Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
We will be closed Monday January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Day
April 25 1902/2002
Springville - A road is to be built in Springville from Theron Strickland's up through his fields, crossing I. A. Strickland's, Nelson Fike's and Mrs. Helen M. Root's land, taking in several stone quarries in its course, besides getting around two very hard hills. The road will be a much-needed public improvement. AND We are sorry to lose our pastor, Mr. Custard, for he was loved by all who knew him; but we hope to like the new one as well.
Montrose - Jacob Titman caught 183 bullheads at Jones Lake [Lake Montrose] the other day. AND It is unlawful to catch more than 50 brook trout in one day. It is also unlikely-except in your mind. AND A. W. Lyons bought W. A. Harrington's team of donkeys this week for use on his delivery wagon. These little animals are noted for their strength and endurance, qualities which are necessary in his business on account of the numerous customers to whom goods must be delivered. The old horse, which has faithfully served many years, has been sold.
Brooklyn - "Joe" Tewksbury, Brooklyn's pleasing tonsorial artist, has a violin which he lately made, which is favorably commented upon. We congratulate "Joe" upon his fine success.
South Montrose - M. L. Lake was in town the other day and among other interesting things he informed us that a sheep belonging to Alvah Allen, recently gave birth to 6 lambs and that another one a short time before gave birth to 5 lambs. We think South Montrose the greatest place we ever heard of, for lambs, or for yarns. But upon further consideration and well knowing the reliability of Mr. Lake and Mr. Allen, (we know nothing as to the sheep) we are satisfied the statement is correct, and that it constitutes a record of remarkable fecundity.
East Rush - Willie Yost's brother-in-law came up from Philadelphia to see him. It had been some time since Willie had seen any of his people, except one brother, as the Aid brought him from Philadelphia when he was a small boy
Susquehanna - Ping-pong has struck Susquehanna. AND At Erie Hose Company's Fair, May 19-23, the barbers of Susquehanna, Oakland and Lanesboro will contest for a barber's chair.
Birchardville - D. Fred Birchard was seen on our streets Monday afternoon, with what seemed at first to be a whole menagerie, but upon a closer look proved only to be 16 rats all in one trap and captured in a very short time, in his hen house.
New Milford - The Lestershire basket ball team will play the home team on Friday evening, at the Opera House.
Gibson - Fire recently destroyed the farm house of the late J. Gillett, near Smiley. AND In Scranton, April 24th, occurred the death of Vinnie, wife of W. G. Conrad, formerly of this place, till their marriage 12 years ago. The husband and one daughter, Ruth, survive her. Services conducted by her pastor, Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Elm Park Church, were very largely attended at her late home on Colfax Ave., Saturday, April 26. She was the daughter of Mrs. Wm. Maxey of this place, who was with her at her death. The sad scene at the services was one we read of but seldom see. Lying in the beautiful couch casket, surrounded by flowers, was the wife, and resting in her arm, the infant daughter for whose little life she gave her own, which had opened its eyes to this earth on Thursday morning and on Saturday, closed them to this earth and returned to God. The family is prostrate with grief, but we can offer the consolation of the Heavenly Father, and the deepest sympathy of their friends here.
Brandt - E. J. Matthews, of Susquehanna, is building a very large vault in the Brandt cemetery for the Kessler family. It is a fine piece of work.
Clifford - T. J. Wells has purchased the Grange store building. Consideration $400. Bennett and Rivenburg have purchased of T. J. Wells the corner store building. Consideration $800.
Brookdale - L. A. Tingley shot a fish hawk, last Tuesday evening, that measured over five feet from tip to tip.
Jackson - County surveyor, L. D. Benson, is connecting his residence in Jackson by telephone, with New Milford, Susquehanna, and other points in eastern Susquehanna county.
Glenwood - The Hon. G. A. Grow made a short visit in town last week, and distributed seeds in this section of the vineyard.
Dimock - The new [horse] sheds at the Methodist church are now finished. The gentlemen who assisted in their erection deserve much credit.
News Brief - Of the ministers of the Wyoming Conference there are 42 who last year received less than $600 salary, 141 more who received less than $1000, twelve who got between $1000 and $1200, thirteen between $1200 and $1500, eight between $1500 and $2000, three between $2000 and $2500 and one who gets $3000 and one $4000. AND Every day during March and April, the Erie R.R. will sell tickets from Carbondale, PA to Ogden, Salt Lake City, Helena, and Butte for $46. To Spokane for $46.50. To Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, for $49.00. Rates from Susquehanna are 85 cents, from Great Bend $1.15 and from Binghamton $1.55 lower than the Carbondale fares. Tickets on sale via all routes. Erie is the only road in this section running tourist sleeping cars.
Compiled By: Betty Smith