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April 24 1896/1996

Heart Lake - Nathan Aldrich and family have moved into the old creamery, at East Bridgewater, where they will entertain their friends with dancing, next Friday evening.

Harford - Lucretia Tiffany, in her 76th year, is weaving carpet every day.

Susquehanna - The Fair of St. John's Catholic Church closed on Monday evening. The fair was a financial success. Father Broderick's carriage horse was won by Patrick Foley, Miss Lena Kane was voted the gold watch, and Joseph Lannon, the bicycle.

Hop Bottom- The post office was broken into one night last week, but the thieves were scared away by Mrs. Fasset, the postmistress, it is reported, firing three shots from a revolver at them. Probably that office will not be disturbed again.

Gulf Summit - Mrs. Bowen had a lively experience the other day. She went out to the barn to investigate a turkey's nest, which the hen bird had suddenly and vociferously left. The nest was so situated that she could not see the eggs, and she relied entirely upon the sense of feeling in determining whether the eggs were alright. As she groped around the nest with her hand she touched an object which she instantly knew was a snake. She quickly withdrew her hand and poked around in the nest with a stick until a rattlesnake, 4 ft. long, slowly crawled out and repeatedly struck its fangs into the stick. Mrs. Bowen stood her ground, and killed the rattler with repeated blows of the stick.

New Milford - A very pleasant hop was held at the Opera House on Wednesday evening. Music was furnished by the Susquehanna Orchestra.

Herrick Centre - W.A. Sherwood, station agent on the O. & W.R.R., is going to move to Starlight [Wayne Co.] and the agent at Starlight is coming here.

Glenwood - The old inhabitants of Glenwood have all passed away with the exceptions of Hon. Galusha A. Grow and C.W. Conrad, Esq. Among those who lived here at that time were F.P. AND Edwin Grow, Mark and Wm. Hartley, Potter Pickering, A.F. Snover, L.M. Hardy, Jebiel Wickwire and Alien McDonalds, all of whom lived to be over 70 years of age. There are a few descendants of these old settlers living here at the present time. One little incident which will be recalled, happened in the Spring of 1862, when it became generally known that Potter Pickering, who lived in a small house where the Grow mansion now stands, has been stricken down by smallpox. Vaccination was then the next thing in order and D.N. Hardy, who was at that time a boy of 16 or 17, was the one appointed to vaccinate all who wished, which he did with great success. Fortunately the disease did not spread, and no more cases were reported although L.M. Hardy, assisted by James Conrad, waited on and cared for the sick until death relieved him of his sufferings. He was then taken in the night by four men who worked for Eaton and Co., at Upper Glenwood, across what is know as Grow's millpond, and buried where he now sleeps the sleep that knows no waking.

Montrose - Plans for organizing a bicycle club are progressing rapidly. By special request, S.J. Jenckes has undertaken the work of effecting a permanent organization, and for that purpose it is requested that every cyclist of the town assemble at the front of the YMCA building at 7 o'clock next Friday evening. Talk this matter up among your cycling friends and urge all to be promptly on hand with their wheels.

Retta - At the Young Ladies Prize Speaking Contest of the Springville Graded School, April 8, Miss Evelyn Carter won the prize of a fine edition of Whittier's poems.

Forest City- W.H. Leek, who has conducted a butcher business in Forest City for the past ten years, has sold out the business to L.M. LaBar. The latter takes possession today. While his patrons will regret Mr. Leek's retirement, they will find his successor a man qualified to meat [meet] their every want. Mr. Leek will move his family to his farm, north of here.

Union Dale - Prof. F.H. Green and Miss Helen Aitken, two of Susquehanna county's best school teachers, have just closed a very successful term of school here, and we bespeak for not only the scholars but for the entire community that they extend their united thanks to them for their untiring and painstaking interest and efforts to make Uniondale school one of the best in the country.

Jersey Hill - What makes Grant Stevens wear such a broad smile? Why, don't you know, an 11 pound boy.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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