Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 30 1915/2015
Summersville, New Milford Twp. – William H. Harvey was arrested in Binghamton on the charge of stealing a yellow cow from the farm of Joseph Avery, at Summersville. The report of the theft was received at the Sheriff’s office in Binghamton and a description of the missing cow was furnished. Officers traced the tracks of the cow to Conklin and later found that the animal had been taken across the river where it was sold to a blacksmith at Kirkwood. A description of the man who had sold the cow was secured and Sheriff Hover went to Kirkwood in pursuit of the man who was reported to be on his way to Binghamton. Deputy Sheriff Hartley recognized Harvey from the description furnished and arrested him on Susquehanna street. After arrest Harvey admitted that he took the cow and also admitted that he had sold it in Kirkwood.
Hop Bottom – Clara Rose, who was convicted Nov. 11, 1913, of the crime of attempting to dynamite her husband, Jerome Rose, on the place where they were residing, near Alford, has been released from the Eastern penitentiary, a pardon having been secured by her attorney, F. A. Davies. Leon Granger, who confessed at the time of the trial that he threw the dynamite, but said Mrs. Rose was a party who ordered him to do it, [now says] that Mrs. Rose had nothing to do with the crime and that he testified to an absolute falsehood when he gave his testimony at the trial.
Uniondale – A warm sugar social was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Crandall. A large number of people attended and were all very much pleased with the sugar. Cake and pickles were served with the sugar. ALSO Uniondale has a grade crossing. She does not like it. A correspondent in an exchange says: Evan Williams drove his horse on the railroad track at Westgate’s crossing Sunday morning. He saw an approaching train and tried to back the horse off the track. The animal became frightened and quickly turning threw Mr. Williams violently to the ground, dragging him some distance. He came out of the mix-up without injury, strange as it may seem. It is nearing two years since the railroad company promised to place bells at the crossing, one of the most dangerous on the line, and nothing has been done. Trains whiz by at a rapid rate without warning, not even the ringing of bells.
Herrick Centre - All the pupils of the high school, except six, skipped school Wednesday afternoon to go to the [commencement] exercises at Herrick Centre. The exercises were held Thursday evening. The graduates were Misses Helen Miller and Catherine Joyce, both of Herrick Centre. Miss Joyce, valedictory, spoke on “Women’s Education” and Miss Miller spoke on “Mexican Situation.” Their motto is “Finished—Yet Beginning.”
Harford – N. C. Adams is running his saws and planers with an 8 horse power Olds gasoline engine recently purchased from A. H. Mead. It is doing the work splendidly.
New Stations: Contracts for the construction of nine passenger stations on the new cut-off of the Lackawanna RR, between Hallstead and Clarks Summit, have been awarded to contractor A. E. Badgley, of Binghamton. Work will begin at once and it is expected that the stations will be ready for use by the first of November. The stations at Hallstead, Dalton, Alford and Kingsley are to be combination passenger and freight stations. They are to be constructed of brick with artificial stone trimmings. The roofs of the stations will be of green tile. The floors of the waiting rooms will be of terrazzo with a wainscoting of tile. The interiors will be constructed with marble partitions and fittings. The stations at Glenburn, LA Plume, Factoryville, Foster and Nicholson are to be constructed of concrete. The exterior of the buildings will have bush hammer treatment and the interiors will be of construction similar to the four other stations. The smaller stations will be constructed with provision for waiting rooms, ticket and express offices.
South Auburn – Frank Love, who recently purchased a new Ford auto, met with an accident Sunday afternoon while out riding with some friends. The auto turned over and Chas. Love, who was one of the parties, had his arm broken and fortunately none of the others were injured. The car will need some repairs. ALSO In West Auburn a large concourse of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the old soldier, Daniel Younker, on Saturday. Comrades J. O. Fuller, J. J. Culver, Frank Angell, Philip Rifenbury, J. W. Devine and E. D. Campbell acted as honorary pallbearers. Rev. Arthur Williams, of Trucksville, a former pastor, preached the funeral sermon. For seven years Comrade Younker had been a helpless paralytic, death coming as a final relief. [Daniel Younker was a Corporal in Co. C, 203rd Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers.]
Clifford – E. E. Finn, who owns the store building where L. H. Rivenburg has conducted a mercantile business several years, has purchased the stock of goods and will hereafter run the store on his old stamping ground, where he conducted business several years ago. Fred Stevens, formerly of Royal, is his clerk and has rented Will Lott’s residence.
Susquehanna – Principal A. A. Killian has introduced an interesting and commendable feature in connection with the courses of study in the Susquehanna schools. It is the devotion of time to the study of birds. Last week portions of two days were given to instruction in literature and music having references to birds. It is a very engrossing pursuit, this knowledge of bird ways, and it is calculated to soften the heart and strengthen the character of anyone who interests himself in the little feathered friends of man. This newspaper would like to see Bird Day observed in every school in the county.
Lynn, Springville Twp. – F. S. Greenwood will open his ice cream parlor, on the corner, for next Saturday night, May 1.
Wilkes-Barre – I. N. Austin, a former county resident, but now of Wilkes-Barre, writes us that the farm on which he lived for eight years was at one time the camp occupied by the Indians and English, previous to the Wyoming massacre, and from the house in which he now resides can be seen the fine monument erected to the memory of those who lost their lives in that awful historical event, the Wyoming Massacre.
Dimock – Rev. I. D. Mallery was here surveying for an artificial lake to be built on the Dr. Norris farm [Woodbourne]. The lake will contain about 25 acres and is intended as a resort.
Montrose – Miss Elisa J. Brewster, private secretary to Mrs. .Charles M. Schwab, of New York city, is expected here tomorrow for a visit with friends. [Mr. Schwab was the president of U. S. Steel. Their house was an extravagant 75 room mansion located on Riverside Drive. It was considered the grandest house ever built in Manhattan.]
Forest City - Paul Revere’s ride was no comparison to that taken by Otto Halford, Friday evening. The holdback on the harness broke, frightening the horse, who ran at break-neck speed down Main street. Halford was thrown from the cart near Joseph’s store, but held to the lines, being dragged to Jones’ store, where the steed was stopped by W. H. Jones. Halford escaped injury.
News Brief: The automobile fever is ranging this spring worse than ever. It is to be feared that some will buy who cannot afford to own one.
Compiled By: Betty Smith