Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 29 1910/2010
South Gibson - Greeley Belcher, of Crystal Lake, and Miss Osea Wright, of Glenwood, were married at the Elm Park M. E. parsonage, Scranton, last Wednesday. Mr. Belcher is a Gibson boy and spent several years in the Klondike. Both he and his wife are graduates of the South Gibson graded school and have the best wishes of their many friends for continued happiness.
Gibson - Prof. John Sophia, of Harford, is conducting a singing class in this place. It meets every Tuesday evening.
Birchardville - Wm. A. Owen is employed by E. D. Bronson and will represent his studio in making photographic work in different parts of the county this summer. All work made by him is fully guaranteed by Mr. Bronson.
Rush - The following members of the graduating class of 1910, Rush High School, visited Bronson's studio last Tuesday to have their pictures taken - Grace Lowe, Nora McManus, Hettie Granger, Byron Guy, John Howford, Roland Dayton and Clark James.
Montrose - Tunkhannock people are circulating a paper to raise sufficient funds to pave a street. It is a good idea. Wonder if such a movement was started in Montrose, say among the merchants fronting on Public Avenue, if that wide thoroughfare could not be paved with asphalt or vitrified brick? It would add fifty per cent to the appearance of the avenue, do away largely with the dust nuisance and make it much better for travel. ALSO The Presbyterian church is planning to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The celebration will probably take place July 1, 2, and 3.
Ararat - Mrs. Wm. Cobb was hooked in the face by a cow while standing in front of her last week. ALSO At Ararat Summit, Clark Avery is calling on everybody in this vicinity. Get ready to entertain him. He is the census enumerator for Ararat and Thompson townships and Thompson Borough.
Lawsville - Several new 'phones have been placed in town. The happy possessors are Wm. Ladd, P. S. Caswell, R. A. Fish, I. C. Ireland and F. L. Bailey.
Forest City - Will Lavin caught a 17" trout weighing a pound and 12 ounces on Friday, just below the Stillwater dam. It is surprising that the big fish escaped Walt Brain, Dan Allen, Phil Lee, Proky and the other anglers who cast lines in that water regularly, a dozen times a season. How'd he ever get the chance to grow?
Harford - Paul Thomas, son of Rev. H. W. Thomas, has a vacuum cleaner and is prepared to do housecleaning for all who wish.
Thompson - A. W. Gates and wife, who spent the winter with their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Browning, in Scranton, are home again for the summer. They are in comfortable health, though they are not the sprightly pair they were before they passed their four score years. He will be 90 years old at his next birthday and she is but two years younger. Mrs. Julia Cayill is caring for them in their home on Main Street.
Uniondale - The largest locomotive in the world is pushing cars through Uniondale every day. It is 3,700 horse power. It takes two men as engineers and two men as firemen. It is owned by the D & H Co.
Herrick Center - Some time Wednesday night a low down thief entered the barn of Constable Curtis and stole a fine Holstein calf, two months old, worth about $25. They left the chain and strap with which it was tied, thinking perhaps Mr. Curtis would raise another one for them. Thursday night Mr. Davis lost all of his hens except one (that was setting in the hay mow.) Messrs Fuller and Churchill lost some the same night. People should prime up their shot guns. ALSO Jerome Tonkin is in New York State. Rumor says he will not come back alone. [Jerome came home in June with his wife, Mrs. Bessie Gavitt, of Schenectady, NY. However she died in September of 1910. Jerome married twice more, in 1912 and 1922.]
Lynn, Springville Twp. - Miss Miles, the census enumerator, was calling on the citizens here last week. ALSO Burton Taylor has taken unto himself a wife, also George Bennett, we are told. We wish them much happiness in their new venture.
Springville - Homer E. Kerr has secured a patent on a fruit gathering pail, which promises to have a future. By the use of this pail, one can enter a tree and pick apples or other fruit, and safely empty it into a crate, box or any other receptacle without injury and without getting out of the tree or changing his position. Mr. Kerr and his father, W. H. Kerr, were recently in Washington on business in regard to the patent.
Laurel Lake - Hon. George C. Hill, a man of varied talents, and one who does his own thinking, was in town Thursday shaking hands with his many acquaintances here. Mr. Hill has the reputation of being one of the best violinists of the old school who ever drew a bow across a piece of "cat gut." His friends are always glad to meet him and a chat with him is as refreshing as a gentle zephyr on a sultry afternoon.
Susquehanna - An application has been filed for a charter for a company to furnish gas for heat, light and power purposes. A gas plant would be welcomed here, it is said.
Mehoopany - R. S. Hardic's hotel the Mehoopany House, at North Mehoopany, was entered by burglars. The thieves went to Mr. Hardic's bedroom and taking his trousers to the bar room, relieved the pockets of nearly $100.
News Briefs: - The body of the late Samuel G. Clemens (Mark Twain) was taken through this county over the Lackawanna railroad Sunday morning. A good many people were at the stations along the line to see the train pass by bearing his body. The remains were taken to Elmira for burial, President E. B. Thomas' private car being used for that purpose. Mrs. Thomas is a niece of the late humorist.
Compiled By: Betty Smith