Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 27 1894/1994
Montrose - A special meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday evening to consider the subject of electric lights for this town. A.H. McCollum. Esq., was present on behalf of the Consumers Water Company, and stated that if the borough would agree to pay $300 per annum for ten lights, the company would not wait for further subscriptions but would agree to have the plant in operation inside of sixty days. A committee consisting or J.H. Corwin J P. Taylor. W.H. Doran, and E.P. Pope, was appointed to consider the matter. The committee will meet on Saturday evening at the office of F.I. Lott, and report at a special meeting of the Council on Monday evening. AND In The cities it is a very common tiling to see ladies riding bicycles. The first lady in Montrose to adopt the wheel is Miss Fannie Slovens, and she rides it very gracefully, too.
Franklin Forks - Almon Southworth had his large barn raised on Monday afternoon. A good many from here went to lend a helping hand.
South Gibson - Our dressmakers, Misses Rhoda Carpenter, Maggie Howel and Jessie Keech, have plenty of work, despite the hard times.
Springville - Mrs. Grattan has renewed her millinery and fancy store down town on Main Street, next to Mr. Lemuel Bushnell. Mr. Bushnell having fitted up a building for that purpose. She has a fine line of new goods. She has in store the famous moth powder, called "Mrs. Harrington's Death to Moths." Try some, at 5-cents a package, or six for 25-cents.
Dundaff - A new Baptist church has been organized at Dundaff and added to the Abington association. Rev. B.C Jones, of Clifford, will act as pastor for the present. A lot centrally located in the village has been donated to the society on which they hope to soon build a church. There are seventeen charter members.
Harford - Osterhout and Whitney, wagon makers, are having all they can do. They are fuming out a large amount of new work, aside from the repair work. H. A. Robbins, their blacksmith, is one of the very best of wagon and carriage ironers.
Heart Lake - Ben McMillan has traded his colt for a bicycle. Look out for your neck, Bert.
Birchardville - Now for a few words to those who are in dread of "blue" Monday. We can tell them how to prevent so much hard labor on washing day. It was our privilege to see the work done easily without use of crank or lever, completely doing away with all rubbing of the clothes, by using The Howell Steam Washer, which was used in our home by W. Holmes of Earlville, NY, completely removed all dirt from the most soiled fabric, the steamer accomplishing all its work in 30 minutes, whilst the housewife can resume her usual morning's work or she may watch the workings of the steamer. Now, is not that a better way than to use all your strength to accomplish what is done in so short a space of time by using the Howell steam Washer. The clothes are saved all the wear and tear from rubbing, which certainly is of great importance; it also adds a brilliancy to the clothes that equals all bleaching process. We cannot speak the praise it is worthy of J.H. Cornell, of Nicholson, is the authorized agent for Susquehanna Co., and will probably canvass this locality.
Susquehanna County- Social Note; A very entertaining box party is the one called a Long Fellow Toe social. Each young lady has a basket filled with enough chicken pie, cake, etc., for two which is numbered. Every young man present that has a quarter and wishes to eat, is supplied with a piece of chalk and is cited a whole row of feet protruding from under a curtain, of all sizes and shapes. He picks out a desirable foot and writes a number on the toe; then he eats with the possessor of the pedal extremity out of the basket corresponding in number.
Compiled By: Betty Smith