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April 23 1915/2015

Herrick Center – Miss Annetta Payne, of Ararat, one of the High school students, is having a very good success in her work as an amateur taxidermist. A nature lover from earliest childhood, she has successfully mounted a fine collection of native birds, including pigeons, wild canary, jay, ruffed grouse, and a pileated woodpecker, which is a beautiful and somewhat rare specimen. ALSO A large van filled with furni-ture was destroyed by an engine on the O & W tracks on Friday. Two men, J. O. Jones and L. W. Arthur, were on the van when an engine bore down on them. Arthur jumped but Jones remained on the van and was thrown about ten feet by the collision. He escaped with slight lacerations.

New Milford – On Friday last fire destroyed a portion of C. S. Vail’s forest east of town. When the fire was discovered a large number of men and boys volunteered their services to fight it and the fire was extinguished before the entire tract was destroyed. The loss cannot yet be determined as it is hoped that many of the little trees that were only slightly burned will continue to grow. Mr. Vail has taken a deep interest in forestry work for some years and has spent much labor and money in planting trees and took great pride in watching the results. It is fortunate that the entire tract was not burned over.

Brooklyn/Bridgewater Twps. – A young doe lately passed through here, being seen by several farmers.  The little deer took the fences lightly and appeared to be following the line of the Scranton & Binghamton trolley. It was seen on N. O. Roach’s farm, near Tiffany, about two miles from Montrose, and also on the H. T. Page farm near Alford.  It is presumed to have wandered from the wilds of Wayne county. [Deer were rarely seen here at this time and usually sparked interest and comments in the newspapers.]

Montrose – William Rambo, baker at A. W. Lyons’ [restaurant], received a real live alligator from Mr. and Mrs. Boves, in Jacksonville, Fla., last week. The alligator, which has been on exhibition in the store window, is 5 years old. Mr. Rambo calls his pet “Jess” (after Jess Willard, who recently put it all over Jack Johnson), because everyone keeps within safe distance of his widely extended jaws, that exhibit two rows of ugly looking teeth.  [The Willard-Johnson World Heavyweight fight was held in Cuba in 1915.]  ALSO The Hook & Ladder Fire Co.’s supper, last evening, was a decided success. It is said to have been one of the largest firemen’s suppers ever held here, there being about 300 persons served. A large amount of credit is due Mrs. Jessie James, who had the menu in charge. The company wishes to publicly thank every lady who in any manner contributed to the success of this supper. The gross receipts of the supper were $210.95.

Retta, Auburn Twp. – The people in this neighborhood are getting the auto fever bad. Claude Carter was the first to succumb; next V. R. Dean had an attack. U. W. LaRue, the Ford agent at Rush, got the money and they got new cars of the latest pattern.

Susquehanna – Burt Owens, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oren Owens, who was seriously injured Monday morning, by being run over by an automobile truck, died Tuesday morning at his home on Willow avenue. The boy was injured internally and his suffering was intense from the time of the accident until his death.  The young lad with several companions were playing on Erie avenue, when a team of horses came along and in trying to get out of the way of the horses, ran directly in front of Deakin and Ash’s auto truck. The boy was picked up and taken to his home where he received the best of medical treatment.  ALSO  The Presbyterian church received 98 new members, Sunday, as a result of the recent Crabill [the evangelist] campaign.

Lindaville – Lizzie Conrad has returned to her home at Nicholson and we imagine things will not look so pleasant at Lindaville, for one young man, Ray Snyder. But it is rumored that he intends moving to Nicholson soon. [At the ME parsonage in Tunkhannock, March 21, 1916, by Rev. L. E. Sanford, Ray S. Snyder, of Dimock, and Miss Lizzie J. Conrad, of Nicholson, Pa.]

Friendsville – T. F. Kelly, our new blacksmith, is doing a fine business. Let the good work continue, Tom.

Rush Twp. – Sam Katz was on the hill [Fowler Hill] Tuesday. While going down a hill here the bolt broke holding the whiffletree, this causing the horse to run away, which was caught by Mrs. James Marbaker, making the second one she has caught recently. ALSO Peter McGovern died at his home in Lawton, April 13, 1915.  Mr. McGovern was born in Sligo County, Ireland, and came to America, with his parents, when a very small boy. After spending a few years in the Wyoming Valley, they came to Rush township and purchased a large tract of land in the farming district. In his youth Mr. McGovern followed the business of building railroads and was associated with the construction of many miles of the Pennsylvania railroad; and also of the famous Horseshoe Dam, in Blair county, PA, he being an inspector of construction work upon it when being built. The funeral was held at Friendsville and the remains were interred in St. Patrick’s cemetery.  His wife and six children survive.

Middletown Twp. – James Conboy is very busy building bridges after the heavy storm we had recently.  ALSO The Literary Society met at T. H. Golden’s, there being over fifty present, with music, singing and dancing, also a debate by John V. Coleman and Mary McHale.  All had an enjoyable time.

Springville – Maxwell agent, C. H. Youngs, returned from Fostoria, Ohio, Tuesday, where he went to get an automobile for J. J. Strickland, of this place.  He found the roads splendid, --where he could easily take a 35 mile clip.  He made 620 miles in about 28 hours, actual running time.

Alford, Brooklyn Twp. – Leon Aldrich, a former Alford boy and now a successful evangelist, is meeting with tremendous success, his power over men in leading them to salvation being spoken of in daily papers as something wonderful.  He is now holding meetings at Niagara, NY. Great crowds gather nightly to hear him.

Hallstead – A. B. Riker is at Hallstead where he is adding a second story to the concrete store building of J. B. Rogers, the new work to require 3000 concrete blocks, which he is now making in Hallstead.  The building is 50 by 60 feet and the new story will be fitted as a lodge room for different orders, also as a public hall.

Lake Winola, Wyoming Co.  – The hotel men at Lake Winola, being soured over [Judge] Terry’s refusal to give them a [liquor] license, are going to invoke the old Blue Sunday laws and close up all Sunday amusements at that resort. They assert that the Northern Electric railroad park manager was the prime mover in the anti-license movement and they do this to get even.

News Briefs:  We get his good one from the Youth’s Companion: The drum makes the most noise, but it is the silent baton that directs the orchestra. ALSO What is going to happen when the warm weather makes women discard the high shoes and go in for pumps, with the skirts cut ten inches from the ground?  But the ladies are equal to any emergencies and there will be no catastrophe.

Compiled By: Betty Smith

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