Hours of Operation
Year Round
Monday - Thursday 9AM - 5PM
*Saturday 10AM - 2PM during 3rd Weekend in Montrose
(*This is the Saturday immediately following the 3rd Friday of each month.)
** While we do everything we can to maintain the above hours, weather, limited staffing and other events/holidays may affect our hours. Please keep an eye out on our website and Facebook for anything that may temporarily change our hours. You can also call or email us to confirm if there are any changes.
April 23 1920/2020
Elkdale – Frank Halkyer, with the aid of three men, sawed 12 cords of wood in three hours. It was sawed by automobile power with the belt attachment fastened to the automobile.
Forest City – The Friends of Irish Freedom are to be congratulated on the success of the dance and entertainment held by them in the Municipal Hall. Merriment reigned supreme and that prince of entertainment Con McCool, of Wilkes-Barre, related humorous selections, followed by other speakers and entertainment. ALSO The latest fad is in wearing overalls. A number appeared on the streets Saturday, attired in denim. ALSO Forest City high school claims the [basketball] championship of the county. If Montrose high school disputes the claim they should arrange for a game at Forest City.
Lanesboro – George E, Pooler, a veteran of the Civil War, who mustered out in 1864 and immediately re-enlisted, died April 17, 1920, aged 75 years. Deceased was a constable and tax collector in Harmony township for 14 years and a candidate for sheriff and county commissioner. He was one of the most widely known citizens of the county.
Kingsley – While out for a walk Orrin Wagner killed 17 blacksnakes, the longest measuring 5 ft. 9 inches. The next day, P. M. Wilmarth, J. J. Wagner and son, Addison, went over the same place and killed five more. This is the largest number killed in this vicinity in so short a time. A snapshot was taken of them at Mr. Wagner’s.
Rush – The members of the graduating class are: Misses Kathryn Fry, Anna O’Connell, Evalyn Main, Evalyn Cavanaugh, Mildred Wootton, Lillian Warner and Messrs. Ralph Vaughn and James Curley.
Montrose – While men were engaged in excavating the cellar and tearing down the old wall for the new theatre below the postoffice building, they unearthed two diamond rings. One of them, found by Charles Sweet Sr., has a fine large diamond in it. How the rings happened to be there will be a mystery never explained, in all probability. The building on the site was the old Mulford store, one of the oldest in the town before it was burned some 12 or 14 years ago.
Harford – The funeral of Mrs. Julia Sweet was held from her home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Osborne and other relatives from a distance were present. Mrs. Sweet was a woman of much charm and will be sadly missed.
West Lenox – Guy A. Empet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelvin Empet, and Philena Tingley, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ella Tingley, were married April 10, 1920 at the Baptist parsonage by Rev. C. F. Rinker. Mr. Empet is one of our successful young farmers and a former scoutmaster. Mrs. Empet graduated at the Harford High School in the class of ’18, attended the Mansfield State Normal school and has taught five successful terms of school. They will reside in part of the house with his parents, Guy having rented his father’s farm.
Birchardville – Francis Rhinevault has gone to Binghamton, where he has employment with the Binghamton Street Railway Co.
Lawsville – Fred Bailey is moving to his farm at Windsor, NY. He has sold his farm in Lawsville to John Dillon, of Binghamton.
St. Josephs – A party of 12 telephone men, with headquarters in New York City, is working on the Bell telephone lines passing through this place. The business of the company is enlarging, requiring new cross-arms, and a number of extra wires.
Brooklyn – J. J. Austin, who has successfully conducted the Austin House for some years, gives notice that the hotel has been closed, but that meals will be furnished, if notice is given in advance. Scarcity of help makes this move necessary. The Austin House has been very popular with a large number of people, who will regret to learn that the business is to be terminated.
Springville – There are ten members in the graduating class: Abagail B. Haldeman, Mattie L. Johnson, Irene G. Giles, Theda R. Johnson, E. Alwildah Travis, Mary B. Smales, Mabel L. Comstock, Gladys A. Smales, Arthur L. Ainey and Leland E. Titman.
Ararat – A new Diamond Disc Victrola has been purchased by Mr. C. F. Stone and Allan Brooks has purchased a new Maxwell car.
Choconut/Rush – Bela Griffin, aged 89, who died April 13, 1920, was in some respects more than an ordinary man. He was born in Choconut, Nov. 30, 1831, and during his boyhood days lived on the West Choconut creek, a few miles from Friendsville, later moving with his parents, Isaac and Julia Griffin, to two miles south of the same village. He learned the blacksmith and wagonmaker’s trade and after marriage and the birth of three sons he purchased a farm in Rush. He answered his country’s call during the Civil War and was a private for nine months in Co. H, 177th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Always a patriot he loved to meet the old soldiers in their gatherings. He was a temperance man, a loyal citizen, a fair businessman, a kind husband, loyal father and good friend.
Looking Back, by Henry Birchard. In his weekly column, relating the history of the Montrose Band, the author recorded many instances where the band was invited to play. One such was at an encampment of the Veteran’s Organization of Susquehanna County, held at the Montrose fair grounds. “Everything was harmonious until it came time for the “sham battle,” when the band was required to march between the battle lines. During the conflict the old vets became excited and were shooting, not only blank cartridges, but wooden ramrods. One of the ramrods, in rapid transit, buzzed over the head of yours truly, and if he had been a little more elongated would have been shot right through the collar button. The members of the band, many of whom were not carrying life insurance, objected to taking further chances in this short route to the burying ground. The vets had, apparently, forgotten that the Civil War was over and were imbued with the spirit of ’61, when they were fighting the “Johnnies.” The battle became fierce, and many left the grounds in affright. Many of these honored, battle-scarred veterans have passed on in answer to the last roll call, but their memories are kept fresh by a grateful people, and the flag for which they so nobly fought marks the “little green tents,” where they lie.”
Compiled By: Betty Smith