Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 24 1908/2008
Clifford - Repairs seem to be in order in Clifford this spring. E. K. Oakley is treating his house to a new coat of paint and large scenery windows. Ira Snyder is raising his house two stories. However there was a sudden alarm of fire in the small hours of Sunday morning, which appeared to be his home, about one-fourth mile from Clifford corners. There was some sharp sprinting in that direction to find, instead of his dwelling, it was his hen house of good dimensions and resulted in the loss of the structure with 210 chicks and several incubators and brooders. This was Snyder's third misfortune in a short time. First a fine colt, next a good cow, then the hennery and last night dogs were after his sheep. Surely trouble or misfortune does not come single.
Gelatt - Will Gelatt has taken down the old house on his farm and will move the lumber to Fiddle Lake, to build a summer cottage. AND Mr. and Mrs. Miner have moved in their new home, ready to make cheese, as soon as the factory is ready.
Glenwood - The post office in this place will be abandoned the first of May. Mail will be delivered by the Clifford stage.
Heart Lake - Plans have been completed for moving the sawmill and manufacturing plant known as the Crossley Lumber Camp from Gibson to a tract of land near Heart Lake. The mill has been in active operation at Gibson for the past five years and at one time employed 45 men until at the present only 20 men are employed, in consequence of the scarcity of lumber. Gibson will feel the loss of its only manufacturing enterprise. Bobbins, spools and print rollers are manufactured besides the regular output of the saw mill. The Crossleys also operate mills at New Milford, South Gibson and Starrucca. W. L. Crossley resides at New Milford, W. A. Crossley, at Gibson and A. C. Crossley at Binghamton.
Montrose - Most of us have heard of Capt. C. N. Warner's cow, which the captain for convenience sake has educated to go with but one milking a day. But H. D. Titman, the wagon man, tells of a singular circumstance, which happened to his cow. Mr. Titman was in Elmira and left in care of his brother Bruce, a cow and her calf, a horse, etc. Upon returning Harry found the calf on the barn floor, but to his surprise was unable to locate the cow. He was leaving the barn for the house to interview his brother when he heard a cow's "moo" which came from the direction of the hay mow upstairs and on going up found the cow peacefully eating the hay, and only considerable difficulty, and the help of three men, was able to get the animal down the steep stairs and was glad to find his cow was not stolen.
Fowler Hill, Auburn Twp. - Mrs. H. S. Hitchcock nearly choked to death Friday. She was eating a cookie and a piece of it got caught in her throat. Her boy made the remark afterwards that "she trembled till her sides rattled."
Forest City - The cases against Mrs. Joseph Dwillis, Mrs. Andrew Starinski and Mrs. Stephen Moran, of this place, charged with practicing midwifery, hinged largely on whether or not the practice of obstetrics is the practice of medicine. Mrs. Dwillis and Starinski were found not guilty and Mrs. Moran was found guilty. The case will be appealed and for the first time in the history of the State an opinion will be given by the superior courts on this subject. AND P. T. Cheevers, while eating a clam purchased at Travis's market the other day, ran his teeth into a hard substance which proved to be a pearl about the size of a pea. Jeweler Wildenberger says that it would have been worth about $25 if it had not been cooked.
Hop Bottom - Hop Bottom is far famed for being a great trading town and the proprietors and numerous clerks are busy from morning 'till night waiting on their customers. The store of E. M. Loomis has assumed an air of even unusual activity, his genial clerk, Duane Fish, now working day and night to demonstrate the world-wondering advantages of a brand new stove, which just burns and bakes and all the while behaves most beautifully, tho' Duane has exhausted all his resources to make it "cut up antics," if it had any lurking 'round, and does not even stop for the formality of a stove pipe. Mr. Fish expects the values of wood and coal properties to fall way below par as soon as he can get the ear of all the people.
Brooklyn - The funeral of Mrs. W. L. Bailey was held from the Universalist church Friday at 2 p.m. The case is a sad illustration of the uncertainty of life. On March 25, Miss Grace Noble, of Dimock and W. L. Bailey, of Brooklyn, were united in the bonds of holy wedlock. They were both young and healthy and the prospect of a long and happy life was before them. About ten days ago Mrs. Bailey visited her old home and thought she would enjoy a ride on a young horse she had ridden before, but for some cause the horse became uncontrollable and threw the rider, falling upon her and injuring her to such an extent that her death occurred Tuesday night, one day less that four weeks from the day she was married.
Susquehanna - Rural Route #6 is to be established from here June 1. It will traverse the following points: Northeast to Stone Bridge Corners, Patrick's Corners, Damascus, Tricorner, Comstock's and Plunkett's Corners, Cascade schoolhouse, Taylor's Corners and return to Susquehanna postoffice. The route covers 25 1/10 miles and serves 474 residents. The route will cause the closing of the State Line postoffice, to take effect May 1. Raymond N. Tucker is the regular carrier and Leland Tingley substitute.
Flowery Valley [Anyone who knows this location, please contact us. We believe it to be in Franklin or Liberty Twp.] Signs of spring are seen and the robins are singing cheerily, although we have a snowstorm once in awhile.
Great Bend - An order was issued by the court that the business of the Pennsylvania Tanning company, which is in the hands of receivers, be discontinued and the real estate and personal property sold.
News Briefs: To drive nails into hard wood dip the points in lard or tallow and they will go straight and not double down under the hammer. AND Councilman Daniel Springer sued the Tamaqua Courier for $10,000 because that paper called him a "robber of the taxpayer." The jury awarded him six cents.
Compiled By: Betty Smith