Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 30 1909/2009
Hallstead - Not to be outdone by other cities, the enterprising sportsmen, headed by John Clune, proprietor of the Clune House, have arranged for a Marathon race on May 15. The runners will start from Hallstead and go up that side of the river to Susquehanna, where they cross over and return via Great Bend, making a distance of nearly 20 miles. Valuable prizes will be awarded the winners and already there is much interest being shown and the list of contestants promises to be large, composed mainly of some of the amateur runners of this section of the State and lower New York.
Dimock - President Taft has given just recognition to the judicial ability of George W. Woodruff, who during Roosevelt's administration was attached to the Department of the Interior, by appointing him United States District Judge of Hawaii. Mr. Woodruff is a native of Dimock, attended the schools of this vicinity in boyhood and in 1889 finished his studies at Yale, taking up the practice of law in Philadelphia. His personality, fine physique and love of outdoor sports made him a boon companion of the strenuous Roosevelt during his administration. As assistant attorney general of the Department of the Interior he achieved considerable prominence and the appointment comes as recognition of work well done.
Susquehanna - The working hours at the Susquehanna Erie shops have increased from 40 to 45 hours a week. The strong probability is that the company will succeed in securing permission to make its proposed $30,000,000 loan on bonds, a part of which will be expended in physical improvements of its road.
Forest City - The Forest City stone quarry will resume operations next month with an increased force of men. It is said that electric drills will be used. The work will be pushed vigorously and the industry made an important one to Forest City. ALSO "Kid" Sharonis is in training for a go with a Honesdale scrapper.
Montrose - H. D. Titman and L. R. Titsworth have purchased the old skating rink property for $1800. The building will be repaired, painted and the interior walls kalsomined, which will make a fine hall and will be used for a roller skating rink and other purposes, such as dances. There is no doubt of these energetic young men making this a profitable business, as well an amusement that will be beneficial and enjoyed by the young people of Montrose.
South Gibson - Thomas J. Manzer died on April 10, 1909 at age 82 years and 16 days. He was born March 26, 1827 at Fly Creek, Otsego County, NY, and was one of ten children of the Rev. Lawrence Manzer, a Baptist minister. He was a man of good judgment and was often sought for counsel in county matters by his fellow citizens. He was born with and always possessed the noted characteristic of the Manzer family, namely, industry.
Shannon Hill, Auburn Twp. - Mrs. Ettaline Lott, who has been spending some time with her son, James Lott, has left for California, where she will spend about a year with her brothers, John and Gilbert Overfield, and her niece, Mrs. Minnie Emory.
Brackney - A very pretty wedding took place in St. Augustine's church, last Wednesday afternoon, when Miss Elizabeth Giblin became the bride of Edward Cahill. Miss Katherine Giblin, cousin of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Matthew Cahill, brother of the groom, as best man. The bride was handsomely attired in drab silk with lace trimmings and wore a black picture hat and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. The groom wore the conventional black. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Giblin of Quaker Lake. The groom has for several years held a responsible position with the Lackawanna Railroad. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful presents, besides a large sum of money. Mr. and Mrs. Cahill will reside in Binghamton.
Hopbottom - The first annual alumni banquet of Hopbottom High School, given in Masonic hall, April 23, was one of the pleasantest social events which has occurred in a long time. About 70 guests were present and when they were ushered into the tastefully decorated hall and served with the elegant repast furnished by the ladies of the Universalist Church, there was little left to be desired except the toasts, which were served as later refreshment in an equally pleasing style. The universal expression of those present was that the entire program was most highly successful.
Elkdale - Howard Wells has been confined to the house with an attack of mumps.
Gelatt - The Grange decided to erect a building 30 x 50 ft, with two stories & basement, on ground donated by W. Manzer, at the forks of the road near George Bowells'.
Franklin Forks - Great excitement was caused on Monday afternoon when the boiler in Carroll R. Tiffany's mill exploded. Weighing over a ton, it shot through the roof of the mill and passed over the Stockholm residence, striking the roof of Smith's store 200 feet away, and did not stop until it landed on the storeroom floor, causing considerable damage by tearing out partitions and everything in its path. It was fortunate for Mr. Tiffany that it happened just when it did, as in an instant more he would have returned to the boiler room and no doubt been killed instantly by the terrific impact from the explosion. Mr. Tiffany does a general custom sawing trade and manufactures horticultural implements on quite an extensive scale.
Great Bend - While running at the rate of 50 miles an hour, Erie train No. 3 ran into a heavily loaded wagon just below the Great Bend station, Thursday night. The driver was crossing the tracks when his wagon became stalled. Knowing that train 3, the fast New York-Chicago express was soon due, the driver tried to urge his horses across the tracks, but they could not pull the heavy load. He unhitched the team, led them to a place of safety and started up the track to flag the train, but before he had gone very far the fast express came around the curve. The engine hit the wagon squarely, completely demolishing it. The train was stopped and parts of the wagon were removed from the engine. Fortunately no one was near the wagon at the time of the accident.
Uniondale - The sugar social was well attended at Geo. Bayless'. After Claud Lockwood played one game of snap and kiss 'em he said that the sugar tasted a lemon--no more sugar for Claud. AND There is to be a box social in Ira Churchill's Hall, Friday evening. Webb Sherwood says that he will get a certain lady's lunch if it costs a car of corn. The lady has rosy cheeks and very handsome.
Compiled By: Betty Smith