblance or shadow of truth about in this report have each filed an affidavit before a justice completely vindicating each other as to any criminal actions in any form or at any time or place and in conclusion will say that this matter will be investigated. "A word to the wise is sufficient," so gossipers beware.
Drinker [Joseph] and/or Banker Cooper, see Susquehanna County.
Cooper [Banker] and/or Joseph Drinker, see Susquehanna County.
Susquehanna County - The State Board of Pardons has refused to grant a pardon to Joseph Drinker, the slayer of Banker Cooper. He was thought to be an unsafe man to be at large. ANDA Binghamton paper says there will be a great deal of tobacco raised in the vicinity of that city the coming year. The' 1 armors who raised a crop last year did exceedingly well. Tobacco does not exhaust the soil more than hops or corn, and a good home market is found in Binghamton. About the only secret of success is in curing the product after harvesting. AND The indications are that the summer birds of fashion and leisure will fly to the mountains this summer instead of to the seashore. The cholera microbe starves to death upon the hills but fattens at tide level the doctors are so advising their clients and of course it goes.
Compiled By: Betty Smith