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April 26 1895/1995

North Jackson – But little maple sugar was made this spring the season was too late and a lack of frost in the ground prevented a large flow of sap.

Forest Lake Center – Mrs. Samuel Shoemaker wishes people to know that she will find just the plain black warp, for the “hit and miss” carpet that she advertised two weeks ago. She would weave for fourteen cants a yard, and furnish the warp.

Herrick Centre – The Ladies’ Aid of the Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. G.A. Corey, Wednesday, May 1, for tea. Egg social in the evening.

Lawsville – There was a pleasant gathering of about 40 met at Mr. and Mrs J. Ingraham’s Wednesday evening, to witness the marriage of their youngest daughter, Pearl to Elmer Bailey. The room was nicely trimmed with evergreen and at 8:30, under an arch of evergreen and flowers, the happy couple were made one, Elder Wilson of Kirkwood, performing the ceremony. After congratulation, a choice weddings supper was served. They received many nice and useful presents. They will reside with us.

Susquehanna – Susquehanna is right up to date with a “Jack, the Hugger,” being an unknown man who stops and hugs girls on the streets after nightfall. AND The Susquehanna Ledger says that two lady bicyclists of the “City of Stairs” [as Susquehanna was once called] will soon make their appearance in bloomers. AND a number of private ferries, plying between Susquehanna and Oakland, are doing a paying business in the temporary absence of the river bridge.

Montrose – D.V. Gardner has commenced the delivery of ice, pure, sweet and sparkling, like frozen mountain dew. His ice chariot has also been made to look like new. This office [Independent Republican] extends thanks for the acceptable, although cold, contributions of congealed fluid left at our door. AND The Montrose Public Library, in the second story of the Searle building, is open to the public on Wednesday, from 10am to 2pm and on Saturday from 2 to 4pm. On Saturday, May 4th, young ladies will serve a Library tea, from 3 till 5. Go and inspect the library of several hundred volumes, and enjoy after Tea or Chocolate.

Lynn – A. Luce, who is somewhat advanced in years, is willing to repair your wagons, sleighs, carts and furniture, cheap.

Auburn – Let us take the advice of the Farm Journal, where it says speak to a horse as you would to a gentleman.

Rush – While little Bessie Pickett, little daughter of G.M. Pickett, Saturday the 6th, was down at the mill of Steven Terry scraping pitch from off the logs, suddenly a log rolled and jamming her hand between the logs, breaking two of her fingers, and smashing her hand very badly, which was carefully attended by Dr. C.H. Warner.

Fairdale – The thunder shower which passed over this place on Tuesday of last week, did some damage at Forest Lake Centre, washing the roads badly. Mr. Swackhammer had three ponds of carp, some very large, the dams all broke and he lost them all.

Gun Hill – Mrs. J.S. Belcher had a rag-bee last Friday, six ladies sewed 31 pounds.

Wolf Road – The baseball season has opened again, apparently.

Alford – Mrs. Fred Aldrich went to Hallstead recently to consult Dr. A.F. Merrill. She had the misfortune to stick a rusty nail in her hand a few weeks ago and the wound became very painful.

New Brief – If George Washington did not tell a lie, his fellow countrymen have strained every nerve to fill the gap.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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