Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 24 1903/2003
Harford - The Commencement exercises will be held in the Congregational church, Friday evening, April 24. There are three graduates, Carol McConnell, Mame Gleason, and Gladys McConnell.
South Montrose - The business of the South Montrose lumber company has grown to such a magnitude they found it necessary to employ a book-keeper and Jennie Wells has been appointed to the position.
Susquehanna - Two tramps, John Burns and Thomas griffin, who recently were released from the County jail on Saturday lured Geo. Hoadley, aged 15, of Great Bend Township-who had been at work on the Oakland Side, to a box car in the Erie yard here, and after brutally assaulting him, robbed him of $12 in cash, and a portion of his clothing. (Hoadley received his month's pay and started for the depot, intending to go to his home and give his widowed mother the money). After a struggle, chief-of-police McMahon and Officer Palmer captured the rascals in Oakland township, and were arraigned before Justice Williams, charged with robbery and felonious assault, and an additional charge against Griffin of drawing a knife upon Chief McMahon. The prisoners are in the Montrose jail to await the action of the Grand Jury.
Kingsley - Isabel Goss has returned from Binghamton; she has dressmaking apartments at Mrs. C. C. Steere's.
Little Meadows - The boiler at the Iron Bridge creamery exploded Tuesday. Fortunately no one was injured. AND A. C. Lowe is making arrangements for an old fashioned school exhibition, consisting of recitation, songs, dialogues, etc., to be held at the hall, Friday evening, May 1st. Proceeds to swell the fund for the school library.
South Gibson - Eldridge Pickering met with a serious accident while returning from Montrose last Friday evening. When about 2 miles from home he started across the fields and in the darkness lost the path and walked off the ledges on the W. Gardner farm-8 feet high and struck on stones below where he lay unconscious for some time. When he came to, he saw a light going over the hill and he called for help. Geo. Davis & C. Pickering came to his assistance and helped him home, where he is confined to the house with lameness and numerous bruises.
Hopbottom - At the reception at Burt Gardner's on Thursday evening, April 16, in honor of their oldest son, Judson, and his bride, 90 relatives and friends spent a very pleasant evening and left some very nice tokens, including a bedroom suite, dining room set, quantity of silver lamps, toilet towels, linen and lots of other things. All returned to their homes whishing them a long and happy life.
Great Bend - Miss Nellie O'Neill died last Sunday, April 19, after several days' illness at her parents' home. The young lady expired in her mother's arms and the shock following her death prostrated the mother, who failed rapidly until Monday evening when death released her from all sorrow and suffering. Mrs. O'Neill was about 55 years of age and her husband, Thomas O'Neill, three sons and three daughters survive. The funeral of mother and daughter was held in St. Lawrence's church yesterday morning at ten.
Springville - Large quantities of stone are being shipped from here via the Lehigh Valley. Springville stone has won and is still winning a famous reputation.
Montrose - At the close of court last Thursday afternoon, F. I. Lott, Esq., announced to those present that the tree sent from Nebraska by Mr. [Daniel] Freeman, the first Homesteader, it being a tree grown on the first pre-emption claim under the Grow Homestead Act, would be set out on a prominent corner of Monument Square, county grounds, and invited those present to come out and assist and witness the planting, which they did, persons from different parts of the county taking part, following which Mr. Lott, chairman of the "Welcome Home to Grow" committee, was called upon for some remarks and responded in a happy and appropriate vein.
Choconut - E. J. Stanley had a wood bee Thursday and quite a number from Choconut and vicinity attended.
Alford - Thirteen ladies, friends of Mrs. I. D. Conrad, joined her in sewing carpet rags and sewed thirty-two pounds.
Fair Hill, Jessup Twp. - The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Laura Shelp on Friday. About 20 were present. All had a good time. A most excellent dinner was served, after which our Pres., Miss Laura Shelp, in a few well chosen words, presented to Mrs. Cochrane a very handsome quilt as a token of the high esteem in which the pastor and wife are regarded by those in this place. Mrs. Cochrane responded expressing her thanks for and appreciation of the same. Soon came time to separate and all departed feeling that the day had been well and pleasantly spent.
Gibson - Omar Olin brought a suit for damages received by falling through what he alleges was an unsound and defective bridge in Gibson township. Presently on trial.
Hallstead - James Banker was appointed High Constable to fill the unexpired term of R. Terboss, who has removed from this place.
Towanda - William Barnes and his son went to the jail here this afternoon and shot Charles Brooks, a tramp, who was arrested on Sunday for assaulting Barnes' 13 year-old daughter. Father and son planned it so that they would both have a hand in the shooting. They had no difficulty in getting into the jail, as it was visiting day and they were not recognized. When they got to Brooks' cell they boy took a revolver from his pocket and handed it to his father. Barnes fired two shots through the cell door at Brooks. Then he handed the revolver back to his son, saying: "My son, we have done our duty." One bullet struck Brooks in the hand and the other lodged in his breast. He is not seriously hurt. Barnes and his son were arrested and taken before the grand jury, which was in session. The grand jury refused to indict them on the ground that they were justified in shooting Brooks. They were cheered as they left the jail.
Compiled By: Betty Smith