Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 29 1899/1999
Hopbottom - Mrs. Law has opened a bakery on Front street. She will have cookies, doughnuts, etc. Everyone who likes good things to eat should give her a call.
Lindaville - Miss Jessie Packer will open a select school at Brooklyn Center, soon.
Herrick Centre - Harry Curtiss and A. Bowell attended the Prohibition Convention at New Milford, Monday, and the Co. S.S. Convention at Harford, this week.
Susquehanna - At about 2 A.M. on Saturday the barn on West Church street, owned by Benjamin Gregory, took fire and was destroyed. The flames communicated to the residence of Mr. Gregory, which was also destroyed, and the adjoining residences of Mrs. Sidney Dimon and Thomas Fitzgerald were damaged. Mr. Gregory saved his household effects. James McCoy, who occupied the second floor of the Gregory house, lost everything. Mr. Gregory was insured for $1,300 and McCoy for $300. The fire department was hampered by an inadequate water pressure. The fire is supposed to be of an incendiary origin. Mr. Gregory will rebuild on the old site.
Montrose - Jacob Titman has been fishing again. Last Monday he walked over to Heart Lake and cast in his hook for bullheads. They were hungry and went eagerly for his bait, keeping it up until two poles were broken and there were 65 fine large fish on his string. Jacob was so elated with his success that he returned home on the train, instead of walking. AND The Western Union telegraph office was struck by lightening last Monday and T.A. Lyons, who was at the instrument, was severely stunned, more so than in 40 years experience in telegraphing.
Forest City - The Davis house, a three-story building belonging to T.C. Manzer, was destroyed by fire on Sunday morning, the inmates having barely time to escape. Chas Crandall, who was conducting the dining rooms and sleeping apartments is a heavy loser. The only furniture saved was from John Franko's barber shop on the first floor. Owing to the excessively high rate asked for insurance in that portion of the town, the hotel was but lightly insured.
Hallstead - A severe hail and wind storm passed over Hallstead and vicinity Tuesday afternoon. A large fifty dollar window in the St. Lawrence Catholic church was broken during the icy precipitation. Also many window lights were broken and fireman's hall also suffered damage. Franklin St., from the Major House to Pine Street, was completely submerged and resembled a lake. The incandescent street lamps were also broken. This was the worst story in the memory of many old residents.
Ainey - The festive thief is again abroad, this time the house recently vacated by A.C. Brink was broken into and a quantity of pork and cider taken.
Lenoxville - We didn't suppose that we had any thieves in this section and hope that they belong to some other locality, however they entered the house of P.J. Karney and took from him two nice hams. But they were a little more liberal than the old adage of "whole hog or none," for they left him a share. But they will have to squeal from this time on, for Karney will keep a bulldog chained to the barrel. Such fellows had better be a little shy or they will have something besides meat to pick from their teeth.
Little Meadows - Mrs. F.R. Major has just received a fine line of millinery goods from New York.
Lanesboro - The High School held very interesting commencement exercises in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening. Following is the class of '99: Martin Taylor, Arthur Munson, Sidney McKune, Claire Taylor, Ida Larrabee, Lena McCullough, Lelia Storer; Professor Homer N. Barrett is the right man in the right place.
Oakland - In a newspaper card, George Eaton, of the Oakland Side, gives notice that his wife, Tillie, has left his bed and board.
Alford - Fires have been running over the hills along the railroad near Alford. They have also been burning fiercely along the line of the Montrose railroad. Constables are now authorized by law to call out men and subdue forest fires when they threaten to do much damage. The men called get pay.
Harford - The children of the soldiers of the late war [Spanish- American] are now eligible to admission in the Orphan's School, by a bill signed by the Governor.
County News: On Monday the mercury registered 90 degrees in the shade--about the hottest first of May we have ever experienced. AND As reported in the Scranton Tribune, "A milk war up in the vicinity of Montrose may cause a revival of the butter-making industry at home. The farmers of that section believe that the man who feeds the cow should have some show in the division of profits, hence they have organized and refuse to sign the iron-clad contracts furnished by the milk buyers this year. The shippers have given the milk producers until April 25 to consider the matter. If they do not sign by that time interesting developments are promised." AND - The cases of Shew and Eagan, under sentence of death for murder of Jackson Pepper, were brought before the board of pardons in Harrisburg yesterday. The board held these cases for advisement, giving no definite time for its report. As the day set for their execution is May 18th, a stay may be ordered. The prisoners show much interest in the outcome of the case.
Compiled By: Betty Smith