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April 26 1901/2001

Brooklyn - The C. E. of the Presbyterian church will give a weight social in the G.A.R. rooms on Wednesday evening next, May 8. People will be weighed and pay at the rate of 10 cents per hundred pounds. Ice cream, cake and cocoa served free.

Harford - Leander Bennett was kicked by one of his horses and we hope it is not serious. W. Marshall is assisting his brother-in-law with his work for a few days, while the former is recovering from his kick. AND The first open air concert of the season was given by the band Monday evening.

Montrose - Miss Emily Blackman notes the fast driving on Church street, to the discomfort of those who would otherwise enjoy looking out upon a stirring world, but are now too much moved with pity for the noble animals that do the bidding of cruel or at least thoughtless drivers. Is there not [a] borough ordinance that forbids this torture of them and the trampling on the humane instincts of the community. AND John Quinn, one of the nicest old men in our acquaintance, has received mail at the Montrose post office for 65 years. For 32 years he has acted as color-bearer of the G.A.R on Memorial days and this year, if he lives, will make 33. Long may he live, to bear aloft the stars and stripes.

Kingsley - W. W. Sloat has been in Scranton the past week taking Christian Science treatment for a sore on his hand.

Great Bend - L. W. Chichester is the oldest man in the State working at the watch repairing business. He is 73 years of age and his nerves and eyesight are good.

Hopbottom - The road machine was in operation on our streets Monday and Tuesday and about 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, as they were at work on the road to the creamery, Henry Lindsey's team was hitched to the machine and Frank Green's team was ahead, when they saw coming towards them the team of Milton Bailey, running away at full speed with the tongue and two forward wheels; Green reined his team into the ditch and Lindsey's team got the full force of the runaway team and all four horses fell in a heap. How they ever escaped being killed is a wonder to all, but all escaped injury. The harnesses were broken and Bailey's wagon was demolished.

Stevens Point - Monday morning a bridge between Brandt and Stevens Point collapsed and Frank Comfort, his team and a large tank filled with oil, belonging to the Standard Oil Company, were precipitated into the Starrucca creek, about 14 feet below. The driver escaped without injury and the horses were but slightly hurt. The wagon and oil tank were badly damaged. Mr. Comfort's escape from drowning was miraculous as the creek is very high on account of recent rains.

Transue, Auburn Twp. - The farmers in this place and South Auburn are very much interested in working on the new road around the Tewksbury hollow leading to Skinner's Eddy, and it will be quite an improvement. AND Mrs. A. Brotzman has bought a new horse and she expects to go farming.

Springville - S. Tuttle is getting on slowly after his tussle with measles. Over at E. L. Button's they are not so fortunate; Edgar's little son is very bad and likely to be permanently injured from his sickness with measles. Tuesday morning Mrs. Elizabeth Fike died at her home on what is known as the Hodgson farm. She contracted measles and later on pneumonia and pleurisy. She leaves five small children, a husband and other relatives to mourn her death. AND B. M. Stone, of Stull, has been selling fruit trees in this place called the "Missing Link," an apple that will keep one or two years.

Welsh Hill - Rev. Harris gave a very interesting sermon on Sunday evening, it being the fourth subject in his series of alarm talks to young people. The subject was "The popular dance and its final results." The church was crowded, people being present from Union Hill, South Gibson, Herrick, Elkdale, Lenoxville, Dundaff and other places. Next Sunday he will speak on "Moral Gambling and Where it Begins."

Ararat - While unloading milk at the station Saturday morning, Mr. Toby's horse ran away, throwing Mr. T. to the ground and a can of milk on top of him. At the same time Ralph Stone's horse indulged in some merry pranks that for a time threatened the destruction of wagon, cans and milk; but fortunately there was no serious damage. All of this was caused by a dog fight.

New Milford - The Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at the home of Mrs. U. B. Gillett, on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Little Meadows - Miss Sadie Riley closed a very successful term of school last week.

Forest City - The borough owns a lot on Dundaff street on which council contemplates erecting a borough building, but so much opposition to that site has appeared that it is possible the present lot will be sold and one on Main street be purchased.

Burnwood - Howard C. Crane, of Uniondale, was recently engaged in placing a telephone manufactured by the American Electric Telephone Co., of Chicago, in the house of C. P. Ross and Mr. Crane seems to thoroughly understand his business. The work was done in a very neat and workmanlike manner and in a short time the phone was in working order and is giving entire satisfaction. It always pays to employ some one who has made a special study of their calling to do any kind of work.

Susquehanna - Between 12 and 1 o'clock Monday morning, the Erie employees in the West Susquehanna yard discovered three or four men stealing brass from a box. The yardmen pursued the men who dropped their plunder and ran. Car Sealer, Joseph McGinnis, who was in the van of the yardmen, drew his revolver and fired, and one of the men fell, hit in the wrist. His companions escaped. The wounded man was taken to the lockup and given surgical treatment. He proved to be Harry Sherman, who conducts a junk shop on South Street, Binghamton. During the past two years considerable brass, copper, etc., has been stolen from the Erie and the robberies have been credited to peregrinating gatherers of junk from Binghamton and elsewhere. Sherman had a hearing Monday before Justice Williams. He was held in $300 bail for his appearance before the Grand Jury. He furnished surety and was released. Sherman and his companions came to West Susquehanna from Binghamton with a team. When Sherman was shot and captured his pals quickly returned to Binghamton.

News Brief - The time is coming when a boy will have to choose between a cigarette and a job. The boy who smokes cigarettes will not be fit for anything else. The fumes of a cigarette will sooner or later clog the machinery of thinkworks and render him the intellectual inferior of the fish worm. In this land of hustle and bump you can't afford, young fellow, to trade the chance of a job for a little bit of tobacco wrapped up in rice paper. You can't afford to take the chance of beclouding your intellect until you cut no more figure in the world than a grasshopper in an ice factory.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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