Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 26 1912/2012
Lanesboro - The postoffice was burglarized by a lone robber Sunday night, but only 94 cents secured. Postmaster T. J. Nicholson saw the burglar at work in the building and took a shot at him with a gun, firing through a store window. The burglar, in haste to get out, jumped through a window, taking glass and sash. The postmaster blazed away again and the robber dropped and when Nicholson ran up the marauder again bolted. Bloody tracks were found, but whether from the shot or caused by broken glass is unknown. The injured man has not been located.
East Lynn, Springville Twp. - The pupils who will receive perfect attendance certificates from County Supt. Stearns, this year, are Emma Brown and Alwildah Travis.
Rush - The birthday of our oldest resident, Abraham Carter, occurred on Friday last. Mr. Carter, although 95, still goes about with a firm step.
West Bridgewater - Quite a number from this place attended the horning at Lewis Hawley’s for Arthur Bolles and Bride, of Hallstead.
Thompson - Henry B. Bredison, Edison Co. photographer, is at L. J. Wrighter’s preparing to photograph their maple sugar camp in detailed operation, to be used for moving pictures.
New Albany/Forest Lake - The death of James E. Patch occurred April 11, 1912, at New Albany, PA. He was born at Forest Lake, on Sept. 29, 1820 and was married to Miss Susan Steiger of Forest Lake. In 1870 he moved to Evergreen, where he was postmaster for a number of years. For 70 years he was a member of the Baptist church. In his earlier life he was a bridge builder and carpenter for the New York and Erie railroad when that road was being built from New York to Binghamton. Mr. Patch was a member of the Montrose I.O.O.F. Lodge for a great many years.
West Lenox - On Thursday morning while Harley Tingley was handling a gun that he thought wasn’t loaded, it went off and the bullet struck his mother in the knee. As yet they have been unable to locate the ball. Her daughter, Mrs. Leo McDonald, of Endicott, is caring for her.
New Milford - The Lackawanna surveyors are all back again, also some of the contractors have leased houses for a period of three years and have moved their families here. The outlook at present is very bright for the L. & M. change from Heart Lake to this place being commenced in the near future. ALSO Samuel Moss died Saturday night after an illness of a few weeks. He had been in the mercantile business in this town for a period of 35 or 40 years and was one of the town’s most esteemed citizens.
Heart Lake - Newell Harrison, born Aug. 5, 1841, died here April 13, 1912. When the war broke out in 1861 he was one of the first to respond to the call for troops. He entered the State service at West Chester and was mustered into the U.S. service July 18, 1861. He fought at Bull Run, Mechanicsville, Gaines Mills, White Oak Swamp, Antietam, Fredericksburg and the Wilderness. Was captured and confined in Andersonville Prison eleven months. His last illness was the outcome of injuries received during his faithful service and the brutal treatment dealt out to our Boys in Blue while in the foul place of dread disease and untimely death. He was a member of Four Brothers Post, No. 453, of Montrose, having officiated as deputy inspector. A tender, loving husband and father, a loyal friend and kind neighbor has gone from our midst, and will be greatly missed.
Forest City - The work on the county bridge, which was suspended last fall when the cold weather came on, was resumed last week. It will be but a short time now until we have adequate connection with the farming districts of Wayne county, lying east and north--east of us.
Montrose - J. C. VanCampen, a former well--known resident, has returned to Montrose, opening an undertaking and upholstering business on Church street, in the Kraiss stand. Mr. VanCampen has had 15 years experience in the business in both city and towns. He and Mrs. VanCampen are heartily welcomed here by hosts of old friends. ALSO Montrose friends of the family learn with sincere regret that Mr. A. W. Kent, an architect in Buffalo, NY, lost his life on the ill-fated Titanic. Mr. Kent was a son of the late Mrs. Harriet Kent, who purchased the beautiful estate on Lake Avenue, of Artist James D. Smillie, where she made her summer home for many years. ALSO A follow-up from last week’s report that the Rev. Dr. J. Stuart Holden, a former speaker at the Montrose Bible Conference, was on the Titanic proved to be false. He had cancelled his passage because of the illness of his wife.
Flynn, Middletown Twp. - The young men who are committing those pranks around the school and church should be brought to account. ALSO We cannot expect much good weather until after the old maid’s excursion to Washington, about June 1st.
West Auburn - The people of this place are highly interested in the subject of road improvement and are doing all they can to promote it in general, which is of course a very good motive. But they are shamefully neglecting and overlooking the subject of education, which is in much greater want of improvement.
Clifford - Ord Morgan has rented the Grimes Miller farm for another year. He has not bought the Geo. Stephens property, as given by your Royal correspondent two or three weeks ago. Also, John Wilson has not sold his place and moved to Buffalo, as related by the same authority.
News Briefs - The town of Crossfork, Potter Co., will soon be obliterated off the map and the old lumbering town will only be a memory in the minds of those who visited it in the days when the sawmills and other industries were running full blast. The past week was the last for the only industry which has been keeping the town together for some time. ALSO Because no hearse in Washington, Pa., was big enough to accommodate the large coffin built for William P. Bane, the body of the tallest man who served in the Civil War was carried on a draped wagon. He was 7 ft. 4 in. tall and weighed 300 pounds. It was Bane whom Lincoln addressed at Gettysburg, saying: “Will that fellow please get down off the stump?”
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Compiled By: Betty Smith