Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 29 1904/2004
Oakland - The commencement exercises of the Oakland High School will be held in the Oakland Congregational church May 10; Miss Winifred Frank is the only member of the class of 1904.
Fairdale - The recent spring floods have unearthed the first mill dam built here more than 100 years ago. AND The bee-keepers report a loss of 70 percent of their stock during the past winter.
Birchardville - L. T. Birchard & son received on Wednesday last, a fine imported Jersey heifer calf, which Mr. Birchard purchased at a combination sale at Hoboken. Last year they bought a Flying Fox bull calf. There are no finer Jersey cattle bred in this country than those from the Birchard farm.
Auburn Twp. - Death of Griswold Carter: A life of exemplary Christian character was that of whom we write. It began in South Auburn, Aug. 11, 1841, and he was the 4th of six children of Daniel and Barbara Carter. When five years old his parents moved to Retta and settled on the farm which still bears the family name. The forest disappeared under the blows of the industrious settler and soon a thrifty farm with comfortable buildings occupied the tract which Daniel Carter and his children had won from the forest. Daniel, the pioneer, finished his life work Jan. 21, 1873 and Griswold came into possession of the old homestead. Under his wise management the farm maintained a good reputation. On Sept. 1, 1861, Griswold was wedded to Susan N. Seeley, who proved a faithful and true wife and into this home came seven children. On Friday, April 1st, 1904 he entered into "the rest that remaineth to the people of God."
Montrose - Dr. D. G. Wilson received Wednesday evening, by express, a huge chicken hawk. He was afraid of the bird, but Fred Smith, the jeweler, transferred it into a berry box at Arthur Lyons' store, where the bird became more easy and comfortable. The doctor is going to start an aviary. AND Harrington's Mills is becoming quite a busy little annex to Montrose. It is not so small either. The large Borden shipping station, the creamery of the Montrose Dairy Company, the saw mill, foundry and feed mills of J. C. Harrington and the store of S. E. Hart comprise its business enterprises and there is also Mrs. Nailor, whose fame as a raiser of chickens is well known.
Brooklyn - The members of the graduating class of the High School are as follows: Bert Tiffany, Edna Ely, Grace Packer, Lillian Austin, Arthur Williams, Lena Johnson and Edith Saunders.
New Milford - The commencement exercises of the New Milford High School will be held at the Opera House, this Friday evening. The following are members of the graduating class: Glenn Brundage, Ben Morris, Marshall Benniger, Grace Tingley, Ella Carr, Mildred Cook, Katherine Kane. AND Glen Dean, the young man who lost his left arm by being run over by the cars a few weeks ago, has recovered nicely.
Lawsville - A "fixin up" mania has struck our town. Thomas Mahana is building a new kitchen; G. W. Meeker has been repairing his store; F. B. Travis is having his house painted and shingled; J. W. Russell is building a new kitchen; D. W. Bailey is going to re-model and paint his house, and F. L. Bailey is getting lumber preparatory to building a large chicken house.
Harford - Edith MacConnell is in the hospital, suffering from an injury to the back, caused by falling on the walk while attending school at Syracuse.
Hallstead/Great Bend - The Hallstead and Great Bend horse breeders won a fine success. In the absence of President Col. C. C. Pratt, Thomas Kilrow made the opening address followed by selections by the Hallstead Cornet Band. Chas. Lines drew the fine oil painting donated by Mrs. Lahey; Burt S. Beebe, the quilt; Raymond Mack, a shawl; Mrs. J. B. Rogers, a package of hankerchives, Geo. Kirby, the hat rack; Dr. Keefe, of Binghamton, the $3 worth of photographs. Miss Margaret Stephens secured the door prize, a fine umbrella. Richard Osterhout got the clock.
Nicholson - Two young men, who were convicted of stealing chickens, were sentenced to pay a fine of $10 each and to undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for a term of 14 months. It is not believed that they expected to get into any serious trouble when they committed the offense, nor that they stole for the sake of the goods. It more likely was a foolish prank entered into, possibly, at the suggestion of another.
Springville - Maple Lodge, I.O.O.F., celebrated the 85th anniversary of the lodge at their hall, Tuesday evening.
Elk Lake - The Grange is in a flourishing condition adding new members to their ranks at each meeting.
Friendsville - C. J. Tierney, of Friendsville, succumbed to a very severe attack of pneumonia at the Exchange Hotel in Montrose. Mr. Tierney was summoned to act as a juryman and although not feeling well for several days, was suddenly taken ill and taken to the hotel, where Dr. C. D. Mackey and Miss Alice Kelly, a trained nurse, gave him skillful but unavailing care.
Susquehanna - The Erie Shop clerks organized a union on Saturday evening. AND Forty-seven carloads of salt, valued at $47,000, passed east on Sunday night, in a solid train.
News Brief - Quite a controversy is on over in Binghamton now as to whether Sunday base ball shall be permitted to be played during the coming summer. The laboring classes especially are clamoring for Sunday games, and when it is considered that Sunday is the only day on which they may witness the national sport, it does seem as though they had some reason for wishing it. Desecration of the Sabbath even in this comparatively mild manner should not, however, be permitted. The holiness of this one day in the week ought to be observed, regardless of religious belief, by all, and with even the rigidity practiced in the time. Because there are greater violations of divine law on the Sabbath than ball playing is no argument for its being allowed. It is not in proper spirit with the day and encourages indifference to religious duties and is generally detrimental to the moral and spiritual welfare. The ministers of the gospel who are pushing the crusade are in the right, in accordance with divine law, and their efforts should be sanctioned by all thinking citizens.
Compiled By: Betty Smith