Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 25 1924/2024
Bridgewater Twp. – In these days when practically every taxpayer is complaining that “taxes are going up,” it is refreshing to find places where they are going down. The Bridgewater township school board has just reduced its annul millage for the current year by three mills. Last year the assessment was 14 mills and this year it is to be 11 mills. Three years ago the Bridgewater school district had a debt of $3,000, but this has been cancelled and the board has money in its treasury. Last year the Babcock school building was remodeled and also an additional teacher engaged, and the directors are keeping up the equipment and personnel of teachers to a high standard. There are eleven school buildings in the township.
Pleasant Valley, Auburn Twp. – Fifteen years ago, about the 20th of April or a few days later, we had a very heavy snowfall. Some of our farmers had oats up three or four inches high, which were completely covered with snow.
Lanesboro – Frank Potter and Myron Melious were engaged in Montrose Wednesday. They came by auto, via Windsor, as the dirt road between Great Bend and Susquehanna is badly rutted and muddy.
Dimock – A very serious accident occurred here last week in which Mrs. James Greenwood was severely injured while doing a washing by gasoline motor power. The supply of gasoline was running low, so she did as she had done many times before, filled the tank from a can in her hands while the engine was running. In some unknown manner, something ignited, causing the tank in her hands to explode. Mrs. Greenwood was painfully burned over the entire face, neck and one arm and must have inhaled some of the flames as her tongue was badly burned. She was the bravest kind of a woman, as despite the intense agony that she was suffering, she managed to save the home by putting out the fire, unaided, which was raging through the whole room. She fought the flames with water and wet clothes from the wash after having saved herself by wrapping the wet things around her body. Dr. Gardner treated her but she is yet in a serious condition.
East Rush – The rain of Sunday afternoon disappointed a good many of our people by keeping them away from our preaching services.
Great Bend – J. F. McCormick, of Binghamton, was in Montrose on business connected with a real estate transaction, in which he sells the Central Hotel, in Great Bend, to Jas. McHale, a former clerk at Hotel Donovan, making in exchange an apartment house in Binghamton. The Central House was conducted by Mr. McCormick for several years. We understand that Mr. McHale will take possession at once.
Montrose – Mrs. Charles R. Sayre returns from Philadelphia next week and will make preparations for opening “Rosemont Inn” for the summer season. Her daughter, Miss Peggy Sayre, will remain in Philadelphia with Mrs. S. Calvin Smith, until the close of her school.
Brookdale – There were four cases of measles at J. Johnson’s, four at Alfred Williams’ and four at Geo. Travis’ last week.
South Ararat – Several from here attended the Grange Aid and wood-bee held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bowell, on Wednesday, and the ladies tied off a quilt for Mrs. Bowell. A good time was reported and a nice day for such an occasion.
Gibson – Miller Potter, for former Gibson boy, who enlisted three years ago as a United States Marine, going to Port Au Prince, Republic of Haiti, finished his term last December, and returned to the States. He came east and has been renewing acquaintances in this county, namely Leon Potter and his life long friend, Mrs. L. O. Baldwin. ALSO At South Gibson a disastrous fire occurred on the farm of Mrs. Mary Holmes, a short distance from this place, resulting in the total destruction of a large barn and adjoining buildings. F. F. Resseguie occupied the farm and sustained a heavy loss of all his farm machinery, a large quantity of hay and two cows. The fire originated where a lot of furniture was stored.
Kingsley – Orin Wagner has purchased a new Maxwell coupe and W. E. Capron, a new Maxwell touring car. ALSO Redmond McCarthy has enlarged his lunch room on the trail and is now open to accommodate summer tourists.
Hallstead – Just received, a carload of horses for sale or exchange: workers, drivers, saddlers, and general-purpose horses, by J. C. Florance
Forest City – Joseph Moroski, a candidate for first base honors on the Binghamton team of the New York and Pennsylvania baseball league, spent Sunday at his home here. He reported on the 15th but owing to bad weather, has not practiced. ALSO The Senior class of the Forest City high school will hold their annual dance in the borough hall. They have secured the Saxons, vaudeville artists, a strong combination, and those who attend may be assured of an exceptionally pleasant time.
Herrick Center – A contest is going on between two teams of pupils chosen from the High school and seventh and eighth grades, in obtaining subscriptions for the “Country Gentleman.” To the boy and girl who obtain the most subscriptions, fountain pens will be given. The losing team will probably treat.
News Briefs: Mary E. LaBar, aged 99, of Stroudsburg, is the oldest woman in the state to apply for a fishing license this spring. She is said to be as active as a woman of 75 and really enjoys the sport. ALSO Susquehanna County is to have a Child Welfare Clinic. Monday, Miss Florentine Hackbusch, of Harrisburg, spent the day here and held a meeting in the Red Cross rooms, where she explained the work this clinic hopes to do. The first clinic will be held in the Red Cross rooms May 26th. ALSO A transit of Mercury across the sun’s disc will take place on May 7, from 4:30 to sunset. It will be visible only with telescope or field glass, viewed through smoked glass.ale, a former clerk at Hotel Donovan, making in exchange an apartmeHa
Compiled By: Betty Smith