Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 27 1923/2023
Fair Hill, Forest Lake Twp. - It is not such an uncommon thing to find snowdrifts in spots sheltered from the sun on the first of May. Those who walk through the woods these days may still run across an occasional drift. Talking with Silas Jagger, U. S. weatherman, he recalled that on May 3, 1876, while plowing, he was unable to plow within fifteen or eighteen feet of a stone wall, surrounding a field on his farm, on account of the deep snow. He recalls the snow of the latter part of April 1867, when it was four feet deep. In 1887, on April 17, there was a foot and a half of snow on the ground and sleighing was the accepted mode of travel.
Friendsville – Wm. Flynn’s son, John, a graduate of Montrose high school and Penn State College, is now learning botany in the University of Maryland.
Susquehanna – Fred M. Pierce, a former Erie railroad engineer, died Saturday, after a long illness of diabetes. Mr. Pierce, who until recently had been a mail carrier on Route 3, out of Susquehanna, was said to be the largest mail carrier in the government service. He weighed 358 pounds.
Montrose – The work of relaying a water main on Public Avenue was started yesterday when workmen commenced digging the trenches. W. E. Bennett, of Lanesboro, has taken the contract and is being assisted by W. S. Goodman of that place.
South Auburn – The Ladies’ Grange Auxiliary was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Overfield. A very enjoyable day was spent and dinner was served to about 50 members and guests. Mr. Overfield has recently returned from an extended visit with relatives in the far west.
Jackson – Very few of the old soldiers who are members of the Myron French Post of the G. A. R. are living. In order that the graves of old soldiers buried in the Lamb, North Jackson, Jackson and Lake View cemeteries may be decorated each Memorial Day, a new organization was started in the township for the purpose of carrying on the work of the G. A. R. This organization includes the Sons of Veterans.
New Milford – Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hardy and son, Dr. J. M. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Blair and Ogden Moss, were in Binghamton, Sunday, to attend the lecture given by William Jennings Bryan at Kalurah Temple. [Read more online about Mr. Bryan and the Scopes Monkey Trial.]
Hop Bottom – The play, “At the End of the Rainbow,” given by the young people last Friday evening, was enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience. They expect to give the play at New Milford, Saturday evening.
Birchardville – We are losing one of our good neighbors, as T. S. Curley has sold his farm and is moving to Binghamton to live.
Brooklyn – Arbor Day was observed with appropriate exercises by the high school, Friday afternoon. Each of the twelve grades planted a tree a tree on the new school grounds. ALSO On May 2nd the first six grades will give an entertainment under the direction of Miss Morris, the musical supervisor. It is entitled “A Toy Pageant,” and promises to be one of the best entertainments given by the children of our town.
Dimock – A chicken and poultry talk will be given on April 27, at 10 a.m., at B. V. Crisman’s, by Donald Gray, an expert from Harrisburg, assisted by C. P. Fague, our farm bureau agent. This talk will prove very beneficial to all who hear it and especially so to the young project workers in our school who have gone into the poultry business.
Auburn Corners – Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bunnell, April 13, 1923, a son--Gershom Worthy Bunnell.
Thompson – Mr. McKaig, of the Pittston [PA] Stove Company, will demonstrate the “Happy Thought.” [According to the Pittston Stove Company’s history, “during the 1920’s as many as 250,000 Pittston Kitchen Stoves and Happy Thought Parlor Stoves, were in use around the country.”]
Forest City – Paul Ranorean and Francis Shamro underwent slight operations at Emergency Hospital, Tuesday. ALSO Mrs. Lula Slick has returned from Orlando Florida, where she spent the winter. She was delighted with life in the Sunny South, but prefers her Pennsylvania home. She has one regret, that she did not go to Cuba before returning home.
Uniondale – Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Sheffel motored to New York city and returned the next day. It required about 8 hours to make the run each way. Mr. Sheffel is well acquainted with the Metropolis, having attended Columbia University in days gone by. They visited the Hippodrome, soon to be razed, and other places of interest. From Forest City they drove all the way over stone or concrete roads. They point out that Forest City is connected with the metropolis by a stone road and two railroads.
Editorial Troubles: The troubles of an editor in a small town are many. Besides the difficulties inherent in making up his paper satisfactorily, he often has to live up to a reputation for limitless knowledge. For many persons he is an oracle, and the column headed “Notes and Queries,” or something similar, is his mouthpiece. A western paper received a communication bearing pertinently on this matter. It ran as follows: “Dear Editor—Will you kindly inform me by return mail what number of seeds are contained in a 73 too 75 pound pumpkin, as I wish to settle an argument.” A parallel to this request lies in an unhappy experience to an editor who one morning received two letters from subscribers. The first, an anxious father wrote to find out the best way to bring up his twin babies, while the other, a farmer, wanted to know the quickest method of getting rid of grasshoppers. The editor hesitated: then out of the fullness of his knowledge, he wrote two letters in reply. But on the haste of business he put the letters into the wrong envelopes. The next morning the father of the twins received this interesting answer: “Cover them carefully with straw and set fire to it. After jumping in the flames a few moments, the little pests will be speedily done for.” And the man who was troubled with grasshoppers was bidden to “Give caster oil regularly in moderate doses and rub their gums with a bone.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith